84 -
And Happy Birthday!
Are we allowed to AXE how old you are? ^.^ -
I look away for five minutes and now Maribelle, Bobitron, AND the TopDoc's are going??
Man, and I would have brought baked goods too....
Have a great time guys, and take plenty of pictures! ^.^v -
Thanks for the well wishing everybody! =D
Look what Karo and I made!
I cannot emphasize enough just what an amazing culinary sorceress Karo is! We were short on two ingredients and it still came out utterly fantastic!
I'm so glad that you guys are a part of my life, and I hope that the next year is filled with great things for all of us! ^.^v
Meow! =^.^= -
Happy Birthday, Sir!
You get (Zelda Item Music):
Made with Lon Lon Milk and Cucco Eggs, this mighty shield offers the greatest protection!
From Hunger!
Quote:I wasn't aware that you had a 100% monopoly on both Awesome and Lasers! ^.^You realize that's a flat out lie until you have me on the show, right Meg?
We might have to have you on now, but I'm worried the show will implode under the weight of all your Awesome. Couple that with the Stimulated Radiation and.... well, we're screwed.
Besides, it's not a "Flat out lie", more like a heroic telling of a tale of good vs. evil that has become different with each telling down the generations to the point where it's not the same story anymore. And that's completely different! ~.^ -
have managed to get themselves involved in something so preposterous that it threatens to go spiraling out of control and with any luck explode in a blaze or other conflagration so bright and colorful it puts a Disney laser light show to shame!
Yes, Megumi Yamato and Plasma Warrior have embarked onto the perilous journey of multimedia entertainment and have decided to spring it upon you, the unsuspecting CoH/CoV MMO community! We've entitled this project "Off the Cape" in an attempt to sound adorably cute, mildly humorous, and pleasantly relaxing all at the same time. Whether or not we've succeeded is really up to you!
For right now we've decided to start this endeavor in the form of a podcast, at least until such opportunities as "Late Night Talk Show" or "Giant Robot" come about. Personally, I'm hoping for 'Giant Robot', but I'll also take "Dystopian Propaganda" if the opportunity comes up. If you have an interest, you can find our first episode (as well as the "Prototype" show) at our new website: OffTheCape.com.
Now, some of you may say, "But Meg, didn't you guys already say something about this in some MotD and in the Multimedia forum?" Well, yes we did, but the people who would ask that kind of question aren't the same people who are hounding me to make a post in a more frequented section of the forums. Nor would they be my producer, who is a much larger person than I am and who has threatened to punch me in the shoulder if I don't. I was hesitant to cross-post this (assuming this qualifies as a cross post), but if it gives me a moment or two of relief from badgering and/or a savage beating, I'll do it.
More general info can be found in our initial post HERE in the multimedia forums. For now, the shows are safe, clean, and well maintained, thought that is subject to change at any time without notice. Our artwork is the result of much toiling, sweat, tears, and occasionally blood from Rizerax, and you can find her main page Here. Any questions you may have about the show, or suggestions you want to make can be sent us us via the forums, or to our show emails! While we'll do our best to accomodate topic requests, we can only devote so much time to "Cat Gurlz" so please keep your desires as varied as possible ^.^
Thanks for your support Justice! <3
Quote:I'm not a Stalker, I just play one in-game!*feels horribly embarrassed because she was wondering who you were on Twitter and why you were following her*
Quote:But gratz on taking up the mantle for podcasting! If you can, especially for your 'not meant to be aired' segments, get Plas to start doing his Bob Dylan impressions. They were a screaming riot when he carpooled to HeroCon with me and hubby. Better yet, have him read some of the in-game dialogue as Bob Dylan!
I just heard the Red Cap songs as sung by Bob Dylan in my head.
We've gyone and done it, the greatest crime,
We have, ah cap-tured little Bay-be Time!
We'll hold him 'TILL he's old 'n ill,
To keep the who-orld in win-ter's chill!
>.<;; -
Is a new piece of art EVERY OTHER WEEK!
Isn't that right, Chibi 'Off the Cape' cast? =^.^=
Hello artwork community! I doubt anybody here remembers me, I'm not sure I've dared venture here with my substandard artistic skills since before the forum change-over....
