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  1. Hi everyone... I'm really amazed that people still even remember this! Last issue of the podcast was like three years ago!

    Thanks for the thoughts, but I'm not planning on doing any more of these. I barely play CoX any more, spending most of my time with my other shows.

    I run a Tech podcast called TechChatter. Find it on iTunes or at our network site: RandomChatter: TechChatter

    For those of you into FPS games, I'll be starting a new show soon called Friendly Fire which will be about Team Fortress 2.

    Again, thanks for the good thoughts and hey, I'm still in game occasionally! @MintCondition Or even PM me here on the boards, I think it still emails you when you get a PM!
  2. Warning! The commentary for this weeks show includes belching and the phrase "di*k jokes". I'm still trying to figure out if that raises or lowers the level of the podcast.

    Yes, that's right kiddies, it's City of Stories time again, and I'm a lazy bum. Instead of putting together a new story, we're reaching back to Issue 4 for one of my favorites, Occam's Razor by Plasma Stream. Also this week we've got Pez with the Newswire and my review of Talledega Nights: the Legend of Ricky Bobby. It's this last segment that contains the aforementioned belching and other things. Please note that I'm not MAKING "di*k jokes", rather I'm discussing the USE of said jokes in the movie.

    You'll understand when you hear it. Clickity clickity click, boys and girls!

    0:15 Intro PsychoPez
    0:30 Opening, did you know it's August?
    1:25 Occam's Razor by Plasma Stream
    13:45 Newswire - So long, Cuppa!
    15:50 Thanks Plas, Pez and Cuppa
    16:20 Still looking for feedback and intros
    16:45 email is
    17:45 Mint reviews Talledega Nights
    28:12 Ding

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  3. Crom-a crom-a crom-a crom-a-chamelion, baby! We're back from our unexpected absence with a brand new orange car, two weeks of newswire, bumpers by Jim Tyrell and the opening to the awesome "I, Crom" by our very own ASCENDANT!

    It's crazy hot, so grab a lemonade, iced tea or diet coke and sit a spell. City of Stories is back in action.

    0:15 Intro OmniVolt
    0:40 Missed a week, whoops
    1:10 Buying a new car
    2:00 I'm a sucker for 5 speed hatchbacks - And this one's orange
    3:20 The other reason there was no show last week
    3:40 Stories in the queue aren't… something
    4:15 How can you help
    4:20 Opening up the fiction classes Not just CoX based
    4:40 Make up your own universe
    5:30 Without content, it's just me talking, and none of us wants that
    5:50 This week: Ascendant
    6:40 Turn the dial just past sanity
    6:55 Bumper - Resolve by Jim Tyrell ( )
    7:20 I, Crom - Ascendant
    27:35 Newswire - PsychoPez
    28:10 Bonus prestige!
    28:30 Positron explains the top issues the devs are working on
    29:00 PvP Debt proposal explained
    29:50 Base restructuring
    31:25 E3 changes
    32:15 Thomas Foss Warcry interview - Could the 5th column be coming back? ( )
    32:40 Salvage bug work around
    33:15 Performance increase suggestions from the Devs ( Clicky )
    34:00 Thanks to Jim Tyrell for the bumper, Omnivolt for the intro, PsychoPez for the newswires and Big A for I, Crom
    35:51 DING

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  4. Thanks to the Big A, "I, Crom" is the featured story in this week's City of Stories Podcast. Check it out:

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    Thanks, A!
  5. This weeks show is a little experiment. The monologue is upfront. This week I'll give you a look at the state of superhero genre and spec fic (Speculative Fiction) TV this summer as well as a peek at this fall's new NBC powers-drama Heroes. We've also got a great story from Rick Jones, newswire from PsychoPez a really hot intro from Crimson Genie and a great song from 4th Floor. What are you waiting for? Hit the link already!

