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  1. Melian_EU

    Rad/Cold Build

    Mine is sonic/cold : a really nice combination because you have siren's song for waiting sleet : an area sleep is really really nice when soloing.

    Cold is also a very nice solo choice for the -rech and helds so usefull, energy also for the KB (but it doesn't stack very well with sleet).
  2. Melian_EU

    Rad/Cold Build

    It looks really scary, a deadfull build for sure
  3. Bonjour,

    je souhaiterais savoir si une macro activation d'un pouvoir et changement de costume était faisable.

    En l'occurence, ca serait pour ma petite brute : esprit démoniaque d'un gang indien défunt elle maintient leur mémoire et renait de ses cendres sous une forme vengeresse lorsqu'elle est vaincue au combat.

    Ce serait donc pour faire une macro "Rez" avec :
    - activation du rez perso de la ligne tenacité
    - changement de costume simultané
    - discussion local "Pour les ancêtres!"

    Merci d'avance
  4. Melian_EU

    Rad/Cold Build

    for the proc i would choose a second one in sleet : AOEs are really better for that even if your ST attack come back faster.

    thanks for the advice about Heat Loss it looks really good and go to be able not to use a blue one after in most case!

    For my rad/rad i respecialized without neutron bomb because she's TFs farm oriented and foes are dying so fast at this level ... But i keeped it for a long time.

    more +recharge is possible : +5% with 6 efficacity adaptor in heat loss, but this power would go down to +65% rech more or less ... too bad.
  5. Melian_EU

    Rad/Cold Build


    i have played these primary and secondary on two differents corruptors and have some comments about this build :

    - it costs a lot
    - a lack of status resistance/survivability : i would go on status resistance of aegis (x1) and impervious skin (x2) for a total of 35% resistance. Acrobatics is coming really late, stun 'll be a pain even at lvl 50, Cold domination hasn't heal, armor can be detoogled easily (resist and not def), irradiate (fabulous PvE power) is PBAoE, take care a dead corruptor isn't anymore usefull.
    - with this recharge rate, i wouldn't choose neutron bomb whith his so long activation time and poor damages and take assault instead of for a +15% team damage buff.

    Aim-Sleet-Atomic blast- Heat Loss w'll be really nice, enjoy your corruptor OV !
  6. Melian_EU


    ok merci pour la réponse rapide
  7. Melian_EU



    petite question sur ces dimensions parallèles où l'on peut plonger un ennemi :

    Est-il possible de frapper un ennemi intangible en le devenant soi-même ?

    Eb regardant sur le Mid Hero Designer à priori non (untouch mag3 if target = critter, rien sur les autres joueurs)mais sait-on jamais ...

    Description du pouvoir sur city of data: "and cannot affect or be affected by those in normal space" mais si on n'est plus non plus dans le normal space, il se passe quoi ...
  8. Melian_EU

    Ice Ice Baby.

    i have an ice/energie tank (lvl 36 maybe) Though and weave : no damage mitigation (whirlings hands help ok), i took glacial armor but use it only against foes like ghost or arachnos.
    It's a defense against a really special type of damage : with ice patch, end drain and hibernate i can't see how you could become a second tanker. For a tight PvE build i still would skip it.

    For hoarfrost i personnally didn't use it once since i had hibernate (but i still have it).

    After that i'm not thinking about +5/+6 tanking, you really don't need it with +2/+3 mobs (i like having also a nice damages output)

    Permafrost, i took it after a tsoos mission where i couldn't chain my attacks rightly and where my taunt didn't came back enough fast.

    Edit : For slow on CE it's usefull for powers like fire rain but true that it's not the most important slott.
  9. Melian_EU

    Ice Ice Baby.

    Some opinions about an ice/ice/ice build : choose an orientation

    - [PvE cleaning] : if you choose ice circles, go on frost and ice storm to really improve your AOE damages potential

    - [Total tanking] : go on though and weave, to be able to resist to most of the situations.

    - [Group improving] : if you want leadership, go on vengeance instead of taking manoeuvers. Your tank 'll be able to resist to most difficulties when you 'll reach the lvl 38 : manoeuvers (3.5% slotted) is no comparaison with vengeance.

