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  1. Maxi001

    Pentad Badge!

    Originally Posted by NetMinder View Post
    You do know all this takes is one other person of the same AT as you?

    Srsly. Same for heroes. Just one other person of same AT and you can start the Pentad.
    XD Really... I didn't know that... lol Thanks! I'll try that out quick quick see if that works and if that does, then my hard work for the first post can be ignored! LOL
  2. Maxi001

    Pentad Badge!

    Hi hi everyone!

    I know some forum watchers and other people don't know me! I'm always floating around here and on the game silently on various toons.

    As the title of this says, it's to get the PENTAD BADGE! I really need this badge 'cause I'm a badge wh0re and I'm tired of waiting around to get it! I probably know there are a few people out there that might need the badge for their badger toons so I thought, why not get together the people who need it!?

    Pretty much what needs to happen is it's 5vs5 so teams of two, PVP(more on that later), and there needs to be 1 of every archetype(will explain more).

    Since it's a PVP badge, we really don't need to go crazy so all we can do to make this quick and painless is:

    Sit back and enjoy the ride, meaning, just stand around until the person kills you 'cause we all probably have better things to do after/later.

    And because it's team of 2, after one team goes down, we'll do the second team. Seems fair to me because it's a WIN WIN for everyone!

    It's going to be held in Pocket D, you can get there from Talos, Faultline, Kings Row and Founders on Hero Side; Port Oakes, Sharkhead and St. Martial on Villain Side plus if you have the GoodvsEvil pack, you can use the PD TP! Woots!

    Now the whole 1 of each archetype. The setting is going to be Versus Pentad, Villains vs Heroes and then vice-versa. So it's 1 Blaster, 1 Tank, 1 Scrapper, 1 Troller, 1 Defender vs 1 Corruptor, 1 Brute, 1 Stalker, 1 Dom and 1 Mastermind.

    Annoying I know but that's how it is! LOL. The Pentad Badge event thing will be next weekend on Saturday November 21st at 6pm EST! It's of any lvl(1-50) so you can bring a lvl 1 if you want but not recommended since you'll only have 1 power! It's next week because Imma busy this weekend and it's better to have it set one week ahead so that everyone knows!

    But remember, it's one of every archetype! Think carefully!

    Team Villain:
    1. Freezing Gail - Lvl 50(Corruptor) @Maxi001

    Team Hero:

    Just reply and let me know which kind of toon your bringing. Hopefully this will fill up quick and when time rolls around, we'll all be happy in the end!
  3. I'll totally be there for Posi!

    My blaster needs it!
  4. I am down for MoKTF!

    I'll bring my blaster. Psy/Mental lvl 50.

    You can reach me at @Maxi001

  5. I'm in too! One of the badges I need! I'll totally be there!

    For the Sunday 10/25 TF
    I would like the start time at 5 pm EST (2 pm Pacific) as best option. Thanks.
    1) @Witty Librarian - Gonna see about leveling Psychotro Paul to 50.
    2) @Talon Arsenal - Amdis (lvl 46 ar/eng blaster)
    3) @Force - Exodus Force (WP/SS Tanker)
    4) @Captain Drej - Delirious (lvl 50 kin/sonic def)
    5) @Nyx Nought Nothing - 50 Def or 46-ish Tanker. (Probably Def)
    6) @Renamon - 50 Fire blaster, MA/Regen Scrapper, ir Ill/Emp Troller
    7) @Maxi001 - 50 Noir-Rose Psy/Mental Blaster
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    This is at 10pm Eastern tonight, and where should we meet?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I would suggest near the contact.
  7. I would be interested in joining the Sewer team on Saturday!

    I'm be able to bring my Psi/Mental Blaster, she needs it.