421 -
What's the cause of the two horizontal bands at the bottom of the image (the first is only noticable on the glove, the second runs all the way across)?
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I didn't have a plan for this pic, I just started doodling. So originally she was placed lower and farther to the left on the page (if you look you can see where some of the hair on the left is cut off). I moved and scaled the image to the right and drew more of her legs in at the bottom. The banding is the cutoff from the sketch prior to being shifted.
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Makes sense. I was hoping the program didn't cause that for some odd reason.
Sorry for taking so long...
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Artz faster you! What do you think I'm paying you for!!?!
...Oh, wait...
And now.... Nike IX
Must say that i loved the costume. One of my favs that i have seen in the "post your best costume" thread.
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Thank you. It's always fun to see what different artists latch on to as the key distinguishing features, and a quick sketch time like that strips it right down to the essentials. Great piece - thank you.
While they are all swiftly recognizable, I like the Tanks 4D Memmories one quite a bit. The hail of bullets makes it a whole scene, and one I can easily imagine her in. That girl is trouble!
I'm just amazed it took 61 minutes to get 6 answers
. And every one of them use the quick reply option to get in the que ASAP :P.
*thinking of another recent thread* -
Nike IX
After receiving what should have been a fatal radiation overdose from, Nike IX was instead turned into a living doorway to a pocket dimension of life-energy. A bubbling green field of this life-energy constantly flows from the other dimension into our world, enhancing her fitness and even allowing her to regenerate from serious wounds. Focusing her field, she can also heal others or produce dangerous green blasts.
Reference -
Nice sketch and looks like a neat tool (I'm in the same boat needing a 'talent' slider on the programs I use
). What's the cause of the two horizontal bands at the bottom of the image (the first is only noticable on the glove, the second runs all the way across)?
Heh. I tried a number of things to get it to use a shiny tights pattern on the boots and/or gloves. No joy. That asset just doesn't exist, although it seems like it should be trivial to included it. I've pestered Jay about it about every other month and no joy. I have no idea what cosmological horror they are staving off by not finishing the set, but there you have it.
No, this change is older than the thigh high boots suddenly turning into leather socks. And sadly it went into effect with even less fanfare. Possibly because it only affects characters with skirts.
Youve got me curious though. Now I'm gonna have to find out if the old thigh high boot geomtry is still in there. I think it's flat-out gone.
Yup, that is the second thing. The baggy shirt patterns (tunic_01 and tunic_02) both look quite good laid over the tights geometry. It's one of the 'it'll only take a second' costume requests I've put in Jay's thread
The hair is just plain old Valentine hair. The last tweak is really subtle (it reverses one of the unanounced and unwanted changes that annoys me the most).
The costume system won't fully load files that include assets in the game but closed for various reasons. Legacy costume pieces for example. It [u]will[u] display those files during the load screen, it just won't pass you on to the next step. The costume in the picture is impossible because it includes three things that the game can and will render, but that the tailor screen objects to
. It's a weird bit of overlap between demorecord and live.
You got one of them - those wings are much bigger than normal. They are the male angel wings. -
Well, the new costume save and load options will almost let you do 3 impossible things before breakfast.
Nike Tweaked
Guess what three things are in this picture it won't let you do... -
Awesome. I love the concept - not just your ussual pin-up.
I agree he is getting a bit better.
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The figures are much the same as a year ago. Maybe a little more confident there. Where he's really comming along is coloring of figures - he's inking with coloring in mind now rather than it being two seperate process for him.
Getting easier to work with as well, regarding redos on initial commissions that didn't quite turn out as well as expected.
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While I haven't run into problems with him personally, it's good to hear from those that have. It's important to be able to recover gracefuly when something goes awry. -
Looks like they are catching up. Time to slot your travel powers!
The telepad recipes are as follows:
Clockwork Winder, Temporal Sands, Simple Chemical, Psionic Manifestation
Alchemical Silver, Symbol, Inert Gas, Black Blood of the Earth
Ruby, Destiny, Silver, Hamidon Goo
There are three ways to build one. You only need Hamidon Goo if you're going for the third recipe.
Now, why on earth anyone would ever WANT to do that, I don't know, but there it is.
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Oh that's an easy one - if I'm out casually playing my 50 at their true level and I don't want to have a damn thing to do with Wentworths, Hamidon Goo drops for me from time to time, and none of the salvage for the first two recipes will.
Its obviously not the most cost effective method, but some people don't bring all their hopes and desires to the market.
A while back I commissioned Ken Hunt of dvntgrafx to do a comic panel of Soul Train and her nemesis, Runaway Freight.
And it's not looking too good for our heroine.
At some point this will be colored, just not at the moment.
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That's one stone cold fox of a doppleganger.
We should all be so lucky.
Hey 'Burn, I've made more characters. You up for more minis?
Fabulous (and the Becaro piece really is gorgeous). Nike is one of my favorite characters.
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I've been very fortunate - a lot of artists have really dug in and given their best effort when working on her.
Great organization! And so many lovely pieces of art.
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There is a bit of a snowball effect. Artists regularly look it over and really search for that unique pose or twist that will add something new. Having a Terry Dodson piece up front definitely gets some artists I've spoken to since San Diego cracking their knuckles for the big showdown. [u]All[u] of the other artists at the SDCC demanded I bring it by for them to look at once they were done with theirs.
That is truly epic in its beauty. Nike IX never looked so regal.
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I had to tell him that if Nike had a comic, that would so be the cover of issue #1. That piece totally stands up to major publisher cover standards. He sent me a 11x17 file at 250 dpi(!!) so I'm looking forward to printing up a poster to go on my display wall in my office. -
Thank you
. I'm still no match for some of the art fiend legends around here, but it's neat to see them all in one (well 2) place(s). I had another thread but I broke most of the links reorganizing. I'll update here as new stuff comes in. I subscribe on and off, so it'll be good having links to the gallery that work even if I can't post when a new piece arrives.
Very cool. I think the costume devs did an amazing job - enough of one that the bosses told them to stop doing any more.
I pine for the day when my non-weapon characters have 1/10th as many options for the appearance of their powers.
Wanted to give a special shout out to John Becaro's newest piece. This artist has really been improving his craft this year
Hey all
I've sorted my collection into easier to view folders.
Black and White art here
Color art here
I'm still uploading some pieces from this year's San Diego Comic Con, but I've gotten better at using my camera to produce digital copies.
The style sheet and references I give to artists are here.