    0:05 Intro - Crimson Genie
    0:30 Opening
    0:50 Almost had a problem
    1:30 You're glad I found something
    1:50 Different format this week
    2:40 Opening up the show a little - Want to contribute?
    3:00 looking for contributors
    4:00 TV Update - Heroes
    6:00 the 4400
    6:50 Surface
    7:30 Blade the Series
    7:55 "Action Porn" defined
    8:50 Kyle XY
    9:50 Eureka
    10:40 Story - Dancing With Myself - Rick Jones
    21:15 A Story of Life - 4th Floor
    27:50 Newswire - Psychopez (Extra XP, Fire Tanks, Doms, and Unyeilding)
    31:00 Closing

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  6. Sorry everyone, the first mix of Issue 21 had some problems. Somehow the audio levels got wonked at the beginning of the story. It's fixed now, sorry about that. If you got the bad one, you can redownload the show.
  7. Hey everyone. It's Tuesday, and that means another City of Stories issue. This week, it's less talk, more content! We've got PsychoPez with the news, CuppaJo with the intro, a great little story by PhoenixHawk called "Unsure" and a wonderful little song called Save Me Now from Casey Desmond.

    All that and just a little bit of me prattling on in this weeks Issue of City of Stories!

    0:15 Intro - Cuppa Jo
    0:25 Opening
    0:45 Worldcup
    1:05 Rugby
    1:40 Newswire
    2:20 "Fix" to mayhem missions pulled
    2:40 Third CoH Novel on hold
    3:15 "Born in Battle" Accolade requirements lowered
    4:05 Unsure - by PhoenixHawk
    15:55 Save Me Now - Casey Desmond ( courtesy )
    19:00 Closing
    20:00 running low on intros, send em in!
    22:02 Ding

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  8. 'Sup, ya'll! It's July 4th and time for another City of Stories! Sorry it's a few hours late, I guess I got busy blowing things up. Anyway, a Doberman story from Palaquinn and an Independence day song from Jesta! What more can you ask for? Well, we're glad you asked! If you act not, we'll throw in listener comments on last weeks show and an act of contrition for being a heartless jerk! But only for a limited time…

    Alright… enough! Here's Minty:

    0:05 Intro - Shinsektor & Vangelus
    0:30 Opening - really bad spanish
    0:55 Fer real, yo.
    1:10 Those wacky North Koreans
    1:25 Y'all are awesome
    1:55 A little fun at the Brits expense…
    2:20 I'll shut up now…
    2:50 Mad Dog Barking - Doberman by Palaquin
    19:25 Hello from Jesta
    19:45 Independence Day - Jesta
    24:20 Closing
    25:00 Thanks for your support
    25:20 Comment from PsychoPez
    26:25 Comment from PhoenixHawk - Including my third person defense of TKD
    29:45 I've been a heartless jerk
    30:00 Here's how my selection process works
    34:00 How to guarantee (just about) getting on CoS
    34:39 Still waiting for Dr. Suese
    36:36 Ding

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  9. Hey all. Sorry for the delay… but I hope it was worth the wait. This week we've got PsychoPez with the newswire, a great story from Miss Nox and a cool little song from Ash Verjee (again), courtesy of

    So the reason the show is late this week is pretty cool. This week was my Sho Dan (black belt) test. Our Sho Dan testing process is pretty intense and I honestly wasn't sure if I was going to make it, which is why I didn't really say too much about it before. But I did, and in the closing this week I spend some time talking about it. I think it's a pretty good listen, and, well, it's a pretty big deal to me.

    Lastly, there are a few things that you might notice as you listen to the show. First off, the opening says there are two stories, there aren't. Only the one Can't Stay Away. The second one didn't record as well as I'd hoped and I didn't have time to re-record. I'll include it in another show, as it deals with Miss Nox and Abhorent as well. Also, the addition of Kamikaze Eyes by Ash Verjee as bumper music was a post production decision so it's not mentioned in the cast either. But it is here in the show notes.

    So with all that out of the way… it's story time!

    0:15 Intro Omni Volt
    0:35 Opening - You can call me sensei
    1:30 Newswire - PsychoPez
    4:45 Kamikaze Eyes (part 1) Ash Verjee (
    6:00 Can't Stay Away - Miss Nox
    13:00 Kamikaze Eyes (part 2) Ash Verjee
    14:45 Closing
    15:05 Thanks again, Omni Volt, Miss Nox and Psychopez
    16:40 I talk about my Sho Dan (Black Belt) test
    29:20 How was your weekend? -- A little more of Kamikaze eyes
    31:35 Ding

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  10. Good evening, ladies and Germs. <badum-ching> It's time once again for another issue City of Stories, the best CoX based podcast fiction out there. Ok, so it's the only CoX podcast fiction, but hey….

    Anyway, we've got two stories for ya this week, Heart, by Joe Koelbl and A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste by Moriyaku. All that and "Impromptu for Six Pianos" by Ash Verjee. Here it comes!