    Power by power :

    - Hoarfrost and Hibernate :

    Hibernate is an awesome power coming 3 times faster than hoarfrost : very good to recup health in hard fights (ice patch -> taunt ranged targets -> hibernate), slott it more, with 2 heals to go back to the fight faster.
    Hoarfrost is a boost +PV and not a personnal heal : slott it only with heals do be ready against AVs / Psy forget it in the regular situation (to launch before just aggroing).

    - skip Glacial armor : with the damage mitigation of ice patch, no needs for this power in a PvE build especially with tactics.

    - a second slow on CE

    - try to have a defense against slow powers : hast or permafrost, permafrost is really cool for that and hast improve dramattically your recharge rate.
  10. Melian_EU


    Bravo dip ! very good news happy man

    A futur super heroin is born !!
  11. Melian_EU


    i'll not be there tonight, some problems really sorry. Have a good time offenders.
  12. v'là un truc qui motiverait à jouer vilain, je serais personnellement bien tenté par un(e) sonique/froide domination, reste le même problème que d'hab : les slotts ...

    Contagion petite MM, R.I.P. ton heure est venue

    Edit : 4 minutes les boucliers, un rendez vous à temps fixe au centre de sirenn et c'est clair que ca peut faire très mal, même avec la moitié d'un groupe au complet ...
  13. Melian_EU


    still good for me too. We can maybe meet at 18.30 for winters.
  14. Melian_EU


    Our main problem is that we are only lvl 16's heroes, the same team in sometime we'll have really less problems : better resistance (damage & effect), better debuff, better sinergies. When we had problems, the difficulty was at his higher rate, after changing it, we hadn't anymore troubles. personnally i need at least 2 more powers to be really operationnal : darkest night and shadowfall. After this it would be ok for opening : come close in furtivity, fear, and mass debuff.
  15. Melian_EU


    Wednesday would be a perfect fixed day for me. At least not friday, saturday or sunday.
  16. Melian_EU


    Finally, inercia went to defiant back and me to vigilance.

    The next call 'll be the right one dip
  17. Melian_EU


    hi guys,

    i can play also every weekday without problems. (tonight with pleasure)

    In ten days i'm going to finish my work, i'll travel a bit, and in few time changing of city, house, ... When ? i don't know, i think i could play until november maybe but not every week. I'll need to know it earlier like 5 days before meeting.
  18. Melian_EU


    very true sinergy, the major problem is with open places it's really more difficult no to be hit after having taking aggro. A solution would be to slott this kind of power with range enhancements, or just pull to make them coming to the right place (a corner where we can stack all our no targeted powers)
  19. Melian_EU


    def : -30% rech : -50% res : -35% to have an idea how powerfull it is.

    With my storm who's now lvl 33, i used most of the time only this two powers (rain, storm), and when necessary thunderclap just before the rain is coming down, hurricane to group mobs close to the tank / send them back in the rain / block them in a corner.
  20. Melian_EU


    to spirit : in fact with my storm when i did it i was outside of sight like in corridors when you are looking near a corner, select the mob, launch freezing rain at his feet (at this moment he can't touch and see you) and after with a quick deplacement go in sight launch snow storm to fix it and back upon the corner.

    the real advantage is not knockdown it s that mobs want to go out of the rain (like with the fire blaster one) and with slow it's really great. If you stay in sight also you're dead.

    and it really works, but SO's help a lot to scotch them.

    i can play every weekday of the next week.

    Edit : freezing rain alone is of course not a good opener, it's good to nothing without a slow like snow rain
  21. Melian_EU


    i don't have darkest night, i took recall friend instead of because all our deads i have to wait till lvl 16's.
  22. Melian_EU


    just play lower difficulty level before having SO's no ? Vengeance look great for some of us.

    2 good weapon's for beginning the fight are oil slick and freezing rain : it gives time to launch debuffs and we have staff to fix mobs in the area (snow storm, tar patch, glue arrow).

    i also just had Fearstome Stare (lvl 12), have to find a good use for this. Mother Phoenix gave me money to buy DO's thanks to him/her !