1370 -
Three hours of sleep and I am READY! >
Let's DO THIS!
By the way, I'll be taking screenshots of our times after every TF is completed.Because I figure someone's gonna want that for posterity. Haven't done this since before the Incarnate stuff was added, long range teleport and Afterburner existed, and before a lot of people had ATT.
And I have begun adding people on Skype. -
So I made the mistake of grabbing a can of Mountain Dew out of the fridge at around 11 pm PST...
It is now 2:45 am PST...
I am still incredibly hyped up...
I think I may be even more sleep deprived than usual for the SSTFM. Should be interesting, if nothing else, to see how long it takes me to start making up random silly songs to keep myself sane...
Oh wait...it's too late for sanity...MUAHAHAHAHAHA! -
This thread is incredibly helpful for those of us working on a human-form only WS concept.
Thanks for the advice guys, this answered a ton of the questions I had!
It looks like Mio will not be able to join us tomorrow. Sad sad, the laptop does not work.
Therefore, Tiggy has been moved to the team list! See you tomorrow!
We'll be meeting on the Peregrine Island side of the portal to Firebase Zulu, at noon EST/9 am PST! -
We had TWO teams for the Sutter TF, so we raced! Here are the scores:
Team 1:
Team 2:
They had a better time, but we died less often. I think it's safe to say fun was had by all! See you Friday for the Shadow Shard TF Marathon! And have a happy Thanksgiving! -
Quote:Despite someone starting the party early, the Hami Raid went off without a hitch. Thanks for sticking to it, guys!
Don't forget, this Tuesday's TF is a militant Sutter, the WST! Please sign up in this thread!
1.) @MissKyo - Spearhead Delta, Beam Rifle/Traps Corr
2.) @Archiviste - Kreetch, Invuln/SS Tank
3.) @El D - Apparitional, Time/Dark Defender
Updated. Hoping we get a few more to sign up for this, otherwise it's not going to be much of a theme...
Which reminds me. Don't forget, it's military themed! Any branch of any real military counts, plus private SG militia, camo-themed heroes, veterans, what have you! -
Our team is now full! However, I will be signing folks who are interested up for the waiting list, in case one of our signed-up folks has to drop out at some point! Please let me know if you'd like to be put on the waiting list!
Also, I plan on being on Skype* for the duration of the marathon, so if you would like to join me, please send me a pm with your Skype name.Unless, of course, you're already one of the folks I talk to all day long... <looks pointedly at Ceus and D>
*Skype is free, doesn't use up a lot of memory, and doesn't crash my computer when I use it in conjunction with CoX, which is why I use it. I am aware there is a Ventrilo server and probably also a Teamspeak server, but I strongly prefer Skype. Apologies if you dislike/can't use it for some reason. -
Despite someone starting the party early, the Hami Raid went off without a hitch. Thanks for sticking to it, guys!
Don't forget, this Tuesday's TF is a militant Sutter, the WST! Please sign up in this thread!
1.) @MissKyo - Spearhead Delta, Beam Rifle/Traps Corr
8.) -
These screenshots always end up at night, I don't know why. From left to right, here's the winners of last night's costume contest: Mack Stack, Warrior In Time, No No Bad Kitty, Paralytica, and The P A N G O L I N.
1st place: Paralytica (100 million inf)
2nd place: Warrior in Time (75 million inf)
3rd place: The P A N G O L I N (50 million inf)
Honorable Mentions: No No Bad Kitty (who made the judges giggle) and Mack Stack (25 million inf each)
Thanks to my fellow judges, Vulpy and El D, and I'll see you all at the Hamidon Raid today ay 3 pm PST/6 pm EST! Don't forget to sign up for Tuesday's Sutter TF! -
I am so in for that Iron Tailor event. <rubs hands together>
Other than than, I'll be on hand the rest of the weekend (more or less) to help out wherever I'm needed, so Layla, Stone, Stale, and the rest of you fine people, if you need a volunteer, you know where to find me!
I do have one question about the Iron Tailor event though...I know the first contest, to pick the top 5, isn't themed, but what about the main event? Do our five costumes have to follow certain themes (like: hero, armor, magic, casual, etc.) or can they be anything we want? -
The LAST CC of the month will be this Friday, November 18th, under Atlas at 5 pm PST/8 pm EST. I had to change the time-the Real World Hero kickoff party is at 6 pm PST/9 pm EST on Exalted, and I don't want to be late!
There will be a HAMI RAID at 3 pm PST/6 pm EST in the Hive on Saturday, November 19th. Bring what you've got!
Next Tuesday, November 22, at 4 pm PST/7 pm EST will be the Admiral Sutter Task Force, which is ALSO the WST for that week! It's from levels 20-40, and the theme will be Military Might! Bring out your best military-themed toon, even if it's from a private militia! Sign up in this thread with your global handle, toon name, powersets, and AT please!
The SHADOW SHARD TASK FORCE MARATHON is on November 25th, Black Friday. See my other thread to sign up!
There WILL be another HAMI RAID on Saturday, November 26th, at 3 pm PST/6 pm EST! I'll be exhausted from the SSTFM, but that's okay!
The last themed Task Force Tuesday will be a Heroic Statesman Task Force on Tuesday, November 29th! Bring out your level 45+ hero dressed in their most heroic costume! I want to see spandex, capes, and domino masks, people! Signups for this TF will NOT commence until after this week's Task Force is concluded!
