Merryl Lightclaw... on Champion... was pretty well known for running "Merryl's XP Tours", and people really wanted to join those teams lol. One day she rolled up a new Controller and started it all over again, from AP to King's Row, etc. Then she picked up my Willpower/EM tanker and a Dark/Dark defender on a random PUG one morning, and we rocked so hard we made a SG called "Merryl's XP Tours" lol.
OMG, welcome back.
Unfortunately Merryl's Expee Train has moved to a new station and now regularly departs from points in and around the Freedom, Virtue and Justice servers. My in game global is @Merryl (no surprise there) and I do not often browse or lurk on these forums.
You will, however, find me reasonably active on the Repeat Offenders Network forums as I am highly active in that group.
Look me up sometime ingame
PS. I don't know how, or even if, I can change my forum username to be the same as my ingame global. Can anyone help with that?