6 -
OMG....quote-fests! Longest posts ever!
Whew..I can't even make myself read all that. Shorten it up when possible, guys, sheesh.
CoH and CoV have two different, unequal paradigms, that meet in an unbalanced way in open PvP.
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That sound that everyone just heard, was Logarithm hitting the nail right on the head with a 50 pound sledgehammer of truth.
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I agree. Thing is, the Devs built CoV with a lot more personal damage for every AT. In short, they realized, over the process of doing CoH, that it wasn't much fun to be the "debuff/buff guy who really sucks outside a team" or "the control guy who really sucks outside a team", etc, etc. If there's not a team to be had, or the team is not working that well, etc, it's easier to water-down the specific roles CoH ATs were built around and spread the love.
There is no "aggro" AT. There is no "healer/support" AT. Damage is the general priority and everything else is usually in a secondary.
All the CoV ATs can solo at almost any level. It's fun and entertaining.
In CoH, blasters and scrappers can solo. Controllers can late-game. Defenders and tanks, it's just painfull, man, especially now, for tanks.
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And from what Ive seen they did exactly the wrong thing... Instead of simply buffing slightly the damage of the healer/buffer/debuff types they nerfed those that DO damage down to their level..... and made the distinctions between classes much much more hazy.
Nothing wrong with having the Trinity of a sort. Everything wrong with making every AT seem like every other AT :P -
No... it was gimped back then too. I keep hearing people go "it's great when you have a tank.... a controller.... a blah blah."
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I disagree. Way back then it gave you status protection. You could use all the PBAoEs and not constantly get mezzed into oblivion. As you note in your post.
If a set's effectiveness Is predicated on having another PATICULAR AT around...and then one must assume that said archetyoe is slotted well and knows what the [censored] they're doing...(rarer than you think) then it's gimped.
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I disagree with this as well. I think it is fine that some sets are more team/particular AT dependent to get the maximum use out of them. I think it is wrong that you have little to no way to know what those sets are ahead of time, but it is nice to have the variety. /Fire doesn't require any special slotting that /energy doesn't also require in order to be good. I find it hard to believe that /Fire requires some magically gifted, talented gamer in order to play successfully, but any dimwit that can figure out how to screw in a light bulb can easily play an /energy blaster.
Not paticularly needed on teams..... and relegated to none boss targets untill level 43 or so when you can get a decent hold slotted up.... gimp.
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I do not believe there is any blaster primary you can combine with /fire that will make fighting a +2 boss anything other than almost assured victory once you get SOs.
I've never seen a PuG go wait.... we gotta get a fire/fire blaster before we start.
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If they have support ATs and the team is looking for damage (a team looking for damage is usually a bit heavy on support, conveniently) an AR/Fire or Fire/Fire should be the first choices. Just because most people are ignorant of the capability is not in anyway proof of Gimpness, otherwise all defenders would be Empathy.
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Er... perhaps I misread this but did I just read that once you get SO's a /fire secondary, regardless of primary will, more often than not, kill/jail/maim a +2 boss?.... And which hold would that be exactly?... Pretty sure that fire secondary has only Ring of Fire which is a foe immoblize and not a "hold/sleep" Now that means that in the case of say, a +2 Aremis boss, it is still going to be twanging you for 200 or so dmg per shuriken... Plus the added fun fact that if you were talking about APP/EPP's Char than thats even worse, in that it usually requires two applications to get it to land on a boss. In the mean time said boss has closed in and cleaved thine head in with say a 400-600 point Headsplitter followed immediately by other assorted nastiness.
Perhaps I misread tho.
Char IS very nice... once slotted... and dont post when overtired :P -
Actually, you're right. I think it's also against board policy to 'call out' a dev in your post title. I think that means I've been bad by actually responding. I'll have to stop doing that.