Regardless, I'm Megumi Yamato, and I have SHANGHAIED the artist Rizerax into a delightful venture of ours called "Off the Cape"! Our favorite little Ice Demon is putting the pedal to the metal (or the lead to the paper in this case....) and will be cranking out a new piece of artwork for the show, which will be releasing new episodes bi-weekly.
I do my best to draw Miss Riz back into the game every few months as it seems to get her creative muses going again if they seem to get bored and become unhelpful. So far I have to say I've been very impressed with the quality of her work and her amazing patience & restraint in not killing me when I ask for changes. All that being said, I can praise and critique her all day long, but I'm both the client and her friend. We would really like it if you guys would take a look at her work and tell us what you think. If you'd like, you can find her main page at rizerax.deviantart.com where she even has a CoH works gallery!
(Shameless artistic promotion) Since she's going to be doing sketches and logging pleanty of hours in photoshop anyway, now might be a good time to badger her about some work you would like done! Her rates are very reasonable, her work is top notch, she's personable, and mentioning us and her OtC work might get you something special! (And we promise it's not a boot to the head!)
Still not convinced? Want more?
Ice Knight says: "Yes, that's enough, thank you!"
The OtC forum post is in the Multimedia thread (Here) if you guys want to venture over there. We plan on updating every other Tuesday, with our next release on the 30th of this month. If anyone here is brave enough, if anybody could be considered the 'Heart" of the artistic community here, and if anybody could possibly put up with me and Plas for an hour, we would love to have somebody from your neck of the woods stop in and talk arts, crafts, & creativity with us!
Thanks for your attention, and well wishes to everybody! ^.^v
Quote:Mantle? We get a mantle? SCORE! One day on the job and it's already paying off! XDWith the demise of CoH Podcast, it's good to see someone step into the void so quickly. I was expecting it to be a long time before anyone took up the mantle of CoX podcaster post CoHP.
Quote:CoHP was a quality podcast, so they're going to be one tough act to follow. Good luck with the new show.
Awesome! How do I pronounce your name properly? >.>;;
Ah, we know all about that. There are many sufferers of the recently diagnosed "RedishSideopicPhobia", but thankfully SCIENCE has begun work on a cure! It's called "Villagra", and it promises to get your red-blood pumping in ways you never thought imaginable. Villagra is meant to treat common blueside-associated disorders such as occasional tedious story arcs, LONG shard task forces, and the 'R U h34l0R?' mentality. Side effects were generally mild by super villain standards and include a feeling of innate superiority, an obsessive need for revenge, long winded and overly introspective monologuing, and a desire to bend at least a small portion of the world to your will. Be aware that Villagra is not for everyone and should only be taken if you think the Devs hate villains. Remember: Some of your best friends may be villains on the side! Ask your Meat Doctor if Villagra is right for you! -
Yamato Industries
In association with
Plasma Warrior Productions
A Gargadon/Project Epiphanize Podcast
What is Off the Cape?
Off the Cape is a City of Heroes/City of Villains Podcast hosted by long time players Megumi Yamato and Plasma Warrior. We chose the name Off the Cape in hopes of making it a fun and relaxed place to be, where you can hang your cape (or trench-coat, or wings, or scarf, or waist tails) up and just talk with or listen to your fellow players banter about important and inane things. We hope that our conversations and our guests will entertain you, and if we're lucky, accidentally inform you of something you didn't know or hadn't thought of.
Who are you guys?
Plas and Meg (or Adam and Shin as they are known out of game) have been playing since Issue 3 and Issue 4 respectively. Both are seasoned veterans in the arts of dramatic voice work, podcasting, and the playing mechanics of City of Heroes. Thankfully, none of those skills will be even remotely involved in this project. Shin has been training diligently since HeroCon, doing his best to forget everything he thinks he knows about anything so that he might have the chance to truly learn. Adam is an unstoppable engine of sarcasm and wit, designed by cutting edge science to seek and destroy our most pointed and dramatic moments. Plas is the gold one with the cape, while Meg is the redhead with the scarf. Both are currently single & living it up, and this particular venture will likely only lengthen that status.
Backing us up on this little jaunt and playing the role of producer and mute-button pusher is our friend Brian, who plays the blazing, combustible, warm and fiery fire tanker Gargadon. Brian has been playing since Issue 9 when I coaxed him away form a certain other MMO to join our merry little band. Brian is not single, but happily married. How this came about is a mystery to all of us, and is a subject we hope to bring up on the show at some point down the road.
