Regarding the anime costumes debate that is.
You take a fairly divisive issue like adding anime costume options.
You get people that are not very pleased with the idea and say so.
And almost everyone that responds in support of the idea has an avatar from an anime series.
"Oh just have some faith, you might like it." "Oh you just haven't seen good anime."
Blah blah blah. I mean really, I've been hearing this style of argument since I was like....4 and I didn't like asparagus and my grandmother assured me that I'd like it if I just tried it.
So I guess what I'm saying here is its great that some people are getting what they want. But the whole "Just try it, you'll like it" argument isn't very fair. Its 25 years later and I still don't like asparagus yanno.
Its not very considerate to tell people that they're "lucky to be getting anything at all." when your greatest wish has been granted.
Its sort of like gloating. Really.
Anyways, back to the game.
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The thing about 90% of anime is that it is based off a manga. Manga being japanese for comic. Therefore anime style costumes are really originally from comics. Then there's the fact that all modern anime style was originally inspired by old US cartoons like Betty Boop, Mickey Mouse and the like evolving to the style we see today.
Sad part is people can already make ninjas, power rangers, school girls, school boys. Other than samurai the rest of the costume pieces introducted should be pretty unique.
What I think is funny is that some people who hate anime and call it cartoons(bugs bunny) or porn, still watch stuff like Justice League or the X-men(The uncanny X-men on fox rocked).
I tend to think that for the people who generally like comics and stuff but hate anime, the main reasons would be
a. that they can't relate to it very well(cultural and comedy), which is normal considering that it's from across the pacific. #1 reason.
b. are nationalist(ei if it ain't from the US it's bad) tend to be rare
c. just can't watch 26 episodes of continual story. where as with Justice league you can miss a few episodes and still get the story.
d. Grew up with the x-men, JL, spiderman,etc and have a exclusive harcore following.
On to a different aspect, people can already make almost carbon copies of most heros in DC and Marvel, where else would the dev team get inpiration from?
In a business sense The devs would go for anime pieces to apeal to the asian region market. Main reason imo.
btw my avatar was made from the Novel-game Fate/Stay Night, which the anime only came out resently after the manga and what not.
Hadn't posted a resonse this long in a while. Wonder if the test patcher is done updating..