    0:15 Intro - Phoenix Hawk
    0:30 Opening
    1:30 Need more Intros
    1:50 Need more publicity
    2:30 Heart - Joe Koelbl
    15:00 Impromptu for Six Pianos (excerpt) - Ash Verjee (courtesy
    16:40 A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste - Moriyaku
    22:20 Closing
    22:50 Thanks again
    25:20 Work sucks
    25:00 If you know open source CMS (Joomla, Drupal, Xoops) EMAIL ME
    25:00 Also, if you're a DC area PHP developer (a good one) I need to talk to you
    27:43 Ding-age

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  11. Alright everyone! Welcome back. Well, you didn't go anywhere, but I did. I took a marvelous cruise to the land of "Oh my God, I can't believe how sick I am! Stab me in the eye with a spoon and make me feel better." Ever been there? It's a little island right off the coast of "Please please let me die now-istan". Yeah, I had the flu, in a big way. Fever, chills, the whole nine yards. Good, in that I got to play CoH and watch most of the entire series of Buffy in order, bad in that, well…. I didn't feel well? Hey, might have been a decent trade off. Oh and I watched Firefly again, yay. So, hmmm……

    Alright, on to this weeks show. I mentioned it in the podcast, but I'm running out of stories. Consider this a plea for submissions. Without them, there is no show, so get it in gear people and send me your stuff and links to things you like.

    This week, we've got a story from Anthony Harte called "A Simple Ending". Good stuff. And a song from an Aussie band called Man Bited God. And retraction time: in the closing I call them Man Bites Dog…. That's incorrect, it's Man Bites God. Hey, it was almost 2AM when I recorded that, huh? Also, you get my sorta review of X-Men III and a week off from the newswire, so let's get to it!

    0:15 Intro - Sorah
    0:35 Opening
    0:55 I'm begging. More stories. PLEASE! And if you need to, send it again.
    2:00 No Newswire this week
    2:50 A Simple Ending - By Anthony Harte
    13:00 Bride of the Dragon - Man Bites God ( courtesy of
    15:45 Closing
    16:10 Thanks again: Anthony Harte for the story and to Sorah for last week's guest hosting
    16:20 Man Bites God - Reminds me of Jonathan Coulton ( NSFW)
    16:45 Been a while, how do I do this again?
    16:55 X-Men 3 review-let
    20:00 Seeya!
    21:43 Ding

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  12. Alright, sorry y'all. I've been REALLY sick this weekend, which means even if I hadn't lost my voice, every other sound you'd hear would be a cough or a wheeze. So I present to you: The best of City of Stories, with special guest host: Karnal Sin! <yay!>

    So thanks Karnal, and thanks again to Ascendant for the story: A Time and a Case for Everything. Also thanks again to Jonathan Coulton from for the song "SkullCrusher Mountain."

    And thanks to those several of you who've contacted me in game recently. I always love hearing from all of you.

    Alright. That's it for this week. Check back next week. As you know by now… we've got some big news to go over!


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  13. Alright people, listen up. This one's different. May 29th was Memorial Day here in the US and in honor of that day, City of Stories is pleased to present What Makes a Hero. Yeah, this one is by none other than your host, his Minty-ness. It also features some really great music by Allison Crowe and it's all done in honor of the men and women who serve us everyday. Yes, the military, but also the Police, firefighters, EMS and all the other people who give of themselves and accept less than they could because they are serving us.

    Thank you.

    0:15 Opening - This is a special show.
    0:30 Memorial Day
    2:50 What Makes a Hero - by Mint Condition
    18:30 Pray for Rain - Allison Crowe
    22:50 Closing
    23:15 Thanks to Allison Crowe ( )
    23:30 Thanks to the real life heroes. Seriously.
    24:00 Charity Links
    24:15 National Fallen Firefighters Foundation:
    24:30 COPS - Concerns of Police Survivors:
    24:50 Fisher House Foundation:
    25:50 Wrap up - There were other submissions, they didn't edit in well
    26:10 There is - Allison Crowe
    30:09 Done

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  14. Longest. Podcast. Ever.

    Sorry for the delay, but... there was a reason. I unintentionally discovered that the software I'm using to mix down the podcast has a one hour limit. How do I know this? Because this weeks show clocks in at 1:00:48. Sorry about that. But on the plus side, we've got a great story from Misaki, a news recap with lots of stuff from positron and Mints guide to PvP for non-PvPers! And a great tune from Alienation, an indie trance band from South Africa. So tune in!

