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  1. Well you answer lots of questions good so I came here first and ty!
  2. Hey I gots another question um the other day I took 2 screenshots and how to acess and open them?
  3. Well I'm going to Delware for the summer to see me folks and I wish I could come but I can't because it'd be cool the meet ya and die over and over from you kicking my blasters head in.
  4. If you have to reinstall ALL of CoH how long would it take INCLUDING I4?
  5. Lol I don't have a 50 quite yet but I do ave a 43 and I'm not too familiar with Scrapper builds so I'd die if I would ever TRY to solo one.
  6. I recommend Mad Tankers an SG on Justice for info ask Burn Daddy or Scarn while in game.
  7. Ahh yes hovering above the scrapper sniping him again and again is so fun and easy-unless he also has hover.......
  8. Mr_Zapp

    Blaster role

    Well In the elec/elec blaster pretty much every attack takes away end from the enemy so that rocks like since the AoE doesn't do muc hdamage 6 slot it with endurance drain enhancements it's awesome!
  9. Mr_Zapp

    Blaster role

    [ QUOTE ]
    No other toggle travel power uses near as much End as Fly.

    [/ QUOTE ] Oooh Oooh I know get one-shotted a lot. (Has happened to me a lot b4 I got Freedom Phalanx Reserve Member Accolade-IT HELPS!)
  10. It's a timer if you get within visble range of the sites then you are too clsoe-back up and if no newbs run by and stare at it then soon he will spawn so check back every 5-10 at the sites.

    I have got badge for him and wiated for him to be completed becuz i wanted to see what he looked like (let him be completed twice just for fun.
  11. I know this is a dumb noobish question but how do you get a picture under your name to the left of your post?
  12. My main is a blaster and I've learned that Freedon Phalanx Reserve Member accolade rocks! Usually when in a higher lvl zone i get hit by something purple then I automatically say "I'm dead" while having auto-run on but I look at the health bar and think "why'd I say I'm dead? >.<"
  13. I remember being in that SG for a short time on either a char called Mr. Zapp or Demodread. and it was cool.
  14. That's my same problem the baddie is killed too fast and that means only time I could get a hit in is if i shot a a faraway mob that the tank or scrapper was running towards.
  15. Heh my main is a blaster and if his damage was raised anymore he'd explode!