84 -
I think that this just about sums it up. So, likely sometime in-between when Kad learns to be responsible, and before he manages to kill himself in a half-crazed, over-the-top space station riding high-explosive demolition derby monster mobile-suit event extravaganza on SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY!!!
Just what I'd expect to hear from a whiny, narcissistic, speed-obsessed, min-maxing, self-deluded, ego-maniacal, hygienically challenged, meow-farming, grape-scented, text-fighting, camera-shy, hook nosed, combat-boot wearing.... BUMBLER!
(How's that? ^.^) -
Suggest: Action!
Timeframe: Immediate!
Retake: Forums!
Rescue: Red Names!
Butt Kicking: Ammounts: Vast!
Save: The Day!!!!!
Querry: What? -
*Bounce!! Bounce!! Bounce!! Bounce!! Bounce!! Bounce!! Bounce!! Bounce!! Bounce!! Bounce!! Bounce!! Bounce!! Bounce!! Bounce!! Bounce!! Bounce!! Bounce!! Bounce!!*
I'm so overjoyed for the both of you! Seriously, I'm tearing up!!
I can't think of a better way to ring in a brand new year, and the start of a new decade that can only be better than this one!
My most heartfelt and sincere congratulations to the both of you, I look forward to your many adventures to come!
*blissful sighs* Mr. & Mrs. Fanny K. Cookietime!
~.^ -
No matter what you celerbrate or how you do it, here's hoping that everyone has a joyous time during this season, and all our travelers arrive and return safely!
Be good and stay safe, Justice! ^.^v -
Congratulations Azzy! You survived another trip around the giant ball of nuclear fusion that powers our tiny world!
Hope you had a great time, and many more to come! ^.^v -
Quote:Oh, it's ON! >=DI hope I see the Justice server step up their game. They have never disappointed when it comes to costume contests so hopefully this year will be no exception!
Good luck!
PS - There is a bet going on in OCR on which server will supply this years winners. I said you guys were sure to be #1 but Teh Ocho seems to think those drunks on Pinnacle can beat you with their hands tied behind their backs.. I could use a free lunch so do not let me down! -
All the best to you Manoa! You encompass everything that makes this the most wonderful server to play on, and I feel so privlidged to have met you! Many, many happy returns! ^.^v
All the best Missi, hope your special day is as fantastic as you are! ^.^v
Something has come up, and as of now Meg will not be attending the Thanksgiving Party. Plans for his holding a Justice Ohio Christmas Gathering are also on hold for the time being.
Changes to any of these arrangements will be posted here or in a new thread.
Apologies in advance, and thanks for your understanding. -
Hopefully my forum-fu isn't rusty enough to the point where I didn't see a thread like this in the Justice section, but apologies in advance if this is redundant.
As of this posting:
Meg has made it home safely
Arwen, Phantom, and Karo are about an hour minute drive from home
Abraxxus landed safely and should also be a short drive from home
Chole Crimson landed safe and is likely also home safe
For the sake of those of us who needlessly worry and love you all to the bottom of our hearts, please let us know that you're home safe and sound when you get there! -
Is this tonight? Its a 3 hour drive that I would be willing to make if only i didn't have to go to the fireworks tonight with family. I'd actually have to leave right now to make it in time >.>
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I was thinking it was Saturday night. I'll ask Meg to clarify.
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This is what I get for making posts in a hurry.
Saturday Night, June 27th, 2009
Apologies! -
For those of you who can make it:
At the BD's Mongolian Barbecue located at 295 Marconi Blvd in the Arena District (Columbus, OH) we are having a dinner party!
Be there at 9:00PM and meet some of the people you play with on Justice! Introductions to be made, but supposedly Megumi Yamato will be there, making his grand reappearance!
Directions and such can be found HERE.
Sorry for the short notice, those of you who remember know that I just moved and really should have made this post about a month ago. <.<;;
Hope you can make it!
Meg will return to CoX after the Con! -
I wonder if I can get away with transferring "Positron Gets Some" to the live servers.
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Gets Some.... Cookies? -
*Dies of Megumi exposure*
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I guess Meg rolled a new rad...
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*Targets Mari with Fallout*
*Targets Mari with Vengeance*
*Targets Mari with Mutation*
Fine, maybe you CAN die from me, but at least I'm kind enough to bring you back! =Þ -
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Yeah, but what doesn't?
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Me? -
Thai fireman in 'spider-man' rescue of autistic boy
Tue Mar 24, 4:37 am ET
BANGKOK (AFP) A Thai fireman turned superhero when he dressed up as comic-book character Spider-Man to coax a frightened eight-year-old from a balcony, police said Tuesday.
Teachers at a special needs school in Bangkok alerted authorities on Monday when an autistic pupil, scared of attending his first day at school, sat out on the third-floor ledge and refused to come inside, a police sergeant told AFP.
Despite teachers' efforts to beckon the boy inside, he refused to budge until his mother mentioned her son's love of superheroes, prompting fireman Sonchai Yoosabai to take a novel approach to the problem.
The rescuer dashed back to his fire station and made a quick change into a Spider-Man costume before returning to the boy, he said.
"I told him Spider-Man is here to rescue you, no monsters are going to attack you and I told him to walk slowly towards me as running could be dangerous," Somchai told local television.
The young boy immediately stood up and walked into his rescuer's arms, police said.
