98 -
So, I know my schedule has changed recently but I am finding it increasingly difficult to find/field teams for non-trial content (TF's, missions, etc.). Is the populous depreciated that much? Or is it that the Incarnate Trials and other end game content leaving the < 50 folks feeling like step children?
I'd be up for the BAF on the 9th. WP/DM tank I'm sure I can have the rest of my IO's on him by then
I hope to be able to join....
@Marshman - Fire/Dark or Fire/Kin or Ice/Cold corr
@marshman2 - Dark/dark defender -
@Marshman - Fire/Dark Corruptor
@marshman2 - Dark/Dark Defender
I will try to make both...just depends on how soon I can get the little cookie monster to sleep. -
Thanks T...Had fun!!! Didn't know about these until this week. I will definitely be checking the forums and my availability for others!!! Couldn't have tanked without the Force heals and those precious resistance bubbles.....Peace-Deuces!!!
First SG was
1. "Justified Vengeance" in 2004 on Victory until I ran out of slots and went to Justice and joined
2. "The 52" in 2006 then co-created..
3. "Children of the Sun" on Pinnacle for a static team with friends from Victory..at the same time I was dabbling on Champion. Started bumping into some Vixen (AngieB) chick and her hubby (MoisesG) quite often and spent more time teaming with them..joined
4. "Stryke Force" and shortly thereafter joined..
5. "United Heroes Brigade" and after a brief stint there I joined...
6. "Olympiad of Misguided Geeks" (OMG) it later dissolved and has become my solo SG mainly.. -
if that doesn't come through for you mammalian, give me a holla in game @marshman or PM me here on forum
Glad Armor +3% Def PVP IO, any level, crafted!!
Please send me private forum message with level and bid. Bidding starts at 2.75 Bill, buy it now price 3.5 Bill!!
NA Server customers only
I'm on Champion server but any NA server is doable.
Bidding closes in 24hrs.
Thanks............ -
emp and any damage toon at low levels....once speed boost is available then a kin and any damage toon..
While I got on late and missed the MoITF and was unable to participate in the MoSTF that I wanted due to RL circumstances, the MoKahn and MoLGTF went flawless. I got a chance to play with some players I've played with quite a bit and some who I've rarely, if at all, played with and it was indeed fun times all around.
And from what I can tell at this point there have been 8 "Masters" runs today, none requiring a restart. What I have learned from this is that it definite takes a team effort. Good leadership and good communication and knowing what your toon can and cannot do is essential. Thanks for putting this together Amily. Hopefully more events like this will occur with even more participation. With "incarnates" on the way I expect these particular TFs will be run alot more frequently. Thanks again. -
Quote:Lemme see.....Horus, Kahlan, Force, Amygdala, Kaz, Trev, throw in a Cherry and Rempire here and there...where is the balance in that?! LOL! Under normal circumstances I'd say that's a challenge to the other teams but my momma told me don't write a check that your A$$ can't cash....Marathon Master stuff...Or insert your own cute name..