    If you skip some, I won't be offended, but make sure you don't miss the next show. It's Memorial Day Weekend here in the US and I've got something different and special planned.

    0:10 Intro Pagan Justice
    0:30 Opening
    1:55 Newswire
    2:20 Sociological Study (
    3:50 Lots of Positron news from the May 13th meet and greet also interview with Boomtown
    13:05 Welcome to Paragon - by Misaki
    29:00 Morning Sky - Alienation (courtesy
    32:30 Closing
    32:50 Like the music I've been playing?
    33:00 Indie bands rock
    33:20 ASCAP bites...Screw the industry (
    34:30 Mint's PvP Guide for non-PvPers
    59:30 Don't miss next week
    1:00:48 Ding!

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  15. It's that time again! CoS Issue 13 is ready for download! Short show this week, but I think a decent one. We've got Under the Thinking Tree from Jeddar and On the Passing of Fairytale Heroes from Indie band "Halfwayhome". Enjoy!

    0:10 Intro Moriaku
    0:25 Opening
    1:50 Newswire
    2:15 NCSoft Announces Free games including Exteel
    3:30 Keeping Origin Specific temp powers
    3:50 Future Visions for Mayhem missions
    4:15 ESRB madness - Oblivion
    5:10 Robin Lawes author of Freedom Phalanx on Warcry;colid=9485
    6:00 Under the Thinking Tree
    13:40 On the Passing of Fairytale Heroes - Halfwayhome ( Courtesy of the Podsafe Music Network at
    17:00 Closing
    17:20 Thanks!
    17:45 Editing is important
    18:10 X-Men 3 preview. Some say it's gonna suck, I'm getting excited (
    19:40 CoX plays on Apple Computers
    20:50 Random invites on Op War?
    21:30 Short show! A look ahead
    23:17 Ding!

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  16. Hey, everyone! Issue 12 of City of Stories is up and ready for download. This week our story is an excellent one by Elysienne. It's the introduction to the Elysienne Origin, and it's called "To Stand", but I like to think of it as "All the Little Angels".

    Well, between my allergies kicking in halfway through recording and a pretty awful cockney accent… I apologize in advance. I think the story makes up for it. Also, we've got a continuation of the IP discussion from last week and a hands on look at Issue 7.

    Get ready, it's showtime.

    0:10 Intro: Billy Ray Payne
    0:30 Opening
    1:50 Newswire
    2:15 Issue 7 is on Test!
    2:30 Hero "Mayhem Missions" are on the way
    2:45 Changes to toggle drops in I7 - Big changes
    3:30 Name reservation change
    4:45 All the Little Angels - by Elysienne
    15:30 Closing
    15:45 Thanks to Elysienne and thanks for listening
    16:10 What to call the closing segment?
    16:50 Listener feedback
    17:00 Guardian Beacon weighs in on the IP issue from last show
    19:15 My reply - let's sue Crayola!
    20:10 Don't **** off your customers
    20:20 iGeneration, IXUS - Is this a "Free" update?
    21:10 Palaquin's I7 review, hands on
    27:05 Ghost Widow's voice is sexy… Uh, Pally? She's a GHOST and a WIDOW, and a Villain… rethink that will ya?
    28:00 Co host wanted. Let's skype!
    28:30 No PvP essay this week, maybe next time
    29:58 Ding

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  17. Issue 11, it's like heaven! Welcome to Issue 11 of City of Stories. Not much to ramble about, I did all my rambling in the podcast. Story this week is Ten Minutes Before the Mission by PsychoPez.

