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  1. Dont even know where to start , the idea behind this is great, there is alot of issues in PVP that need to be addressed though for this zone to be "fun" or even balanced . Till then should be named Statesmans victory because Villians are still gimped in PVP.
  2. TY Posi. For the Explanation. Keep up the good fight.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    I'll pop in here so you guys have a new target.

    The original Task Force Datamine took 3 months to finish. That was to go over 2 months worth of data.

    We now have 18 months worth of data. We looked for a more effecient solution, but our estimates still come out at 2 years to datamine and get you your badges.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Ty Posi For a more detailed explanation while you guys weren't doing it.
    So, I was wondering how the DAmage taken/Health Healed/Mezed/Influence badges work? DO they work the same as the TF badges? or is that work in a diffrent way, because I dont want to waste time trying to get a head start and then find out I have to statr all over in i5.
  4. [ QUOTE ]

    Also - after much pushing and shoving - we were told that there will NOT be data mining for TF badges. So if you did a TF before I5 - when I5 goes live you will not get a badge for it auto-magically.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    This is BS, Some of us SPENT HOURS 10 hours or more doing Fire Base ZUlu TFs, WE GOT NO souvenirs, no nothing, and now YOU WANT us to do it again? geez Come on...
  5. Was wondeirng if there were any plans on giving some of the TFs/Trials/Accomplsihments a new look. Trials are fun, but when you look at the badges they all look the same. Also what can we expect or what are you guys looking to do in the near future with badges? Maybe Let us buy a badge(s) for costumes in the near future?
    Great job on the badges, hope you guys keep them comin so one day we can have 500 =D
  6. When I 1st downloaded the patch, I sat there with a blank stare, thinking they hit burn. At first I was mad, after downloading the patch, I didnt even log in into training room. Loaded up LIVE and played there writing stuff down to compare. AFter doing that copyed my toon over and played a bit. Have to say I was very frustrated, thinking back how many hours I had put into that tank. So I logged off to cool down and take a time out. Then went back to LIVE servers to report back my findings. As I sat in Peregrine Island, all I could see were the lvl so and so Defender, or lvl ## blaster lft, and thats went it hit me ; I was once one of those people who stood there 30 mins - hours looking for for teams. Never actually getting and invite. I remeber never getting a team invite on my emp defender for hours, and if I did it would be for trials/TFs. I remeber being stuck in a certain level for 3 months, because at the time healers werent really needed. That is one of the reason I build my tank so I didn't have to really on teams to lvl, and it worked out great. I didn't realy need any help as I went up on levels. I had some weaknessed such as Psi damage and toxic, but I got around it easilly by not fighting those certain enemies or avoiding certain zones. So decided to go back to training room and to really test out burn. After many endless hours of testing it I do believe its balanced. The recharge and damage settings I can deal with but the fear is an issue. I was on a Infernal mission, which a nigthmare now BTW, and did what I usually do, let others deal with the portal and Minions whlie I kep tthe AV at bay. Lay down burn and every enemy scattered after losing like 20-30%% health, they ran to out to do long range attacks, but then lost interest in me and went after my teamates, kiling everyone around me. Now I don't expect enemies to sit there while I burn them to death, but maybe add some hate into it, so when they run, there still are focus on me.
  7. ty for the thread. Badges are all fine, migth want to fix some of the new zone badge sizes, but eevrything else is okay. I think a few have mentioned a "sort" option for badges, I think that would benefit or help us a bit. Also maybe a number counter like XXX/100 counter would be helpful. Also some of us older/veteran players dont have access to newer badges like Isolator or V.I.P. , or will there ever be something for us to get they can't? like How long you acocunt has been active, or maybe even better yet a badge for posting here on the boards, maybe our Titles on the forums can be carried over to the game as a badge or title.
  8. Thnxs Cuppa for the hard work and dealing with all of us. I usually do avoid posting on the boards, because I do feel that at times I don't get heard. Also I'm a casual player, and don't really know much about % of this power and this many SOs cap this power. I am just here for the community , some of our plaeyers are great annd toehrs well are never satisfied. 1 yr has gone by, many ups and downs, with I5 in the horizon we yet to see what the future brings us..now can you pls fix the small print on my enchs screen lol ty Cuppa and States...keep on fighting the good fight..
  9. Mizary

    XP and I5

    Any other info States, on what we can expect?
  10. Mizary

    XP and I5

    Yes, I can now lvl to lvl 6 and make it to PI faster to get PLed without being worried about debt. /end of sarcasm
    But I do like the idea, but many will take advantage of this.
    Leave xp alone, I only get time to play a "certain" amount time. sigh ....guess we will have to wait and see.