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  1. NancyJames_EU


    It wasnt after any specific amount of time it was as soon as I moved back into lackey range.
  2. NancyJames_EU


    [ QUOTE ]
    It does sounds alittle the wrong way around. I've seen it the correct way around - ie loosing higher level pets when your out of lackey range.

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    Did they drop dead or just lose levels?
    It was definately only happening when he got back in range though
  3. NancyJames_EU


    Last night I was grouped with my bf to help him with some AV and Hero missions he couldnt solo. We got into the mission and I summoned my minions then he went off to clear up the minions while I went through my labourious buffing and setting up routine - he's a brute, brute smash, brute not stand still and wait around
    So he went on his merry way clearing out all the minions and I went through my buffing cycle, rested my end then set off to find him, as soon as I got back into lackey range all my pets dropped dead.
    We tried this 3 times, if he went out of range my pets would drop dead on the spot when he came back into range.
    Anyone else had this problem?

    If this is intended then it seems rather [censored] backwards, surely if they have to drop dead it should happen when he gets out of range, not when he comes back.
  4. NancyJames_EU

    Naming minions

    Finally decided on names for my robots

    Bob, Madge, Kryten
    Orac, Zen

  5. How long is the recharge on repair? Would you recommend getting this before medcine?
  6. [ QUOTE ]
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    Just speak for yourself, my END bar was dry most of the time before i got stamina, still can drain it in tougher fights.

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    Of course you can always spam your bars dry I'm speaking in comparison to other AT's - our primary attacks come from our henchmen who after summoning do not draw on our own endurance bars.

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    So you dont FF your henches then? Dont know about anyone else but upgrading then bubbling my 4 pets + bf takes all my end. Then with tactics and dispersion field I'm not exactly regening fast, as soon as I've got my end back its time to rebubble
    A few more slots and a full set of SOs and I'll be fine but until then its going to be exhausting. FWIW I dont plan on putting more than 1 recharge redux in upgrade, I have bubbles to do in between.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    Well you have your inherent MM Ability which adds up to the Leadership pool, so I think the bonuses we get from those Leadership Abilities are ok.

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    The inherent is only damage and accuracy and is unslottable. Its not to make up the difference in leadership its so you cant hover/ PFF /invis in complete safety while your bots do all the work.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    I hope the enhancement bug is fixed soon, and is really looking forward to seeing how well we do!

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    *IF* they fix it. They might not. TBH I'm guessing they probably wont, just remove the enh slots for those that would affect the other powers. (eg def, heal)

    The command I find most useful when teaming (or even solo) is 'heel'! Robots (and probably other minion types too) have a great ability to not get aggro of the whole group of mobs if they stay at range (and dont get any unfortunate knockbacks) The problem comes when there are large numbers of mobs and the bots start to rampage drawing in other groups. I always have a finger over my heel button to yank them back to me - and if needs be, theres always recall friend
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    Afraid to disappoint, we are Controller level at best. Defenders remain supreme for buffs, as it should be.

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    I disagree. Leadership is the ideal PP for MMs, (it even says so in positrons guide ) We should get the full bonus the same as defenders get.
  10. I have a few questions about defense.

    Do Masterminds get the full (defender) bonus from Leadership? ie 6.25% defense?

    How much defense does the Protector Bots sheild give?

    What is the MM max defense cap and do the minions have the same cap?

    Do the defense numbers add or multiply, ie if you have 2 different shields with 25% to smashing and lethal (dispersion bubble + deflection sheild) - does that make 50% or 31.25%?
  11. So what you're saying is enhancements work for your pets basic abilities but NOT for any powers they gain from being upgraded?
    Makes sense, the enhancements are in the pet not the equip and the pet doesnt have those abilities when its summoned.

    Damn, just wasted a heal enh in my prot bot. Still got my drones 5 slotted, I dont see that its a waste, their basic abilities sstill get the boost.
  12. NancyJames_EU

    Minion Emotes?

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    Oh look up there!! flying bridger!11!! *runs off*

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    and yet, you could be right... see what i mean

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    I want his build! lol

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    ...with all theose powers - he still has a full bar of debt.
  13. Getting group travel powers for your minions is mostly a waste of time IMO.
    If you get too far away from your pets they will teleport to you anyway.