2623 -
Well, apparently it tries to do things while you're connected. Fortunately blocking the application doesn't render the game unplayable.
Quote:No haven't started yet; I mulled over it too long and didn't get it all downloaded yet. Might have to pull a Mental tonight to get some play time in -
AC is pretty good, now that I got rid of that annoying bug where the game froze briefly every time I killed someone.
I think the controls could be a little better, but that's par for the course with a console port. Now I'm thinking I should pick up the other three games... -
Since AC3 doesn't come out for the PC until November, I'm going to pick up the first title at 75% off... SWEET!
I knew I could count on you, Flux. Ironically, the Mayor of Doomopolis is the least Doomful of all!
My tally: nothing.
So, did anyone use the DXP weekend to finish some toons off, or even to start something new? -
I'm liking New Rick... he doesn't play around!
Amazing. The Atlas Park scenes were particularly powerful.
Quote:Maybe those places are even worse?Why in the hell would Papa stay in the Monroe Republic when they were practically a hairs-breadth from either the Plains Nation or the Georgia one? At the start, I can see it, but come on.
I agree with the comment that those "countries" are way too large. I'd expect warring city-states, like Ancient Greece... not sprawling empires. Especially considering Monroe sounded like the only one with a working train. Maybe that's the point... all of these players have steam engines running, so they are able to hold things together.
I have to agree with MM... I can see Danny become the "son the Insurance Adjuster Guy never had"... despite the fact that he already has a son. Maybe he wants a new son who doesn't know he was a dweeb before the lights went out. -
Quote:I will replay at a harder difficulty level (and maybe to take my time more), but I think there is an optimal path through the tech tree and you will eventually get burned if you don't follow it.That's not much. Considering I imagine you play just as awesome at it as you do this game
Replayability? Doing things completely differently can still give you a fighting chance?
Never was big on the $40+ for a single game. I might have to wait a bit.
It also has multiplayer, so that gives you a lot of replay.
I would wait for the sale, but it was definitely a worthwhile investment for me. -
33 hours to my first game win.
Grenades are very effective early on (unless you're in a terror message trying to save civvies), but later, they do less damage than a laser or plasma rifle.
I wouldn't judge the game by the Demo, but it does give you an idea of what gameplay is like. -
Quote:Oh yeah, screw their priority list! Your priority should be:I think I'm going to restart now that I have a better grasp of what is going on. I'll take my time, and just because something is listed "priority" doesn't really mean drop everything else.
beam weapons->decent armor->keep putting satellites up->THEN you can think about building alien containment->get interceptors upgraded->get better guns->get better armor -
Whew... just finished on Normal difficulty. I'm going to take a break before trying "Classic" difficulty.
Quote:See, Bone... this is what X-COM is about... moments like that. That's why I think the game is a worthy heir to the original.I just took on an overseer ship packed with Muton Elites, Ethreal, and a frickin Sectopod... with laser weaponry. I didn't bring my one medic, and everyone was wrecked but managed to survive. My sniper was critial for 3 turns before I plugged the last Muton with run/gun from all three of my assualts within sprinting distance... I was praying I could cover the ground, it was like a superbowl touchdown moment :P
I'm on what I think is the final mission, and it's pretty tough, if only because it's a big map, and I'm running out of medkits, and one character *has* to survive or you fail... and I'm on Ironman Mode. -
I've never played any of these games, but the Colonial setting of the new game intrigues me. Are they any good? What's the gameplay like? Hitman? Thief?
Ha, I got two in the first batch of three I tested!
(One had a Will of 96, so she was pretty much a lock.)
Holy **** what a premiere!
For anyone who's read the comic: do we know why the prisoners didn't try exactly what Rick and his gang were doing? Seems like they could have secured the prison themselves. -
Quote:The interface is fine... I assume your issue is with the Base layout? In retrospect, I think it was needlessly complex in the original, and if they took out Base Raids (which I wasn't a great fan of), then it really doesn't matter as much.Well, lets see... where to begin. How about the whole console interface... I hate it really. Dumbed down, oh I dunno, everything. Guess this is like Idiocracy for gamers...
Quote:Why can't a make a rookie a sapper with a bag of grenades? Where's the C4 damnit? You mean, I can't intentionally shoot that wall out to expose the bad guy?
I definitely agree with you about not being able to target the environment. It would have been pretty simple to implement as well. That's an omission.
Quote:There's so much that's been hosed, it is not XCom at all.
Squad-based turn-based tactical combat? Yes!
Research, Resource Management and Base Building? Yes!
Building out fighters to take on UFOs? Yes!
Varied mission types and maps? Yes... actually more variety than the original!
The camera controls and probably use some work (I don't even know you could rotate the camera until two days ago), but this is just nitpicking. I'm sure you'll enjoy Xenonauts more, but this is really a slick, AAA implementation of X-COM.