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  1. Here what I came up with after fiddling for a bit.

    Hedgewitch concept

    You had a very desaturated color scheme (plant and soil tones). I've tried to keep that with the base green (it's the next shade down) but added a few highlights and strengthend the browns. Different hair to bring out more range of color. The mask is a shade lighter than the body brown to brighten her face. Shaded the skirt to add a little more natural fabric appearance. Flat boots to go witht he overall demure presence. The sleeves seemed to be the original visual hook so they are unchanged. There's two versions in the sheet. I kinda like the jacket more as a realistic look, but the basic tights top has a nice classic line. I did some slight tweaking to body proportions and a lot to her face so if you'd like the costume file I can mail it (or stuff it in a transfer site once I learn how ).

    Good fun .
  2. Morgenstern

    98 Sketches!

    Oh Yeah!

    I love the robust solidity of the wings and the weightless pose. Most excellent.

    Thank you^98

    (pronouced "thank you to the power of ninety-eight" )
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    *slips toward the abyss with nails screeching through the stone*

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Since I see Storm Devil in the que now, I'm guessing the abyss came and got you instead of waiting patiently for you to fall in .
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    Thanks, Nike and Gata! I really appreciate the good words, especially coming from such talented character-creators.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yo uare most welcome.

    [ QUOTE ]
    The Masked Shrike by Lastscionz
    I just love his work, he's on my list for a more in-depth commission for sure.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That does it. I'd been eying his gallery for a while. I'm sold . That's a good shrike sketch - not exactly how you usually see her, but proving the design is durable and easily recognized in a number of styles.

    [ QUOTE ]
    After the holidays, I guess I oughta buy some presents for other people that don't involve art for myself!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Thay can get their own art!!

  5. I sense that HPS is about to be very busy this month.
  6. *radiates waves of quiet jealousy*

    That is very cool creation . Grats!
  7. Morgenstern

    New Nike IX Art

    My first foray into 3d fan art.

    Paul Rose
  8. She's sitting on a tachikoma, isn't she?

    Nice work . Only nitpick I have, and its a common one, is the plane of the gun is perfectly perpendicular to the viewer. It looks a little forced.
  9. Morgenstern

    New Nike IX Art

    [ QUOTE ]
    I really love your work I just wish I could do the same thing with my characters..

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Heehee. Thanks ! My work is mostly confined to fidling around in the tailor menu a lot and bribing artists with banana-nut bread during conventions . They get hungry when they are stuck at their tables all day!

    If you are looking to show off a couple of your characters without breaking the bank I really have to recomend Jet Amago. His colored sketches are a superb deal (under $20). He's also been very good at incorperating written directions with screenshots if the idea in your head isn't quite what you get on the tailor screen.
  10. Morgenstern

    New Nike IX Art

    An older one I had forgotten to upload .

    That looks sharp...

    The arrival of veteran's rewards was a momentous occasion for Nike.

    Growing pains

    [ QUOTE ]
    Wow, I think I'm hooked on your anime artist O.O

    [/ QUOTE ]

    He's been pretty easy to work with. Check out his gallery over at~
  11. Morgenstern

    98 Sketches!

    I like the sense of different textures/materials on Rebound .
  12. Morgenstern

    98 Sketches!

    Diggin' it. Like the creepy yet jauntly headgear on Psiocilin.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    No worries. I may be lacking creativity, but I'm not so unimaginative that I would directly rip someone off. Besides, I decided to go less for "Regal" and more for (hopefully) "Imposing".

    Lord Stormbringer

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That sir, does not suck . hat guy comming at you from across the zone with bloom effects on should look imposing indeed.
  14. I just read your journal and all I can say is no jury in the country would convict if you burned that computer place down .
  15. Morgenstern

    98 Sketches!

    I was gonna say something about it happening when pigs fly, but clearly they've already started .
  16. Morgenstern

    New Nike IX Art

    [ QUOTE ]
    *squeals* How cute is that with the birds?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Some days it's not about the eternal struggle between Crime and Justice. Sometimes it's just a nice day to go flying.

    [ QUOTE ]
    And the other one is just great. Love the wings and the angle.
    I can't stand seeing so much awesomeness! *plotzes*

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Glad you like . I'm starting to branch out to get art of some of my other chracters, but Nike will always be my favorite.
  17. Morgenstern

    New Nike IX Art

    [ QUOTE ]
    that's pretty slick in color, the power effects and layered clothing really stand out.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    If you like anime-style at all, that man is a bargain for what you get .
  18. Morgenstern

    New Nike IX Art

    Because really, I had to go back for seconds.

    More sketch!
    More Anime!
  19. Fallen Thunderbird is more indescriminate force of nature than cunning villian. I'd expect someone else with a real grudge tricked her into being there. Sort of like bringing a pocket nuke to a knife fight - total overkill unless you have murder on your mind. If Bayani lept aside and she put a few volts or claw marks into one of the other villians by mistake, no one would be surprised.
  20. Somehow I missed the Thudleston update. Some nice work there. I agree Victory Gardener (I wonder how many folks get the name?) came out really well. He's a good guy to work with.
  21. Dayyyam. Like that a lot .

    *wanders off to stalk new artist, giggling evily*
  22. Sounds fun .

    Fallen Thunderbird - Super-strength/Electric Brute
    Once an ordinary woman kidnapped by the Cirle of torns to be made into a hollow vessel for returning spirits, she was instead possessed by a spirit of vengeance. In a berserk rage she killed her tormentors and set about a rampage across Paragon City and the Rogue Isles that continues to this day. She'd be happy to assist in tearing a hero apart . She's still a bit bitter about not being rescued.

    Fallen Thunderbird
    style guide
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    If you can only farm 1 million an hour, you may need better farming characters

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Clearly. I have a 50 Empathy/Energy Defender and a 50 Ice/Ice Dominator. Silly me, I made characters to have fun playing with my friends who have all left the game instead of rolling clouds of DPS, which is the only activity this game rewards in solo play. My bad .

    (I still consider the mere existance of the 5 level difficulty scheme a sign the Devs have utterly failed to provide AT balance)
  24. Synapse? Small question:

    Why are rolls on the "TF pool" and "trial pool" named that?

    ...Those rewards no longer have any relationships to TFs and Trials.

    ...In fact, under the new system I have no idea why they are on seperate tables at all except to give an adventage to people who go on line and look up pool content lists.