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  1. Alot of the time when I receive that message of "cannot rename..." It is because of one of two reasons.

    1. there is another instance of the client running (check task manager and if so end process)
    2. you are running vista and the client does not have admin privileges. Right click shortcut and run as administrator.
  2. Either double click the power or click once and select edit. either will work for ya. Glad to have helped out
  3. For those making a traps defender and Using Mids to make a build I Noticed the FFG %'s were not showing. To fix that do the following in mids.

    1. Go to Options>Advanced>Database Editor...
    2. Click Main database Editor
    3. From left to right click: Defender_Buff then Traps then Double Click Force_Field_Generator
    4. Under MxD Special Flags check "Power is a Click-Buff"
    5. Click "OK" then "Save and Close" then "Close".

    Mids will re-index and now you should see the numbers accordingly.

    Happy Building
  4. The Ebil Club
    The #9 Club
    The first Billion Club
    The Second Billion Club
    The Stomp the crying tears outa the Poor/Impatience People Club
    The I gots all ur monies you buy it NAO Club

    Pick One.
  5. Well thanks to some good luck and poor people listing things for under market value, I now can join the club Redside. I will post the official picture once I collect but for your viewing pleasure
  6. Oh no problem. I wasn't looking to get any profits from the 200 mil. I was just offering it up to jump start your investing. Once you had the ball rolling and have the capital coming in just pay back the 200 mil flat no profit. Still there if needed
  7. If for some reason another spot opens up I'll invest a mil. I could even help with the startup capital (your post above said about 200mil to get things rolling nicely). That way you can be up and running sooner for more captial gains for those investing the mil. And once the 200 mill is recouped we can settle and focus on the investments. I play on virtue nightly so meeting up shouldn't be a prob if interested. Even if a spot isn't open. I will front you the 200 mil to get things up and running faster. Just shoot me a tell ingame @labatttheblue or PM me
  8. if you right click hide in mids info window it should show the defense while supressed. At work atm so I cannot test but this should at least point you in thr right direction
  9. MurphyKnox

    New to the club

    Click powers then on the top left click combat attributes. You can monitor up to 8 or 10 (not quite sure on the number) of attributes
  10. MurphyKnox

    New to the club

    Ok, I stopped home on lunch to check sales since i am soooo close to 1bil. I had a recipe listed for around 146mil and to my surprise it sold for 250mil (Sorry I got so giddie I clicked get influence before thinking of taking a screenie). That was just sweet. This transaction pushed me over the billion mark. Customary screen shot to follow once i get home. (with top hat and monocle of course). I have been dabbling in the market for a bit now and finally getting the hang of it. Thanks to fulmans, Flu, goat and everyone else who posted guides and suggestions. i currently have 2 other alts closing in on the billion mark 9currently at about 600 and 729mil). Then it's off to red side. would like to grab some Infamy there also. I'm not sure how the whole going rogue is going to play out so i would like some Infamy also.
  11. pretty quick. At work atm but 4-6 sec if i recall correctly. Can normally keep it stacked. Having 203.75 recharge is pretty sweet.
    And get your monies like I did. Play the market
  12. Looking at my Shade I see the following:

    Luck of the Gambler: Recharge Speed +37.50% from Self
    Moderate Improved Recharge Time Bonus +20.00% from Self
    Large Improved Recharge Time Bonus +18.75% from Self
    Ultimate Improved Recharge Time Bonus +50.00% from Self
    Huge Improved Recharge Time Bonus +7.50% from Self

    So...Still listed seperate. Sweet
  13. I had similar thing happen to me. But mine was LVL 40 End reduct IO's on BM. I watched them sell for 700-800K. I listed 8 of em for 400k each. I checked back a little later and found that 7 of them sold for 400-700k but 1 sold for 7mil. To whoever that was I thank you.
  14. I have received drops from both hero and villain side. From what I have found, even though I was within 3 lvls from my opponent, I received no drops. Not even salvage drops, inf yes but drops no. Once I closed the gap to within 2 lvls I started to receive drops again. I have been averaging 1 drop every 80 or so kills. I guess it's like fighting blue and green con NPCs (as far as drop chances in normal game play) they are within 2 lvls once you go 3 lvl. they con gray. This is of course just what I have experienced. Others may receive drops from -3's
  15. Thank you for the information. I was unaware they followed the same rules. Time to stop pvping with my 33 MM and start with a 50.
  16. I see most PVP IO's for sale seem to be primarily lvl50's . Both Red and Blue sides. How desireable would lvl33's be vs lvl50's??
  17. a TF or trial, collect some merits, roll for a recipe. Also, if you didn't know, they merged the TF and Trial (pools C and D) into one roll.
  18. Glad you were able to resolve your issue and get into the game.
  19. I am not Lady Luck. You should be able to click the link and download the drivers and just install em. The modded inf file is already incorporated in the executable
  20. You can try these drivers. I have good luck in the past with this website and my toshiba laptop with the 7900gs mobile drivers