2623 -
You have got to be kidding me!
I save these threads for Monday, or Sunday night at the earliest!
I'm still hoping to ding 50 on lvl 49 toons (47 at the beginning of the weekend) and get my Iso caught up. -
They said it was going to start at 6AM PDT, but it looks like that's when they took the servers down.
Maybe they actually meant DXP starts at 6PM PDT. -
I was going off the last email I got. How could they get that wrong?!
WTF stacks with Double XP, right? I seem to recall getting Quad-Completion bonus on the last DXP weekend. Lady Grey is actually a WTF I would run!
Quote:I'm not sure there was a technical reason other than "It took a butt-ton of effort to rework all of the regular powers so they could be customized, to add Pool/Ancillary/Patron power customization would be a double butt-ton, and we really wanted to get 'regular' power customization out first".I'm not a techie but I never understood why they didn't have ancillary power color customization when customization came out. If there's a good technical reason I'll shut up. lol
They could have been working on this in the background for a few years and they're finally done. -
I didn't know the XP Boosters stack with Double XP Weekend. My play time will be limited this weekend, so that might be worth an investment.
I assumed greyscale was something like leprosy, but I forget how the disease works. Does it actually turn you to stone? If so, it seems like a mystical malady. If it just makes your skin (and flesh) fall off until you eventually die, then it feels more like a biological disease.
Anyone else see it yet?
The story felt like The Bourne Identity or The Long Kiss Goodnight, but in a sci-fi setting. There were essentially no twists to the story, and worst of all: NO KUATO!
I did learn that in the future we will drink Heineken from futuristic bottles and all music will be dubstep. -
I actually agree with you, Voo. You shouldn't need to follow the game on Twitter, FB, or G+ (or all three, for some of us!) to keep up with the latest.
That being said...
ZOMG Customizable Pool Powers in Issue 24!
Quote:It was intentionally misleading!Title of the thread is misleading!!! Most people would think you are talking about tanker attack sets or about scrapper/brute armors.
Quote:Not posted by a Redname? Once again something talked about on their way to trying too hard to be extra hip?
Instafail for me.
Of course I did find out about it on Facebook first. I do with that if they announce something new like this that they also post on the Forums about it, but maybe they will before the week is out. -
For Blasters and Doms!
How does Victory feel about this?
I can think of a lot of great concepts, but it feels late in the day to be rolling new toons for them... (says the man who always rolls new toons when new powersets come out)
Not going to make it tonight... and probably not next week either.
Victory's been having issues the past few days. They posted something on FB about it and someone commented: "What, did more than 20 people log on to Victory at once?"
Yeah, platform is irrelevant, but you can PM me your HA handle and I'll start up a game.
I love HA!
Can't wait for the TF2 team!
Remember, though... we can't talk about other games here, so this thread might get mod-nuked soon. -
Quote:None of these are solo content!For PLing, DfB or the task forces. DfB to 10, both Posi's, Synapse, Penelope Yin and Sutter will get you to 24. Maybe throw in a DiB.
You didn't say "only" solo, but that's how I took the subject line. I would imagine that people who only solo (or solo most of the time) don't do much PLing. Heck, they probably also like running around the content as it was originally written.
Also: they don't use zippers.
Quote:What Sam said, times one billion.Pretty much the saddest thing that could happen to City of Heroes is to turn what made the game so versatile in the first place into the anchor around the neck which keeps it limited. Comic books as an argument for game additions should only ever be used to argue for something to be added and never against adding something.
The genre-jamming aspect of character and costume creation is my favorite part of this game. -
We have melee players in this run?!
More crap I won't buy. I guess I have to look forward to the new Packs as well, to get the Space Pirate costume.
In the age of Super-Sidekicking, you can be lvl 1 and run with the 50s. Of course, that would mean people couldn't run certain TFs, and usually it doesn't happen, but there's no hard and fast rule.
Sounds like I'm 12 lvls back after only missing one week.