Somchai said he keeps the Spider-Man costume and an outfit of Japanese television character Ultraman at the station in order to liven up school fire drills.
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On a scale of '1' to 'Awesome'.... That's Awesome! ^.^ -
Eating poop can make you sick. Film at 11.
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Eating FAKE poop can make you sick, Film at 11! -
Because they are subtle, and quick to anger!
From the hand of Rizerax I present to the forum for their amusement Oh Snap!
She tells me that this was an inspired piece that only took about an hour, and that Photoshop really needs to install a spellchecker....
And yes, I'm going back to writing now, before anything else happens <.< -
Yes, but... if they're illegal immigrants what claim do they have to civil rights in the States?
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"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that ALL men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,"
In the States, isn't it the right of the landowner to protect his land? Isn't that where the second amenmdent comes from, ultimately? To allow private citizens the right to bear arms against oppressive governments and to allow them to defend themselves against militaries who would use their property, against the will of the owner, to do things like billot troops and the like?
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Yes, it is the right of the landowner to protect himself and his property, however, this right is not a Carte Blanche for that owner to do whatever he will.
If the article read that he had SHOT them for trespassing, wouldn't you think that he was using excessive force? If not, what if he had forced each of them on their knees and done it execution style? I don't think that's what was intended by the 2nd Amendment.
Now that said, I actually think the guy was in the right. Trespassers had shown a proven habit of vandalizing his property, littering his grounds which were a danger to his livestock, destroying his fences and gates, damaging his water pumps, stealing his trucks, and even breaking into his home. Heck, it even says that some of the people he stops are drug smugglers who are ARMED.
Just as importantly, he didn't kill anyone, he stopped them and held them at bay until they could be turned over to the proper authorities. Isn't that what the border patrol is there for? He claims to have done this on multiple occasions and the border patrol hasn't stopped him or cited him, so I'm guessing that on their end it's not illegal.
How the hell did these illegal immigrants even hire a lawyer?
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My guess? An ambulance chaser who thinks there's a big payout here and will work for free until the settlement comes and the will collect his 40%.
There's a ton about this that makes no sense at all.
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I trust by that you mean the fact that "U.S. District Judge John Roll rejected a motion by Mr. Barnett to have the charges dropped, ruling there was sufficient evidence to allow the matter to be presented to a jury."
Considering all the man has been through, I can only hope the judge's mindset here is to take it to trial with the inclination that Mr. Barnett would win and therefore set a legal precedence. -
Something that smells like our kind of Justice, if you know what I mean!
Fred Phelps targets High School, Students Shout them Down.
Thu Feb 05, 2009 at 09:40:54 PM PST
The kids are all right.
There are a lot of times when you sink to your knees and think nothing will ever change, the fight is too hard and too long and the world is full of prejudice.
Then there's days like today.
Fred Phelps, known for his protests at the funerals of AIDS victims, and now extremely popular for his bizarre protests at the funerals of fallen soldiers, decided to grace Prairie Village, Kansas with the presence of his minions. The target for the picketers was Shawnee Mission East High School, a large suburban school in the Kansas City Metro area.
Westboro Church is located in Topeka, Kansas, which is why Kansas City often gets blessed with their ministries. Shawnee Mission East's crime is an active gay/straight alliance group, and the nominating of an openly gay classmate for Homecoming King in 2007. I don't know why they waited until now to tell the students that God hates them and they are burning in hell, but they did. An impressive 12 of them. Wow. And at least two children, which is sweet.
But they were met with at least 300 counter-protesters, a large number of them Shawnee Mission East students. The kids organized and with the support of the school administration were able to shout down the Westboro orcs with signs calling out love, compassion and tolerance.
It takes time, a long time, for some things to grow. Plant a sapling, and you'll never believe it could grow into a towering tree. The stream erodes the rock. The ants move grains of sand one at a time, but eventually a tunnel is built. It takes time for ideas too. Sometimes generations. We are looking at kids now who are not just able to come out in high school without being ostracized, they are being crowned homecoming king. 25 years ago when I was running that guantlet, you kept your mouth shut. Yes, of course there were kids we knew were gay, but nobody talked about it. There was no gay-straight alliance. Gay marriage was not even up for discussion.
A generation later, and those ideas have grown, they have taken root. Who knows where we will be in another twenty years?
There is a saying, "The dogs bark, but the caravan marches on." Equality and tolerance, they march on, despite the barkings of the religious right. These are the things that will flower and propogate, long after the yappings of Fred Phelps, or Bill O'Reilly, or Ann Coulter are relegated to the trash heaps of history.
I feel good today. I feel peaceful.
The kids are all right. -
Sad but needs to be put up.
Young hero died protecting sister from molester
A seven-year-old boy who died defending his older sister from a potential rapist has been honoured posthumously. Zhenya Tabakov's mother received the order of courage medal on behalf of her son.
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That's.... somehow both numbingly tragic and yet very uplifting. That somebody so young could find the strength and courage to take up arms against an attacker many times his size out of love for his sister. I think it goes to show how important character and belief are in a person growing up today. I know that everybody wants to believe that they would do the same thing in such a circumstance, I know I would. But until it happens, you never know how you'll react, or if you can summon up your faith and courage to do what you think needs to be done. I'm glad this boy was able to do that, and I wish that it didn't have to cost him his life. -
Who influenced you the most?
L@@k into my eyes...give me all your moneys!
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Give.... all.... my.... monkeys.... @.@