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  1. Mr_Graviton

    Moon Hazard Zone

    This is a great idea!

    /signed, along with my 5 *'s.
  2. Mine:

    Global: @Mr. Graviton


    Mr. Graviton (L49 Nat Gravity/Empathy Troller)
    Electro Stunner (L8 Mut Energy/Storm Defender)


    Ice Meister (L6 Tech Plant/Ice Dominator)
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Rumors and lies!

    There were so many problems with exploits that the devs regularly remove elements from the game that allow unbalanced XP gain. Remember the Winter Lord fiasco?

    I think the announcement applies to the test server.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    And you'd be right.

    The announcement on our forum.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Um, you'd be wrong.

    The announcement from CuppaJoe is for this weekend for the test server, but the (unofficial) announcement for the live server is for the weekend of the 21st...
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    <ul type="square">[*] EVENT NAME: Operation Hamidon[*]WHEN: Firday 07/14/06[*]WHERE: Hive Entrance in Eden[*]HOST: Myrmydon &amp; B.O.S.S.[*]ANY PREREQUISITES? Be a high enough level to enter the Hive[*]WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW: The first B.O.S.S. hosted hamidon raid! Go forth and show your support![/list]
    [/ QUOTE ] a time for that yet?
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    wow this thread is still around?

    and i dont think anyone actually uses a raid uniform other than no capes, no aura's

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Eh...ok. I have a nice new red, white and blue no cape, no aura costume I can show off.
  6. I'm gonna do this for my first raid!

    Although it's gonna look freaky with a purple uniform with a big red cross on it. YUK!

    I'll figure something
  7. Mr_Graviton

    Inking practice!

    Wow! That's nice!

    Gill, ya gots a great eye and hand for that. I really like your work.

    Wonder how Grav would look.....heh heh....
  8. I'd like to volunteer Grav for an animated pic, if you're still taking requests!

    The Graviton Gallery
  9. [ QUOTE ]

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Giggity Giggity! Allllll Riiiiiight!
  10. CoX refers to any game in the "City Of ..." group. Usually used when whatever is being discussed can apply to both CoH and CoV.


    ty - Thank You

    yw - Your Welcome

    np - No problem

    tp - Teleport please, or just Teleport

    rgr - My own contribution, means "roger" - an acknowledgement

    pls - an abbreviation for "please"

    RA2 - Another of my contributions, means Regeneration Aura and Recovery Aura. Used when both are available to use for the group, (i.e. RA2 is up...)