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No sarcasm intended. I do like the the fact that domination builds faster and is avaible more often. It's a tad better than it was before. Believe me though, I feel the pain.
It occurred to me that even if you gave dominators corruptor level damage, we would not be overpowered. I say this with PvP in mind. In pvp, people more often than not, people lead off with a hold/stun of some type. Some status effect that keeps you still should you not have a breakfree. From there they proceed to beat the snot out of you before the effect ends. To allow dominators to do the same, we could boost the hold duration, but with our current damage, any enemy passing through will kill us before we kill our target. The answer is to boost our base damage to a significant level.
Some have argued that we're meant to be a low damage AT, yet we see that other low damage ATs have something meaningfull that helps them to survive. Our controls aren't enough in PvP, and at times, in PvE. Only increased damage can balance this unbalanced AT. To be honest I feel that the damage I do when domination is running, is the damage that I should be doing without it.
The domination changes make me feel that I'm almost breaking even. So yes I'm happy for the change because I can feel a bit closer to where I think we should be, yet as stated, we need more than that.
Let me repeat Rigor_Immortus when it comes to dom damage boosting.
I just don't think anything needs to be traded to get it.
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I love the changes to domination. I do find that damage is still too low even with domination running. In PvP I find that controls come a dime a dozen, and due to that, most come prepared. With our controlling abilities mostly negated, that leaves us with our damage. Yet we have subpar damage therefore even with domination running, I'm not much use for my team, against any decent team. Would we really be overpowered if we did more damage? I don't think we'd be.
I may be the only one that feels this way, so my opinion may not mean much. -
I love the Mayhem Missions. I got to run one..I kidnaps some poor sob..robbed what looked like a pawnshop and ofcourse, robbed the bank. Oh yeah I also busted up the police station. I can see myself leveling many characters on paper missions alone.
Take a look at what is happening on the Champion server - trip mines, novas, you name it, all in the name of hoarding Hamidon enhancements.
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I just had to quote this as it happens on my server. This hardly seems fair. So much hard work can be wasted, and has been wasted due to others "working hard" in preparation for PvP. I wonder if they can strip a player of extra HOs so that their HOs coincide with Hammidon kills? It would be best if HOs can be awarded to those who have been robbed, like our TF badges were. I think doing that and fixing the distribution problem would be great. Then the get-your-own crowd would have a valid argument. -
To suggest that any success I should have is somehow lessened or tainted because I chose to work hard at being successful seems very strange to me.
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All there is to be respected is skill. You've illustrated your view, let me illustrate mine. What I'm about to relate happens in many areas in the US on any given day.
You and I both agree to fight over the grapes comment. (Folks will fight over nasty comments.) We're both known as decent brawlers so this should be good. You have shorts, a t-shirt and some boots. I have a nice padded jacket and from my pockets I pull out nickel rolls and brass knuckles. ( I worked hard to get them. You just didn't know I had them. Kind of like HOs.) Tell me, how much respect from my win should I garner?
I'm sure the next time you see me you'll be prepared. So this time you have a knife and heavy coat. Tough guy! That's fine. I've got 2 Desert Eagles. You still have a chance to beat me, but not much. What ensues is an arms race. The bigger gun is most likely to win. How can I respect the outcome of combat when skill has been marginalized? A lopsided win isn't respectable, if so then I should shoot some unarmed people.
In the context of this game, if both players have an equal number of HOs or full HOs, then it's a game of skill and thus respectable. But the chances of that are slim as most will have a varying number of HOs. HOs are also not guaranteed at this point due to griefers. Do you think those griefers will stop because the devs said so? That's another issue I won't get into.
The good thing is we don't have to get involved in the arms race. That was my other point. -
To Sum Up: People with Hamidon Enhancements are Bad, and Lack Skill. I will not be playing them, my friends will not be playing them, and I will have less respect for people who I think May Have Them.
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I'll have less respect for a post 45 PvP title, not the player. I never said that the those with HOs are bad or lack skill. I'm noting that HOs may tip the scales for them. I liken it to steroids, corked bats and such. They don't ensure success, but they do help. I know that not everyone 45+ will have HOs and may hold some PvP rank, but because I cannot see their enhancements, I'll have to question their true skill. I was also reminding the players that they do not have to be worried about HOs as they don't have to deal with players who have them.
Why the remark about sour grapes? I'm sure that's something you would not tell me in person, so please, try to be more polite. -
It seems to me that if you are unwilling to farm HOs, or cannot for some reason, then PvP post 45 may be tipped against you. A decent player with Hammy-Os on summer vacation will give the working parent a tough fight. For many this doesn't make 45+ PvP appealing.
Lets not forget that the Pre-45 game is still fair. I think more props, stature, kudos, and atta-boys will be given to the pre-45 title holders. I know I will not be able to look at 45+ title holder and say they are truly good players, as the playing field is not level. I'll assume that HOs are involved somewhere. I don't know what the ranks will be called, but if I see someone 44 and below with a top ranking, I'll know they must be skilled. At levels 45+, forget about it, I'll doubt that person's actual skill.
We must also remember that it's all by concent. I'm working out a weekly PvP plan with my SG and allies. We don't farm and so the 45+ game will still be even ground. So those who farm and those who grief to get more, may be left fighting each other on uneven ground to get the same ranking that non-farmers have earned on even ground. Keep that in mind and take heart. You do not have to farm HOs to compete, that only comes into play if you choose combat the random player. -
Great! This is the reason why I stick around. You've heard the complaints and you're making the change. I think the new ATs will work out fine now.
many players tend to go and do whatever the easiest source of XP is and ignore most everything else.
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I truly think that hits it on the head. I think the travel problem really has little to do with it. People don't hunt in the hazard zones because of the risk. The reward is there for the taking, but most aren't willing to risk it.
From Boomtown to the Shadowshard, if you know what your doing and where you are, you'll be fine. Most just aren't willing to learn the best ways to get around, or what they can take and what they cannot. The zones don't need be adjusted for travel. They can be navigated with any travel power, and for the Shadow Shard, you don't need a travel power.