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Yay!! That means we can call him a giant-nerd all we want and he can't refute it
But seriously, I don't see what you guys are having so much problems with in the Blaster Secondaries. My stinky AR/Elec blapper can solo Unyielding and I don't even have FullAuto yet. If you want to talk about a hodgepodge of melee/blasts that are truly underpowered, then you guys need to give a Dom a trying out. They even make frikkin Energy-Melee feel weak and uneffective. My Blapper is twice the dominator my Dominator is...bonus points for having more Health on top of it.
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It depends on the secondary you select... The problem is that the RANGE between what is good and what is bad is incredibly huge. Some blaster secondaries are so good that they can be played AS a primary (how this is not game breaking I have no idea) instead of supporting the primary. The other problem is that certain secondary sets (fire for one) offers little to no synergy to ANY of the primary blaster sets. The fire secondary in and of itself isnt THAT bad. If it got a bit of a damage boost. And mabbe SOME kind of defense aura that was useful at an early level (THAT more than anything else is what I think the secondary sets need)...
Play any fire secondary for awhile and see how different it is. Try to even utilize that secondary and youll see how often you end munching on a dirt sammich -
Are we finally going to see some Blaster fixes after I7?
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Fixes, yes. Complete redesigns of several powers and/or powersets, no. Unfortunately, what a lot of you are looking for is the later.
I'm (ever so slowly) going through the list you guys put up a while ago. I've referred a couple things to animation for bug fixes. Many things, I'm still scratching my head of how to fix in such a way that they are useful -- snipes are a good example of this. Simply increasing the base damage is dangerous, and we can't make it exempt from ED. So, I'm thinking of workarounds, which I will toss upstairs once fleshed out. Then, if it is approved, I'll be able to make the changes.
That process happens with each and every change (read: not a bug fix) I do.
EDIT: Adding a couple things.
I put in a fix for Endurance Drain that I think you guys will like. It is in I7, because it was a huge amount of data changes.
As for changing secondaries, when I was interviewing for this position over a year ago, this was the thing I mentioned I wanted to 'fix.' It's still something I want to do, but there are a couple technical and design philosophy problems to overcome. The design philosphy isn't easy to change, but it's hardly in the realm of impossibility. The tech side, though, is very much non-trivial. Since I've no control over programming schedules (for good reason, I might add) it is something I cannot do much of anything about.
FYI: my first COH character on Live was (is) a Fire/Fire Blaster.
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*falls over*
*reads it again still in shock* -
*shameless bump for great justice and a slight rant to boot*
Having returned to my blaster after a significant lay off... I was actually shocked to see how BAD the Archetype has become at least in the 40+ game. Defiance is, I hate to say it, a complete and utter joke. The bar is never correct and quite frankly Im so busy trying to stay alive that I can't tell whether its actually DOING a damn thing. (im sure it is... but I would much rather have double damage that I can trigger INSTANTLY for 30 seconds than a crappy power that MIGHT save me once in one hundred activations).
I mean come on... to get a truly NICE effect out of it I have to be what... 10% of my health?... Thats a ONE shot deal for a blaster at ANY level. Compared to say.... Stalkers AS.... Dominators special.... the fury bar for Brutes... I shudder to think of what other AT"s have gotten.
And what was that HP boost we got?...100hp total?... your kidding right?...
The blaster community ought to be hanging its head in shame at the infighting going on. No one Cryptic is ignoring any pleas from this community for fixes. No one here can decide what NEEDS fixing in the first place. And when someone DOES say something a vocal minority come along and say the opposite.
blergh again.
Blasters get your head out of your collective arses and at LEAST agree that the AT as a whole needs to be looked at.... Than post constructively about what MIGHT be done to fix the class as a whole.
double blergh.
*dons fire retardant clothing*
In the week since dusting of my toon at 44... He has YET to have gotten entirely out of debt... and remained so for longer than 30 minutes :P Keep this thread alive at least by stating how long your blaster has managed to remain debt free... View it as a way of not letting the thread get shuffled off and maybe getting Cryptic to notice. -
lv 39 Ice/ Dev
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Venting is good.