    0:15 Introduction - BlackVoid
    0:30 Opening
    1:20 News Wire
    1:40 Happy Anniversary - CoH 2nd Birthday
    1:50 New Badge
    2:00 Tin Foil Hat people
    2:20 Free costumes and Party
    2:30 States and Posi 2nd Anniversary Address
    3:00 The fun stuff about the future - Issue 8, 9
    3:50 a new box product in 2007
    4:10 Players choice winners (
    4:25 Mayhem mission trailer (
    4:50 Welcome Cricket, new redname
    5:05 IP Clarification
    5:50 Recluse's victory backstory
    6:30 Breaking news… Issue 7 on Test!
    7:00 Story - Ten Minutes Before the Mission
    14:20 Closing
    15:05 Yes, I love emails and I actually read them and reply!
    16:30 iGeneration --- Hello to our European server listeners!
    17:20 Listener Comment - IXUS
    18:30 2 years since launch… wow
    19:00 Deleting high level characters
    20:25 The name police! Look out!
    20:45 I am not affiliated with NCSoft or Cryptic
    20:20 Lighten up
    24:30 Virtue PvP league Draft… I got drafted early: Yay!
    24:50 PvP is for Defenders, controllers, corruptors and Dominators!
    26:45 Desperate for intros
    28:10 Ding

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  18. Greetings Heroes, Villains and morally agnostic meta-humans! Welcome to another City of Stories. Great show this week, news from the boards, a GREAT story from Misaki (I'll be in my bunk) and a song by Jack in the Pulpit! Lots of CoX goodness in one downloadable package! Enjoy!

    0:00 Warning: The story in this issue contains scenes that are not meant for children.
    0:15 Intro: Professor Blues
    0:30 Opening
    1:10 Newswire
    1:35 Welcome to the Newswire!
    1:45 Send News to
    2:00 Thursday patch - XP fixes Tank and Controler Mez fixes
    2:20 NCSoft meet and greet
    3:00 Mayhem Missions preview posted
    3:40 Ageia PhysX engine
    4:35 "Aid Self is overpowered" - _Castle_
    5:15 Positron Q&A - More costume options, Villain Accolades, New Missions and badges, Positive change for Dominators, Patron Powers permanence still under discussion, INF vaults, new powers Fury modifiers, "State of the Game" roadmap coming "soon", PvP Fury,
    8:00 Cuppa - Base Camping is NOT griefing (grrr)
    9:10 Comic book is moving to 1 release every 2 months
    9:30 News end
    9:45 Sensual Violence by Misaki
    17:30 Heroes by Jack in the Pulpit (Special Music courtesy and
    21:30 Closing Mono
    21:40 I'll be in my bunk
    21:50 Thanks to Prof. Blues and Misaki
    22:25 Looking for news gatherers… reporters?
    24:20 Plug for CoH Writers Guild at
    25:00 Take my ideas… please
    28:40 What do we call ourselves?
    29:20 Still need more intros send to
    30:39 Ding

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  19. Look, people, repel is fine. It's important. Needed even. But there's a difference between "repel" and "can't touch me with a ten foot pole and eighteen feet of telescoping presentation pointers" (as a side note, with laser pointers does anyone use those anymore?)

    Anyway, repel should push the target away, but any off-axis movement should be possible. I always thought that all repels should tick a little to prevent pinning, but then again, that's why they sell TP temp powers in the arena and PvP zones. All I want is for things to be fair. If 'cane makes you untouchable, give "Kin-repel" and the FF power the same. Otherwise not. Indeed, 'cane has so many other effects that the powers in the other sets seem very under powered.

    And I'm good either way, balance down the 'cane or up the others. If you bring it down (and I like the fact that I get one shot at a 'caner now), you make my scrapper and stalker happy. Bring repel up and you make my Fire/Kin troller happy (Lord knows she needs the love now...)

  20. By popular demand, and the great graces of his Voyagerness... the Intro to 150 Meters to Ground is the latest short fiction to be featured on City of Stories, the CoH Fan Fic Podcast. Enjoy!

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  21. That's right, we missed a week, but now we're back with an all new story! This week's intro is from Sound Cannon and the story is 150 Meters to Ground (introduction) by Voyager. Thanks to all those who waited!

    0:07 Intro Sound Cannon
    0:33 Opening
    1:35 150 Meters to Ground - Voyager
    11:40 Closing
    11:55 Thanks to Sound Cannon and Voyager
    12:10 Congrats to PlasmaStream for Readers Choice Awards Nomination
    12:24 A few other podcast fiction shows
    13:00 Escape Pod (
    14:00 Voices New Media Fiction (
    14:20 What's a podiobook?
    15:00 (
    15:15 Geek-fu Action Grip (
    15:30 I broke down and did it. I bought a real iPod… and I'm in love.
    16:30 iPod buying guide, and how the phrase "It's only $50 more" is REALLY dangerous
    17:30 Video rocks
    18:35 Accessories… don't try this at home.
    19:40 Red-eye travel woes and the reason I didn't put out a show last week
    20:10 BRAAAAAINS….
    20:51 DING!

