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  1. Ya know I already posted my enthusiasm on the Envionsionaries board but after seeing it again I actually shed a single tear at how great that is.

    I think it's the smile, he just has so much joy in his face.
  2. I always though it was a Murder of Vampires.

    But there really should be someone fact checking those...

    PS: These are freakin' hilarious.
  3. YAY!!! These are oh so fantastical, LJ. I especially love the line " sunshine or tuesday."

    So so dam funny.
  4. Union Man, I simply LOVE your characters. They are all so kick [censored] and each of them has a very certain charm to them.

    Rumble Bee has the feeling of Wildcat from the Justice Society of America and as a HUGE Golden Age and therefore by default even huger JSA fan, I gotta say how much I love Rumble Bee.

    That fight page and the one you showed earlier of him posing really sell his street fighter look and feel.
  5. Kilo, we don't need a title when showing you. Your actions speak louder then your words.

    And yes, these all rock my proverbial socks off.
  6. 1) Mutation/Tanker
    2) Jump into the center, taunt, FOOT STOMP!
    3) If my taunt doesn't draw em then the Footstomp will. Anyone who hasn't flown off the screen dead now wants me to eat floor, it's a blast.
    4) My favorite mob is Council cause they are so very very squishable (and I love it when I blow up their ships when i'm hovering and hit something like KO Blow or Air Superiority)
    My least favorite mob is The Carnival of Shadows because they seem like such a happy bunch but never smile wich I can't understand. They have wicked awesome powers, color clothes, and get to live in circus tents, how can you NOT be smileing?!
  7. YAY! I LOVE City of Nuts. It's so much fun. I wish I could read it in the Sunday Funnies every week.
  8. MrAwesome

    New Avatar...

    [ QUOTE ]

    But, since I don't have to ask for others to do these things...any suggestions as to what I could use? Cheap/Free preferrably.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    Do a google search for it, it's not terrible but it's free so no complaints.
  9. MrAwesome

    New Avatar...

    *starts to hunt for Supa Trolls after seeing Derek's example*
  10. Ok that is just snazzy. I love the raccoon getting his tongue stuck and the post is just awesome.
  11. Oh snap! I love that angle from inside the chopper! That is so cool!
  12. Your gonna impale me, aren't you?

    That's wicked awesome!
  13. This thread has gone to the Americans!
  14. Her j00 goe

    I no i iz l33t!

    (OOC: That's probably really the best I've ever drawn)
  15. I have 2 magical characters I designed recently as my Comic Universe's "Ultimate" world. I call them "Remix" rather then Ultimate.

    Anyway my first one is a MAJOR Remix of Mr. Awesome where it's a new guy, new origin, and new powers. The only thing they have in common is the VERY beginning stages of their origins. I won't go into to much detail as I have yet to finish writing it all up myself but basicly this new man is called Indestructible and gets his powers from 8 rubies that fell from space. He wears all 8 rubies on his armor and each one gives him a special power. The largest ruby he wears on his belt and it grants him total invincibility (including anything touching his skin ex. his tights and armor). The 2 second largest rubies he wears on his greaves (armored boots) and they grant him super speed and the ability to fly. The next set of rubies he wears on his gauntlets (armored gloves) and they give him super human strength and the ability to create balls of red energy around his fists that can stun people and shatter any material. His last 3 rubies are on his half-helm where they give him the ability to shoot a beam of red energy from his eyes (ala cyclops), minor precognition (think spider sense but not as cheesy), and the ability to only hear the truth (if people lie to him he actually hears them tell the truth and the lie).

    Now I can't really design him in City of Heroes as his design is VERY specific but I was extremely lucky enough to get a fantastic ink done of him by Silver Spectre.

    Here is an example of Indestructible

    As you can see all of the armor he wears has Celtic rope patterns on it as he himself is Irish and the armor he wears is actually a family heirloom.

    A better example of his Celtic armor can be found here

    And if you want a sample of his color scheme I made him as best I could in CoH here

    Anyway I hope he is interesting enough for you. If not my other "Remix" magic themed hero is an Ojibwe Native American that can see people's dreams when he touches them and has visions of the future when he is asleep. If you haven't guess it yet, his name is "Dreamcatcher" and he can also teleport in a flash of light or project terrifying images using special devices he invented himself (so he is a mix of Magic & Technology, like many of my characters I use multiple origins).

