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  1. Merryl

    Getting Fired

    Originally Posted by Skyster View Post
    Merryl Lightclaw... on Champion... was pretty well known for running "Merryl's XP Tours", and people really wanted to join those teams lol. One day she rolled up a new Controller and started it all over again, from AP to King's Row, etc. Then she picked up my Willpower/EM tanker and a Dark/Dark defender on a random PUG one morning, and we rocked so hard we made a SG called "Merryl's XP Tours" lol.
    OMG, welcome back.

    Unfortunately Merryl's Expee Train has moved to a new station and now regularly departs from points in and around the Freedom, Virtue and Justice servers. My in game global is @Merryl (no surprise there) and I do not often browse or lurk on these forums.

    You will, however, find me reasonably active on the Repeat Offenders Network forums as I am highly active in that group.

    Look me up sometime ingame


    PS. I don't know how, or even if, I can change my forum username to be the same as my ingame global. Can anyone help with that?
  2. I just tried it too. Thought it was me too