Why should I listen?
You know, you ask a lot of questions. Well, because you should try something at least once before you decide you don't like it! Because according to Milan, podcasts are the new black! Because your sensitive, elven ears are BORED! Because your parents' basement needs EXCITEMENT! And on top of that, we'll be giving away prizes starting in our next release! Furthermore, this podcast is done by fellow players, not a giant media company that asks generic questions in a bland setting. We will be active in the game and on the forums trying to make your own personal playing experience better! You are welcome and encouraged to recommend topics that YOU think we should talk about on the show, and submit questions that YOU want our guests to answer! That means that the voices in your head will be given a new voice for everyone to hear, in the form of our voice! Pretty cool, eh?
Our hope, nay, our VISION is that one day the collective thoughts and dreams of our fellow players will help to evolve the show into a gigantic semi-sentient hyper-intelligent multimedia construct capable of doing the show without us.
How can I listen?
You can browse our current (somewhat limited) library and listen directly from our main page at http://offthecape.com, as well as subscribing to our iTunes or Zune Marketplace feeds. Currently, Issue 0 (The Proto-Cast) and Issue 1 (Dualing with P.E.R.C.) are online, with new content to be released every other week. We highly recommend browsers such as FireFox, Chrome, and Safari to maximize your listening ability (by actually letting you listen)and enjoyment (we hope!). Shin assumes no responsibility for issue 0 and wishes to remind listeners that the content in it may be revisited at any point since it was not recorded with the intent of release. Adam thinks the whole thing is funny and wants more not intended for release stuff to be released, or at least whatever is allowed by Federal Guidelines. Our Esteemed Producer, the Mighty Gargadon decided that More Content = More Good! and so he edited it and made it into a Special Edition Show. Special would be the operative word there.
What else do you have?
We are currently dangling shiny objects outside of the Paragon Studios main offices in hopes of luring out a developer or two and then trapping them (humanely!) and making them talk for an hour or two before releasing them back into the wild. We know that Mr. Ocho, Miss Avatea, and possibly Mr. Brawler have a fondness for baubles on dangling strings! And we won't talk regular shop, mind you, but AwesomeShop! With Lasers! And Ninjas!!
We also have a rather lackluster but still cute & fun Twitter Feed if you care to follow our exploits (and hax). Find us at http://twitter.com/offthecape!
Thanks to Rizerax for doing our cover art, you can find her at http://rizerax.deviantart.com. Take a look at her City of Heroes folder to see more of her amazing talent! Her commission status as of this post is: OPEN!
Thanks also to EMpulse for her advice and answering some questions we had!
And thanks to the Caution4 Media Network for help in coding the site and generally being awesome! http://www.caution4.com
Feel free to email or Adam or myself (I will also answer PM's as quickly as possible) at:
Suggestions for the show can be sent to:
Thank you for your attention, and I hope that we can fall short of everybody's grounded and fully reasonable expectations, while still managing to meet and exceed the unreasonably lofty ones. We're Heroes (and Villains!), that's what we do!
That's it?
Fine. Here, have more art! =D
The Snowpocalypse is upon us!
The newcomer is a harbinger of soft frozen DOOM!!! -
Smoke Signal
Legendary Living Hellfire
I'd say Blinding Aura, but, you know.... *points up* -
Quote:KEKEKEKEKEKEKEKEEEEEEE! =^.^=In this thread you can see that there's doesn't need to be an absolute build type for a team. A competent group of players can zerg ITFs rather easily.
Meow? -
Congratulations: In Order!
Subject: Noodle-o-rama.
Alias: Noodle Woman.
Alias: Australian Pasta.
Alias: Mother-of-Smaller-Noodle.
Alias: Delicious-Boiled-In-Water.
Success: Yearly Completion!
Celebration: Encouraged!
Praise: Deserved!
Wishing: Best. You: Your Family!
Further Completions: Encouraged!
Hup: Hup: Huzzah! -
.... Double-Kheld ITF's aside, I'm more worried about the frequency with which you are around dead bodies to warrant a green-ring on Vengeance. >.>;;
Quote:OMG! Where can I pre-order?? XDManoa, Queen of the planet Sol, has announced City of Heroes II: Extra non-PvP Edition