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  22. No show this week, sorry folks.

    I'm just getting back from San Fransisco and between jetlag and getting all the fires out at work and home, I just haven't had time.

    I'm also REALLY low on short story material. Send em in, people!

    Talk at you next week.

  23. Short show this week, people. I'm on travel in SF for the week. So as I beg in the podcast, let me know what to do here after business is done! Hope you enjoy it.

    0:15 Intro -- CUPPAJO!

    0:30 Opening - What to do in San Francisco when you're bored?

    1:50 Three Views of Atlas Park - Megajoule

    12:40 Closing

    13:00 Thanks Megajoule and Cuppa

    13:15 Looking for a guest reader - Sorry guys =(

    14:10 Listener Feedback

    14:15 Blakavar

    15:30 Wish I'd planned iTunes launch better

    15:40 Rick

    15:55 Shameless plug

    16:07 I'm amazed at how many bad podcasts there are

    16:25 I geek out and explain my audio set-up

    17:32 Don't fear the RPer

    18:40 Writers clinic responses

    19:30 Tell me what to do in SF!!!!

    20:56 Ding

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  24. Normally, I wouldn't post this here, as City of Stories is not OT for this forum. But this issue is special... it contains part 1 of the CoX Writers Clinic as a feature segment following the story. Basically, it's things aspiring writers should keep in mind when putting fingers to keyboard. Comments always welcome.

    Hey everyone! Issue 7 is better late than never! Post production was a little rushed, so if there are any screw-ups, I'm sorry in advance. First of all, we've got an excellent little story from PlasmaStream, which is actually the introduction to her longer work "Impact Wave". I really liked this one for its creative use of second person. Following that, we have a long but very useful feature segment: the CoX Fan Fiction Writers Clinic. Basically over the past months I've read a TON of fiction that is very good, but needs just a touch to make it great. That's understandable, given that few of you are professional writers and it may have been a while since High School creative writing classes. Anyway, this segment gives you a good place to start and can also be a good refresher for even some of us with an old hand at writing. I hope you get something out of it.

    Stay tuned. We've got something pretty special planned for next week.

    0:13 Intro - PsychoPez (Thanks Pez, but it's not MY City of Stories… it's y'all's City of Stories…)
    0:33 Opening: Story and Feature
    1:30 Impact Wave (Introduction) by Plasma Stream
    12:30 Writers Clinic - Part 1
    39:22 Closing
    39:50 Listener Feedback
    40:10 Central Nexus:
    40:50 PsychoPez CALLS IN TO THE SHOW!
    43:55 You can "call in too!" send mp3 of wav and send to
    44:20 Still looking for intros
    44:55 Big News. iTunes. HUGE NUMBERS
    46:00 If you're listening from iTunes, let me know how you found it.
    46:30 Wrap up
    48:00 Ding!

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  25. Hey everyone! Issue 7 is better late than never! Post production was a little rushed, so if there are any screw-ups, I'm sorry in advance. First of all, we've got an excellent little story from PlasmaStream, which is actually the introduction to her longer work "Impact Wave". I really liked this one for its creative use of second person. Following that, we have a long but very useful feature segment: the CoX Fan Fiction Writers Clinic. Basically over the past months I've read a TON of fiction that is very good, but needs just a touch to make it great. That's understandable, given that few of you are professional writers and it may have been a while since High School creative writing classes. Anyway, this segment gives you a good place to start and can also be a good refresher for even some of us with an old hand at writing. I hope you get something out of it.

    Stay tuned. We've got something pretty special planned for next week.

    0:13 Intro - PsychoPez (Thanks Pez, but it's not MY City of Stories… it's y'all's City of Stories…)
    0:33 Opening: Story and Feature
    1:30 Impact Wave (Introduction) by Plasma Stream
    12:30 Writers Clinic - Part 1
    39:22 Closing
    39:50 Listener Feedback
    40:10 Central Nexus:
    40:50 PsychoPez CALLS IN TO THE SHOW!
    43:55 You can "call in too!" send mp3 of wav and send to
    44:20 Still looking for intros
    44:55 Big News. iTunes. HUGE NUMBERS
    46:00 If you're listening from iTunes, let me know how you found it.
    46:30 Wrap up
    48:00 Ding!

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