43 -
To be applauded by the great Jock Tamson! My thanks indeed. This may make me break out the old Microsoft Word to bust out the origin story for scrapper primaries I've been thinking of.
[/ QUOTE ]Give into the urge, and your passage to the defender side will be complete... -
Witha big chunk of the forum dwelling player base backing it, I wonder how long it will be before the devs release the Clickey-Clack badge.
[/ QUOTE ]
Let's here it for the Clickey-Clack badge
[/ QUOTE ]
Yes, how about a giant oscillator monster to go with it. We don't have ANY flying GM's yet.
[/ QUOTE ]
Caleb would like to have a word with you.
[/ QUOTE ]Caleb! That's who I was thinking of. But it remains true that CoH lacks a flying GM -
Witha big chunk of the forum dwelling player base backing it, I wonder how long it will be before the devs release the Clickey-Clack badge.
[/ QUOTE ]
Let's here it for the Clickey-Clack badge
[/ QUOTE ]
Yes, how about a giant oscillator monster to go with it. We don't have ANY flying GM's yet.
[/ QUOTE ]There's a reason for that. *points at a group of sad scrappers. they are sad because they can not fight the flying GM. This is because their only travel powers are teleport or superspeed* Of course, if it was limited flight, I think there could be acceptable workarounds.
Wait, isn't that Ghost GM in Nerva flying? -
I think this may be one of the best threads ever.
[/ QUOTE ]
This is one of the things I LOVE about our forums.
War Witch
Yeah, there may be some jerks, but not many compared to the number of nice, decent people. -
Must...resist...making...Uncle Electrophile...
[/ QUOTE ]Yes, but if you just let the idea fester in your mind, you know you'll want to do it. -
Try teaming with four toons half your level and half your height for one of the V-Day missions.
No, I'm not kidding in the least. Good team, though. -
Extremely cute, and a good example of why parents should get involved with their kid's gaming. Or vice versa...
*takes a deep breath to start a rant about how the gaming industry should do things, but is tackled by his characters, and dragged away. Delilah stays to explain*
"We generally keep him from acting too stupid, but he snuck out this morning." -
When thing start going South, it is typically the Controllers and Defenders who realize it first. Sometimes the fastest solution is a handfull of red pills, a Power Build Up effect, then a Nuke.
- Jock Tamson, Whose Empath had "Right! That's it! Everyone out of the pool!" keybound to Blackstar. Only in Latin to make it sound more clever.
[/ QUOTE ]I've been saying that for ages. Tanks and Scrappers just look at the foe in their faces. Blasters unload to bring down massive blows of damage.
Controller's greatest powers are wasted where foes die the fastest, so she watches the edge of the battle, using his powers to make the foe's helpers not matter.
Defender, watching everyone and everything, shouts "INCOMING!" -
I remember Becky... Bubblehead? Or alternate brain melting technique? You make the call.
People are imperfect. Accept it. Embrace it. Let a fricking storm on the team, and quit whining.
[/ QUOTE ]Learn about storm, so if the fricking storm you allowed onto the team dosen't know what she's doing, you can give sage advice.
Hurricane can be used several ways. One effective way I was the recipient of is to run up next to a wounded blaster. Knockback, repell, and -range serve nicely to protect. -
I am reminded of a Tera Volta trial I went on recently. 4 Defenders, 4 Blasters. Crazy-fun, what with being able to really cut loose with my powers.
You deviants (I'm looking at you especially TMS) are making me want to roll up a storm/arch defender when I should be working on my ff/electric defender
If this keeps up without an appropriate retraction, I will post my completely accurate retelling of rad/sonic, where the toggled enemy ran away, AM was fired when no one was near, and everyone wondered why rad continued shouting when, if he'd throw an irradiate out, they'd be able to hit some purples.
[/ QUOTE ]
Very well. I retract the last sentence
- Jock Tamson, Who is simply doing as requested
[/ QUOTE ]*snrrrrrrrrrrrrrrks before leaving work for home* -
- Jock Tamson, Who assumes TMS will once again take issue with the suggestion that Storm might get hit.
[/ QUOTE ]Yes, yes she will. And likely with the other issue, which I see you hinted to in the story. -
In Kings Row, while playing a rousing game of "Toss the Skul", Blaster of Energy and Controller of Mind were having a jolly good time catapulting unsuspecting Skulls off of buildings and into deep ditches.
[/ QUOTE ]Is there something wrong in the fact that I immediately think how to combine using these powers with good timing to shoot a skull really hella far? Cuz seriously, toss him into the air, the force bolt will send him at an upward angle. -
And thank you to all our new writers for producing them. I seem to have created a new genre: CoX Mythology
[/ QUOTE ]Thank you for letting us add to the legend!
Thank you for creating the genre! -
I'm feeling inspired... but let's see what I can do to add my own spin to it, without wrecking things.
In the days after Statesman granted Reg's power to the Titan, all hailed Radia's powers. But, Radia soon became arrogant; with her help none could fail, without, failure was inescapable. She grew prideful, and lazy... and decided to take a vacation to a sub-tropical island that happened to be near the place where beautiful mermaids sang, near to the city created by the Spider. There Radia relaxed with many of similar power.
Rocks fell, and everyone died.
But, someone had an awake, so they were able to recover from the wipe.
Those rocks, however, were no normal stones, but fragments of the mirror the Spider had made. Six of them began to glow with the power of Radia. Curious, a grandchild of Scrapper, having little to no fear, came to the sub-tropical island, and studied the rocks. He found that by taking a piece from each of the six rocks, smelting them in one of the unexplained volcanic lava pools, and taking it back to his camp to forge, he could create a weapon that gave him the power of Radia to counter the power of Reg, by creating a strange reflection of his cousin. Such a bright reflection, but so short lived. He shared his findings and methods with his brothers and sisters, and more distant relatives, realizing the power of Radia could be now claimed by any.
Radia was deeply saddened by this, and in her despair went to the Spider. She asked the Spider to make her powers rare again, to make Radia more powerful than her imitations. Spider promised to "do something to make Radia more attractive compared to the weapons that mimiced her power."
Spider, not really caring about Radia, shared the secrets of the six stones with the children of Brute, Stalker, Dominator, Corrupter, and Mastermind. They flocked to the island, where soon war broke out. Collecting the pieces of each of the six rocks became a perilous trial. But Spider did more, and sent the Descendants of the Fifth to the island, where they set up cunning traps around the unexplained lava pools. Even when the six pieces were collected, it was all but impossible for any to get past the traps to the unexplained lava pools unaided.
And Radia watched as the reflections of her power became harder and harder to come by, and her brothers and sisters beset by the reflections of her, she learned the price that must be paid for Pride, and Envy.
It didn't help that the Spider rubbed it in, explaining how he had fulfilled the letter of his promise.
I have no idea about the real sequence of events, or reasoning behind them. I mostly wrote this to be silly. -
I am a defender. I will not heal you.
Tankers, I will take to the Defense Cap.
Scrappers, I will line up your targets, so you can knock them down.
Blasters, I will guard, knocking melee attackers away.
Controllers, I will protect with my life, my lightning pulling agro away.
I am a Defender. I will not heal you. I will protect you in battle, aid you in your travels, and watch over you.
I am a Defender. I will not heal you. You will not need to be healed.
My own take on the credo of a defender, after about a week of reading stuff in the forums about how to be an effective defender. Thanks for the advice PhiloticKnight. =)