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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post

    Also, it suffers greatly from Disneyfication. JLU and the other DC shows pushed a lot of boundaries. This show has no edge and no heart. It feels both like a case of too many cooks and a case of over-engineering.
    I very much enjoyed Justice League and all but what boundaries did they push? Particularly in their first season?
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The_Dude73 View Post
    I have the issue where they tangled. Taskmaster was mimicing DP and beating him rather easily. Once DP realized what was going on, he started to dance as he fought, which is what threw Taskmaster off. So Deadpool isn't unmimicable, it's just that Wade has to make a conscious effort to change things up.

    They have some weird relationship. In the Taskmaster limited series they were hanging out and talking like old buddies. In other things, it's like they hardly know each other and they're bitter enemies. Inconsistent writing.
    That Taskmaster/Deadpool fight was always bugsome to me and worthy only as comedy---as if Taskmaster couldn't fight just because he couldn't copy the moves of his current opponent?

    Anywho, as to the OP: yes, I enjoy the show a lot, though I'm one of the ones who despise the theme song. Does it compare to Justice League? Honestly, some of their respective episodes do, yeah (the Graviton battle was excellent). Given time to build it's own characterizations and technology, it's got a lotta potential. I don't get the sense that I'll ever like it as much as Spectacular Spider-Man, yet, though.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lastjustice View Post
    Too much dialogue in comics...Chris Clarmont. That's first thing that comes to mind. The guy would have the Xmen spitting entire paragraphs of dialogue in time they throw a punch. On top of explaining how their mutant powers worked every time the used them. He's had some great stories but he would sometimes overkill the text boxes.
    Claremont. First thing that popped into my head as soon as I saw the thread title.

    His X-men work was far too laden down with inflated word balloons but it was too bad (sometimes). But then I tried to read the first issue of Sovereign 7. Tried. So many words, yet so little said...
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BafflingBeerMan View Post
    To be fair, he's still a n00b when it comes to thinking about the zombie threat.

    Also, his driving concern is finding his family, who he believes to be in there. Of course he would check it out.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BafflingBeerMan View Post
    She's a floooooooooooooooooooooooozy!
    Tell me about it. Looking at her you can just tell that horse was sleeping around with ev...................it's possible you meant someone else.

    Liking the show so far and mad props to these folks for showing that George Romero zombies---scratch that, Max Brooks zombies---can still be scary. that half-a-zombie on the yard was creepy.
  6. Zombies invaded here in DC to promote The Walking Dead. They blended well with the normal rush hour and gave me a Shaun of the Dead flashback.
  7. I need to throw my recommendation for Dexter in the ring. Best show on teevee period.
  8. Paragon Unleashed is a fun and cool place.

    Paragon Unleashed is a place where a guy can just go and, you know, hang out with friends and family.

    Paragon Unleashed believes in the sanctity of human life.

    Paragon Un---help me please! they're holding my family hostage! they're making me read this at gunpoint! they're mad, i tell you! call 911 call i don't wanna go back i don't ---*ahem* Unleashed has all the taste and none of the calories of the official forums.

    Thank you.
  9. I sewed a quilt, baked a kid and wrote the songs that make the whole world sing. And caught up on my Sensational Spider-Man, season 2.