And that's it for the rest of the event schedule for November for me! As for that Admiral Sutter TF...
1.) @MissKyo - Spearhead Delta, Beam Rifle/Traps Corr
8.) -
Updated! I also added the toon I will likely be on for the entire marathon-my badger may need the badges, but I really like my corr lately. Plus she has fly and tp, so she'll be easier to get around on. >.>
Holding one spot in reserve for @Mionas, in case we're actually not being forced to share a computer by then...please let the laptop run CoH, please let the laptop run CoH, please let the laptop run CoH...
1.) @MissKyo - Tam Washington, Claws/WP Scrapper
2.) @El D - Mercury Marvel, Fire/Ice Blaster
3.) @Magik13 - Myrddin Emrys, Plant/Storm Controller
4.) @Roah Brett - Crash Gallows, Battle Axe/Fiery Aura Brute
5.) @LaylaRei - Jeweled Phoenix, Illusion/Radiation Controller
8.) -
This November 25th, the day after Thanksgiving, I will be running the Shadow Shard Task Force Marathon beginning at 9 am PST/noon EST.
We will be running all four Shadow Shard TFs-the Dr. Quaterfield, the Sara Moore, the Justin Augustine, and the Faathim the Kind-in a row, back-to-back, with only very short breaks in between.
I would like to have the same team for the entire time if at all possible, but if we lose folks along the way, I'll be calling out for reinforcements in Protector Vigilance and Protector TFs.
To participate in this event, you must post your global handle at the very least. Folks can swap toons between TFs if they want to but I need to know where I can send a tell to get in touch with you!
1.) @MissKyo - Risus Occultus, Archery/Dark Corr
2.) @Roah Brett
3.) @El D
4.) @tiggy
5.) @Globetrotter
6.) @Zaloopa
7.) @Ceus
8.) @Mentalshock
Waiting List:
And no. This event does not come with brain bleach. Supply your own. :P -
I guess I'll be sounding off for volunteers in Protector Vigilance and Protector TFs tonight, then. See you at 4 pm PST/7 pm EST!
1.) @MissKyo - Tam Washington, Claws/WP Scrapper
2.) @El D - Mercury Marvel, Fire/Ice Blaster
3.) @Magik13 - Myrddin Emrys, Plant/Storm Controller
Still taking signups for the LGTF! What, you folks afraid of a little Rikti-stompin'? -
The winners of this week's costume contest! From left to right: Galactic Titan, Sonatta Bloom, Filthy Bugger, Riley Murdoch, Nonchalanto, and Mystic Nightwolf! We tried to wait for the sun to come up but it wouldn't.
In order of what they won:
1st Prize: Filthy Bugger and Nonchalanto, 100 million inf each
2nd Prize: Sonatta Bloom, 75 million inf
3rd Prize: Galactic Titan, 50 million inf
Honorable Mention: Riley Murdoch and Mystic Nightwolf, 25 million inf each
Yeah, folks really are trying to break the bank now! Special thanks to my fellow judges, LaylaRei and Lithomorph, and to Hyperstrike, who donated to the prize fund!
And the new roster for this week's super fancy LGTF:
1.) @MissKyo - Tam Washington, Claws/WP Scrapper
2.) @El D - Mercury Marvel, Fire/Ice Blaster
3.) @Magik13 - Myrddin Emrys, Plant/Storm Controller
8.) -
Thank you!
1.) @MissKyo - Tam Washington, Claws/WP Scrapper
2.) @El D - Mercury Marvel, Fire/Ice Blaster
8.) -
No one out there has a level 45+ toon they want to dress in fancy duds and kill Rikti with? :P If no one signs up, I'll pull folks from my global friends list and the global channels, but I'd really like to know what kind of trouble we're getting into in advance!
Quote:Is there a large roleplaying presence akin to Virtue? No. If you are looking to RP with large groups, I suggest you go there.
This is a lie, not that I can blame Silas. He hasn't been back ingame long.
There is in fact a large roleplaying coalition on Protector, consisting of the Teamsters, Grey's Army, and several other SGs. We rp rogether on a nightly basis, as well as hanging out on Skype and in our global channel. We've been roleplaying together for about three years, with new people joining us regularly and most choosing to stick around. It's a casual environment-rules vary by SG, but it's more or less "Don't be a jerk".
Just because we don't actively go out and drag people to our door, doesn't mean we don't exist.
You can PM me here on the forums or ingame (@MissKyo) any time-I'm on most of the time on weekdays. -
Tomorrow night at 6 pm PST/9 pm EST there will be another costume contest in Atlas Park! I'll start reminding people about an hour before the event like I did last week.
On Saturday there will be another Hamidon Raid at 3 pm PST/6 pm EST. We're going to start forming then and hope we get enough folks to actually start beating on the Jello by 4 pm PST/7 pm PST!
Next Tuesday's TFT, at 4 pm PST/7 pm EST, will be a Lady Grey Task Force! Since we're working with the esteemed Lady Grey herself, let's get FANCY! Dress up in your fanciest hoity-toity suits and dresses! Polish your shoes! Put on a top hat and monocle! We're taking out the Rikti in STYLE! You must be level 45+ to join the LGTF, BUT you can bring either a hero or a villain as this TF as co-op! Sign up below, and please-include your toon name, powersets, and AT so we can make sure we don't have any gaping holes in the team build. We'll need a tank and someone with holds for sure!
1.) @MissKyo - Tam Washington, Claws/WP Scrapper