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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tocharon View Post
    Other changes didn't make much sense( Rob marries a different girl, granted the same girl next door type)
    Actually she's not the girl next door... she's from Volantis! In the book his love interest was Westerosi.

    I have no idea why they made the change other than to make it more exotic and exciting than in the book, where the whole thing basically happened off screen.
  2. David Brin wrote a nice article about Ray in Salon.
  3. Mental_Giant

    Flux: crushing dreams since January 2005.

  4. Dorne is pretty important, so I think it will come into it's own next year with the duel between the Mountain and the Viper. Then again, in the long run, the "Crispy Q" gambit didn't work out so much, so maybe they will prune that branch a little.

    I agree with you on Harrenhal to a point. In the book it was massively confusing in terms of who held the castle and who didn't and who was going to betray who, but I don't think we're seeing Arya's character develop the way it should. We're not seeing her nightly littany of names (I'm glad Jaquen brought that up before faceshifting) and the rage that's building up in her. I hope next season with see that development during her time with the hound.

    I'll admit it's been a long time since I read this book, so I remember very little of Qarth. I do agree that Dany gets pretty tedious as she goes through the slave cities liberating everyone and making everything worse somehow. I hope that does get steamlined. I remember dreading her chapters during that time period.

    I think I'm most happy with (big shocker!) Tyrion's storyline. Dinklage does justice to the part, and the show spends enough time on him to get the main points across. I can't wait to see the reaction at the end of next season (or the season after that, if they're splitting Storm into two seasons).
  5. Holy crap... RIP one of the greats.
  6. Ah, I didn't know it was Linda who was really dissatisfied with the show! I need to watch their video recaps more often.

    As long as GRRM still keeps writing the books, I honestly don't care what happens in the series. The books will always be the real story for me, and the show is just an attempt to capture it. It would be almost impossible for them to do it justice, and but I'll take the honest effort they're putting forth.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MentalMaden View Post
    And if you don't know who Elio is, GRRM will call him to ask questions about characters if he can't remember little details like eye color. He and partner Linda are helping George write the Encylopedia of the series. So I'll yield to his answer here.
    I read this after I made my statement, so again I feel vindicated!

    Elio and Linda haven't been too happy with this season, except for Theon's storyline and the Blackwater episode.

    BTW, you said partner? Are they together? I get that impression, but I can't find confirmation of it anywhere.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
    Speaking of that scene, is Danny out of handmaidens by now?
    I'll miss Irri and Jhqui. I loved their "It is known" commentary throughout the series. I can see how they were seen as expendable, though.
  9. I'd love to do this, but I don't have all of the prerequisites. I'll work on getting them for future runs.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
    Retro Sci-Fi costume set confirmed to release next Tuesday (June 12).

    How much are those costume slots?
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
    Maybe I'm reading too much into it.
    Probably... I think they just wanted to have a cool scene of an army of Others and wights approaching the Fist of the First Men. The Other probably ignored Sam because he was beneath his contempt. I imagine he'll find a way to escape, and kill one in the process.
  12. Don't we always have downtime on Tuesday when they roll out the new Market items?
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MentalMaden View Post
    Edit- Ok after further research it seems that what you are thinking of Mental is that there is only one place south of the neck where weirwoods grow. Most castles have godswoods, but they are usually other types of trees and are for more decorative reasons.
    I'll take that as vindication!
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MentalMaden View Post
    I don't remember exactly from the books but were the Stark kids brought up under the Seven (I know they had a sept in Winterfell for Cat) or the old gods? Or was last nights wedding ceramony a mistake by the production team? I'm not getting all purist-y about it, just something I found weird, unless I missed that about the children. Even so, wouldn't the King in the North do it for the old gods regardless?
    I noticed that too and I was offended. I was thinking maybe because they were far from a Weirwood Grove (there's only one south of the Neck, I think) that they made do for the ceremony, but they planned to have a proper service back at Winterfell.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Flux_ View Post
    I take it that this is currently the only way to unlock the hybrid slot?

    Please tell me that the salvage needed to craft the enhancements is the same as it is for Destiny, etc.
    Yes, and yes.

    Don't worry, though Flux... I've been seeing a lot of "Mag farms" running, and I didn't know what that was until I saw it referenced on the forums. People running Mag with no intention of finishing, just to get Advanced IXP which is needed for Hybrid (it takes about five runs if you complete).

    It's pretty sad... the Devs should have given us some other way to gain Hybrid XP.
  16. I *totally* expected to see The Slayer in action... but as the wights (and actual Others!) piled up, I realized he couldn't be a hero then and live. Maybe he'll kill one escaping, or when he rejoins his Brothers.

    Grenn and Edd once again proved that old adage: "I don't need to outrun the bear, I just need to outrun you!"
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Madame Pistacio View Post
    I was aware of this last night. It's okay We still got masters 3 days before anyone else did!
    That's no small feat!

    It sounds like Kins are important, as are lots of Rebirth and Ageless, as well as people going Diamagnetic for the -reg debuff proc. They had a lot of melee on that team!
  18. I'm re-watching parts of the episode and one of the "Previously On" scenes makes Theon's fate clear. Robb offered amnesty and safe passage to any Ironborn who surrendered... except Theon. So they just turned him over and went free! (Or died hideous deaths at Ramsay's hands in the Dreadfort)
  19. Great season finale last night but some major changes to the story. The Sack of Winterfell was completely different... will Theon escape the clutches of Bolton's *******? Or will his Ironmen just be caught as they try to escape?

    I knew Dany's experience inside the House of the Undying would be different, but killing Xaro Xhoan Daxos? Who's in charge of Quarth now?
  20. Too early, but I do have a Beam/Time Corr with Hybrid unlocked if you make an attempt after 8PM.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    I can't imagine anyone mistaking that flick for a recruitment movie.
    A total screw up joins the Navy, gets to play soccer with Rhianna, gets engaged to the Admiral's Daughter, and Saves The World! How is that not a recruitment movie?!

    As far as casualties go, I don't imagine anyone who might be thinking of joining the Navy really thinks they'll go up against aliens during their time in the service.
  22. I just think they could have made a less ridiculous Navy recruitment movie based on a board game. That's all I'm saying.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TheBruteSquad View Post
    If anyone seriously gets upset that we're toast in a few billion years they have some serious anxiety issues.
    We're not toast... there's plenty of room to accommodate all of the stars in the Milkomeda galaxy. The only thing that will change is the night sky.
  24. You guys didn't notice The Mountain That Rides decapitating his horse after he lost to Loras in a jousting match in Season 1?

    Yeah... like that.

    I almost consider him a major character, along with his brother The Hound. Between the two of them they set a lot of things in motion.