Ok, so i've got a Dark/Thermal up to Lvl 22, regularly group both at my level, with higher lvl VG mates, and not un-often toy with PVP duoing/etc, (regularly run with a merc/traps mastermind, we make an obscenely capable twosome, actually)
I'm Lvl 22, and have neither sheild. *grimace*
I'm starting to admit to myself this probably isn't the best of ideas. anyway, quick rundown of what i do, at the moment, have.
Dark Blast (4 slots)
Gloom (3 slots)
Moonbeam (3 slots)
Tenebrous Tentacles (6 slots, due to loving the power so damn much)
Warmth (6)
Cauterize (3)
Power of the pheonix (2)
Swift (QoL reasons, took over hurdle. Never need sprint, in mission = one less end drain)
Combat Jumping
Super Jump
I'm thinking that i could probably use the sheilds sooner rather than later, but i like most of what i've already got. Now, assuming i can find out where i get the respec trial in the first place, i'm considering Switching out dark-blast for one of them, as i'd have been able to get the other simply by hitting 24 in the first place.
I really like Tenebrous tentacles, I'm probably going to pick up Nightfall to complete that little combo, at some point, and i do like having a snipe, for utility if nothing else.
But before i go much further, i'd really apreciate some thoughts on the above ramblings. Is it likely i'll hurt from missing out Dark Blast? I don't think it has any accuracy penalty, from what i've heard, but it does seem to miss a lot, even though it's better enhanced for damage than gloom already. Should I consider dropping my snipe instead?
Opinions are more than welcome.
(and yes, i will be getting Thaw at some point. :P)