    Anyway, his costume is just as complicated as Indestructible's so if you want to hear I would be glad to post it.
  16. I am SO GLAD that an artist has finally said this. I would say it myself but I don't feel it is my place as I don't draw (I just photoshop). Fantastic way of laying out the ground work for common respect. I mean it just gets insane sometimes when people demand free art.

    I love this forum and I love the artists (and yes the art whores) here because of how nice they are to each other, i'd hate to see it ruined by someone who feels they are entitled to free art because...I don't know...insert random reason here...

    Anyway, very well put, Juggsy.
  17. MrAwesome

    The art SG ?

    [ QUOTE ]
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    Yeah, but he forgot to skip the tutorial so it took forever for those little legs of his to get to us. He also brought Syrusb, Memphis Bill and ValkaryieRising with him.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    ... honestly, Val dragged me over. >.< Yes, I know I showed up in Atlas before her. She still dragged me over. Kicking and screaming. No, really...

    ... I don't think anyone's buying that last bit for some reason.

    [/ QUOTE ]

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    I don't believe him.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    But... but... she did, really! Said pleeeeeease and gave me the eyes and everything! How am I supposed to resist?

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    I don't know. They don't work on me, I'm female, it's my weapon too

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah, but Val and I talk and play together more. I've got a serious auto-hit defense debuff when it comes to her. >.<

    Besides, me, make another alt? Who'd'a thunkit?

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    And you wonder why I told you you two should be married.

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    I think her husband might object.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Move to Utah.
  18. MrAwesome

    The art SG ?

    Spino, you gotta stop upstaging me with your better graphics card and much larger resolution. It makes me feel bad. :P
  19. That would be the best Spike TV show ever. Every week we get to take bets on what destroys her costume!
  20. MrAwesome

    The art SG ?

    Well I had another great time teaming with everyone.

    I got to spend alot of time stroking Celtic Bolt's ego and then before I logged off we all gathered in the Base to take a quick family photo

    And then I did a quick sketch that Roxstar was kind enough to ink on the spot ;P.

    Anyone wanna color it?
  21. MrAwesome

    The art SG ?

    Ok i'm logging in!

    PS: Marty, what we need is for this to be stickied :P
  22. MrAwesome

    The art SG ?

    Through the magic of television, a 2 liter bottle of Super Dr. Pepper, and my own inner badge [censored]: I was able to get every single Green Line beacon for the SG base. My next goal is to ya know...level and then get us all the Green Line Hazard Zone beacons. All of this AFTER I get back from breakfast, so if anyone is logging on right now I suggest looking for El Spino, he is on right now (that means you Juggy!)
  23. MrAwesome

    The art SG ?

    [ QUOTE ]
    We're just trying to make a SG with the heroes we know from herer and we would recognize in game immediatly.
    So the most important is how they look.
    Same powerset or similar powersets are definitely a plus to identify the characters, but no one is forced to litteraly stick on something they would not want to do.

    Thor's Assassin as en elec character in black armor with a hood = that's the idea.
    Thor's Assassin as a 5 feet high pink elf in tights = that's not the idea.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Speaking of wich, did he fix that whole 5 feet tall thing?
  24. MrAwesome

    The art SG ?

    Well I logged in and spent most of my time clearing an old contact and helping TA to realize that he was on the wrong server. So I didn't get to play much except for a Safegaurd mission wich is always a blasty blast.

    After the Safegaurd mission we did a handy dandy Pose Down! Wich I promise was more epic live and in person.

    Then when TA finally navigated through the many realms of Paragon City we chatted up like a bunch of Old College Buddies

    As Spino pointed out, it's all very surreal to see all these famous people in-game at once. It's like talking with Manticore or Statesmen but without all the fan-boys asking about when Issue 37 comes out and why it can't have Banana Pistols as a power set.
  25. MrAwesome

    The art SG ?

    Well since TA is logging on I will as well...