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  1. And a small hint about what that pricing scheme might need to be. I'm a solo mission arc player. I get into TFs sometimes, but I don't organize them. That means by design my merit earnign power is roughly 5 per hour. I can also farm with my higher level toons at about 1 million influence an hour. That tells me a merit is worth about 200,000 influence to me. I'm gonna take the merit cost of a recipe and multiply that by 200,000 influence and that is the msot I will EVER pay for a recipe ever again, because I know I can get it myself in the same amount of time or less. That's right, there is NOTHING in the game worth more that 50,000,000 anymore. At least not to me. To people that do TFs regularly, I'm sure the soft cap is quite a bit lower.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
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    But respectfully, you didn't answer the questions. Do you care about people who play the market as part of their fun in the game?

    [/ QUOTE ] How is that even remotely respectful? Seems pretty insulting to me. The answer is, of course, that they care about people who play the market as their fun. If they didn't, they would never have introduced the economy.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    What's disrespectful about it? That I presumed to ask the question?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Geko, take it for what it is: the market is a competitive activity, and you've won. The flippers and the billionaire club have won so convincingly, toatally, and enduringly that the Devs have had to totally obliterate the previous equation of supply to end the stranglehold of those with the money to put out a few dozen 30m+ bids for recipies over those who can't but can afford a single finished IO for 60m.

    You won. Grats. Now it's time for a new game, one in which people can in fact take their ball and go home and still occasionally end up with a numina or LotG. Find a new (lower - perhaps much, much lower) price range for your wares that doesn't make merit farming look like a superior option to paying out of every orafice and I'm sure the market will be back on at full steam.
  3. Might be a day or two, but I'll be happy to make some observations. Would you prefer comentary here or at DA?
  4. Did I hear somebody ding?

  5. Ok, those are some awesome wings. I think you're gonna be doomed to the 'art side' after starting down the path like that .
  6. It's not Dragon Pearl, but these are a few more pieces from Jet !

    Divine Blaze a Fire/Fire Blaster.

    Fallen Thunderbird a Super Strength/Electricity Brute.
  7. Morgenstern

    98 Sketches!

    Copyright does not prevent re-use of names. That's a trademark, and even then you'd have a helluva uphill battle tryin' to trademark that particular name, same as you can't trademark "Lakeside Inn". It's common language and a widely recognized phrase.

    Carry on.
  8. Morgenstern

    98 Sketches!

    Thinking good thoughts for you and yours.
  9. Morgenstern

    98 Sketches!

    I like the energy in Katnip's pose.
  10. Cute. I keep trying to think up names . Best I've got is "Solid Gold".
  11. The new coat of paint looks a little breeze-y, but I'd recognize that locamotive engine anywhere. Fun piece .
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    are these finished pieces? or just the flats stage? I kinda of like them the way they are...

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    They are both finished works.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    Congrats on the cool additions to your art collection!

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    Thanks . I enjoy an occasional cartoon piece just to see how a character's look holds up in greatly simplified form. The somewhat more detailed one is by Jet Amago, whose style I'm really enjoying - this is the last of my inital 3 requests (Nike, Glory-Bound, and Dragon Pearl) and I have him starting on three more (and I'm kinda scoping out 3 more after that). I think I'll eventually have him take a crack at most of my library of character designs I feel pretty good about.
  14. Morgenstern

    98 Sketches!

    [ QUOTE ]
    1-4 , 5-8, 9-12, 13-16, 17-20

    [/ QUOTE ]

    A steadily mounting pile of cool .
  15. Hey all,

    One of my other characters is a Fire/Darkess Corrupter named Dragon Pearl.

    I've just started receiving some new pieces of her and wanted to share a couple .

    Looking good!

    Sassy cute
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    Here's a variation on the pose from one of the screenshots I posted in the first page of this thread last year. This time with actual NPC's.

    Really tough finding two baddies positioned near a car in just the right distance and angle. Also tough timing the Print Screen button while executing Elude and waiting for one of the final animation frames while he lands from it. This was also my action shot for the recent official Costume Contest.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Excellent technique sir.
  17. lol. We'll talk more elsewhere. This thread is Trizz's place to show off the goodies .
  18. Morgenstern

    New Nike IX Art

    Because cute should be a power pool.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
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    Once you start down that dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny (or at least your wallet).


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    hehe thanks, I already told Uziel I have a couple more I want him to do >.> taking advantage of sales while I can

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah, I found that pretty tempting. Bargain hunting is a good call if you are gonna do a lot of collecting and aren't physically made of money (hmm, now there's a power set...). I just found an artist who does quick pieces in a style I like for under $20. I always have trouble bringing my money to the folks who work in 3-d, because while I like their work, I've never seen digitally produced wings outside of CoX that are as good as what the game engine produces. At that price range I ussually end up going with Joseph Caesar.

    Hope the next one turns out great too !
  20. Once you start down that dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny (or at least your wallet).

  21. Nice stuff . Pin-up is one of those classic designs that artists really seem to take a shine to. Shrike too. Some of my business partners were admiring her when we were looking over artists for an upcomming project. (I think the quote from one of them was long the lines of "Look - hot superhero without resorting to spandex.")
  22. Morgenstern

    New Nike IX Art

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    Oooh, I think that's my favorite one of your pieces yet.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hehehe... Now try it in color!

    I'm thrilled. I'm looking into getting a second piece from him .
  23. Morgenstern

    98 Sketches!

    Grats to your family! Not everybody gets to ding 98 and share their company with others for so long .

    Nike IX
    After receiving what should have been a fatal polonium overdose, Nike IX was instead turned into a living doorway to a pocket dimension of life-energy. A bubbling green field of this life-energy constantly flows from the other dimension into our world, enhancing her fitness and even allowing her to regenerate from serious wounds. Focusing her field, she can also heal others or produce dangerous green blasts.

    Other Images