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  1. Mr_Twain

    Foxx hit 50

    Congratulations Foxx!
  2. I have a little baby tank that I'm nurturing in between controlling and defending.

    I was wondering what you guys thought about travel powers for tankage... Which bring the best benefits in terms of saving power slots and which just plain work best?

    My mind/kin controller flies. I think of fly as more like a manouvering power than a travel power. I do have Siphon Speed so that balances out nicely. I gave him Inertial Reduction to see how Super Jump felt, but that "teh sucked" so I respec'd it out.

    My Def has Super Speed and RF from the Teleport pool. So - I haven't really tried "proper" Super Jump or Teleportation as travel powers. I'm leaning towards Super Speed, just so I can take Hasten early, but Combat Jumping looks tempting too from the Jumping pool... though as a fire/fire I have plenty of defence already.

    CoH boffins, don your thinking caps...
  3. If this I7 AV gossip is true - then I've got two toons that can help shift the balance. My mind/kin controller has transfusion - then I have a baby rad/rad defender...

    All reasonable offers welcome @twain
  4. I only started team play two or so weeks back, preferring to solo until recently. So far I've had a mixed experience. It can roughly be divided into teams that know what they're doing and teams that have a death wish. Of course, there's lot of inbetweeny stuff, but you get my drift.

    Case in point, one of my first team ups had a classic structure. Two tanks, two blasters, a defender or two throwing heals and me controlling. One tank would head off, indicate exactly where they were going to herd to by running to that point and saying "here". They'd bring the (+3, to me) mobs to that spot, I'd hold 'em, the tanks and blasters did the heavy damage, the defender and I healed and held and there was enough firepower between us to pick off stragglers.

    I've had a couple of similar team-ups, but not one as good as that. It was brilliant, strategic gameplay and if I'd been more experienced I would have friended a couple of the guys so I could find them again. Alas, I haven't had a team up that was quite as good as that since. And I just had the very worst.

    It was a ship based mission on Striga, with those huge, high rooms, mobs spread out. Two tanks, three blasters. No defender, another controller besides me. I had heals so was willing to be defacto defender. Room one. The blasters kicked off on the mob in situ with AoE, aggroing an adjacent mob. I held as many as I could, but all the AoE made that difficult with a dozen mobs running about. Everyone split up, so my healing aura was useless. We lost both tanks pretty quick.

    Next room, big and full of mobs. Thought I'd try and save us from a masacre and asked one of the tanks to herd a mob back into the corridor. He ignored me. Both tanks charged off into the middle of different mobs and stayed there, while the blasters aggroed everything in the room. I ended up flying between the two groups - actually just two ends of one huge melee - holding bosses and firing off transfusion heals. This went on and on. I asked the group to try to bunch together - nope. When one tank died for the third time - he blamed me for not being there to heal him!

    Now - as I've only been teaming a couple of weeks I'm wondering whether my experience is par for the course - or is it just because I'm teaming fairly randomly?

    I'm not saying that the free-for-all approach is wrong - it's just that I don't particularly enjoy it. It just doesn't suit my playing style.


    And, also, if anyone reading this is into teaming in more of a strategic rather than gung ho manner, could you please send me a message in game
  5. Mr_Twain


    Though I'm reasonably in touch with my feminine side - I think the "Mr" in my name is a pretty good indicator of the character's gender.
  6. Mr_Twain


    My main is a level 20 controller on Defiant and I'm looking to join a supergroup. Although I've been soloing through the game I think it's time to play more team sessions, and I think being a supergroup member would make that easier. Which are some of the larger, most established groups on Defiant, and could someone invite me ?

    And apologies for cross posting here and General.