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  1. > Slaughter everyone in Atlas Park and use their blood to fill out a Villian Application.
  2. I think the other one is the better pose and all around look if you wanna go with that.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    .. now im testing pencil and then ink-up.. (( I HATE INKING!!.. anyway.. I didnt like how it turned out but this pics still pretty funny for playing around with .. how do I put a name on the link instead of just posting the whole link??

    (( Also, due to hard handed tactics by the fish industry, I have had to change my name from "tartersause" to " Tartyrsause" .. ))

    [/ QUOTE ]

    BAHAHAHAHAHA!!! That is so dam funny, can I keep that one cause it just makes me laugh out loud for real, love the look on his face.
  4. Hey Bad Influence, if you goto your City of heroes folder on your computer you will find a folder of all the screenshots you took and they will not have the interface on them.
  5. Use Rust from Katana as ink and fill out Hero Form.
  6. That's freakin' sweet, Alex.

    Please tell me her helmet is gonna be a big police light/siren.
  7. I love that this thread got bumped, it still makes me full of warm fuzzies.
  8. *steals screenshot for his CoH Splasher randomizer*

  9. heheh, he isn't a car salesman. I think you read his bio wrong. He works for the DMV because it's, to quote him "A great place to meet such wonderful people".

    But his muscles are moderate, I never gave any thought to his muscles getting bigger with the more self esteem he builds up, kinda like a Super Positive Hulk.

    "Make me happy, you would LOVE me when i'm happy..."

    heh...I kinda like that...but you have free reign on his muscles, it fluxes with each artist depending on what strikes them.

    If you want the most iconic style of his costume an artist his done then see the piece done by PowerForge who captured Mr. A's true positive essance and made him about as jacked up as i've ever seen him. But what he did with the A was my favorite part and alot of people have come to see that as what Mr. Awesome's A would look like "in real life" so to speak.

    But honestly i'm always open to any interpretation an artist takes on him. The only thing I ever HAVE to stress is that he is without a doubt, the most lovable superhero anyone has ever met and what you do has to convey that. All of his Arch-Nemesiseseses actually think he is a real cool dude and if it wasn't for him always foiling their plans they would probably be best buds with him. He has even been seen taking some of his enemies to a bar before taking them to Jail because they seemed a little thirsty.

    Edit: Wow...i've become the most difficult client already. I'm sorry, I've always thought I was fairly simple but I guess i'm far from it.
  10. Wow that's right.

    Man I remember when we decided to make that group, everyone was so excited it was just so much fun to finally get to play beside such iconic players.

    I remember the first time I teamed with Kilo and I kept cracking jokes about Axe Body Spray with him.

    Man...good times...good times...
  11. I believe when we formed the a year ago (wow really? we are old yo) we discovered a large majority of the Art Whores and Artist were from Justice.

    I know I am, and Kat listed several others.

    And actually, now that Mr. Awesome is finally level 50 on Justice maybe i should work on my Envisionaries Mr. Awesome because...well why not?

    Oh but if i'm not doing a special event (Hami Raid, ITF, etc) on Justice as Mr. Awesome with the Justice-Knights SG then you can find me on Virtue with the Paragonian Knights SG as Sound Guy.
  12. That is a very interesting A you have made there though, looks like the Arizona flag got wrapped around the A.

    A little note, he was raised in Arizona and it is his home but he actually got the cape when a friend of his said every hero needs a cape and just grabbed a nearby cloth, it happened to be the Arizona State Flag.

    So he doesn't have it so much for love of his hometown but more for convience, he isn't like Statesman and Hero 1 who have them for their patrioticness.
  13. I'm very happy to see everyone is thinking the same thing, i was worried everyone would be thinking something else.
  14. >Fill out Hero Registration Form
  15. Hurrah!!! Throwbacks to previous volleys = win!
  16. uh...linked to this webpage...
  17. >Combine Pocket Lint with Katana to form Rat Flail.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    possibly a winter themed hat.</li

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Will the hat be permanent or temporary like the jingle jet was?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm assuming it's like every year where the Santa Hat is perm. I know I still have it. I also have the awesome Ear Muffs, I don't know if they give those out still because I totally missed all of December last year.
  19. No it was all about the Vila, to dam funny.