Obviously I tried to make the teams as balanced as possible AT wise (the ones that I knew). I am also looking to balance out people who have successfully completed the TF's. *
---ITF--- Starts at 1PM EST-----
1. Amily
2. Kahlan
3. Horus*
4. Amygdala
5. Force
6. Az
7. Trev
8. Kaz
1. Aneko*
2. Alternate
3. NV
4. Marsh
5. Gulver
6. Tamerlayne
7. Carnal
8. tygs
---Kahn---Estimated Start Time 2:20 EST-----
1. Amily
2. Kahlan
3. Horus
4. Amygdala*
5. Force
6. Filled
7. Trev
8. Kaz
1. Marsh
2. Athena Shadow
3. Sovereignsavior
4. Aneko
5. NV
6. tygs
7. Steel Dominator*
8. Symar
---LGTF---Estimated Start Time 4:00 PM EST----
1. Amily
2. Kahlan*
3. Horus
4. Amygdala
5. Spatch
6. Rempire
7. AzureII
8. Marsh
1. Force*
2. Aneko
3. NV
4. Gulver
5. Steel Dominator
6. Tamerlayne
7. Cherry
8. Athena Shadow
---STF---Estimated Start Time 5:30 PM EST-----
1. Amily
2. Kahlan*
3. Horus
4. Amygdala
5. Force
6. Tamerlayne
7. Trev
8. Kaz
1. Aneko
2. NV
3. Marsh
4. Dolly
5. Alternate
6. Carnal
7. Symar
8. tygs
---Barracuda-----Optional Dinner Break ---- Estimated Start Time 7:00 PM EST----
1. Amily
2. Gulver
3. Horus
4. Amygdala*
5. Force
6. Tamerlayne
7. Trev
8. Kaz
1. Kahlan*
2. Sovereignsavior
3. NV
4. Symar
5. Spatch
6. Dolly
7. Alternate
8. Tygs
---LRSF------Estimated Start Time 9:00 PM EST-------
1. Amily
2. Kahlan*
3. Horus
4. Amygdala
5. Force
6. Kaz
7. Cherry
8. Trev
1. Tamerlayne
2. Sovereignsavior
3. NV
4. Alternate
5. Gulver
6. Athena Shadow
7. tygs
8. Steel Dominator*
Placta is available if online and needed.
"Cash Rules Everything Around Me...CREAM get the money..dollar dollar bill ya'll" <----random WuTang -
Hi Amily,
I'd like in on the on any or all except Cuda and LRSF. If you're not full let me know what works best for your team. My avail Master capable toons are Fire/Kin Corr, Fire/Dark Corr, Night Widow, and maybe an Ice/Cold Corr if I finish her by Saturday evening.
Thanks -
Is there a way for it to run on top of CoH instead of having to Alt-Tab to view stats?
Sounds great!!! The features sound awesome! Is there any gain in performance with Sentinel?
I guess it has..I just logged off and it started a download...sweet!!! (I hope)
Bid is at 3 billion inf. Will close availability Friday @ 2pm eastern time. My global is @Marshman
Server: Champion - US (someone was concerned about whether this was EU or US) -
Bid is at 3 billion inf. Will close availability Friday @ 2pm eastern time. My global is @Marshman
********duplicate***** please use other thread -
But other than that build looks acceptable?
Quote:Ok, I played around in Mid's and came up with this....feedback please..As it stand your current build which looks like your pve build? Won't work in PvP.
First of all; Dark blasts damage is already limited on a toon with no -res so slotting the attacks for -tohit means you won't ever kill anything. The only attacks you will need in PvP are Gloom, Dark Blast and Life Drain. Anything else from the dark blast set can be taken just as set mules as they won't really offer anything to you. I would recomend taking Dark Pit maybe though for detoggling any nasty offensive toggles but the rech sucks on dark pit so there will be times when you won't be able to detoggle someone.
Secondly you will want to change your power pool selection. The fighting pool doesn't offer a great deal for squishies with DR and all so I would recommend taking Leadership instead. You have no aim in dark blast so you will want the +tohit from Tactics to help with your attacks hitting. As for movement, taking Speed and Leaping pool is pretty essential in PvP now. Then obviously fitness. For your epic power pool you should go with power mastery. Power build up will help with lack of Aim and it will also make your tohit debuffs alot stronger.
The powers you have from Dark Miasma are pretty solid choice wise but try and pick up Fearsome stare if you can but slot it for -tohit instead of fear. That power powerboosted does ALOT of -tohit.
As for Slotting Dark servant, I never really know what to go for but you should definately put some heal in him. If you get in trouble and your heal misses there's a chance your pet will heal you if you go stand next to him.
Hope this helped
I'll try whip up a build after lunch but goodluck!
Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.704
Click this DataLink to open the build!
DarkDef: Level 50 Magic Defender
Primary Power Set: Dark Miasma
Secondary Power Set: Dark Blast
Power Pool: Fitness
Power Pool: Leaping
Power Pool: Speed
Power Pool: Leadership
Ancillary Pool: Power Mastery
Hero Profile:
Level 1: Twilight Grasp -- Panac-Heal/+End(A), Panac-Heal/EndRedux/Rchg(3), Nictus-Acc/Heal(5), Nictus-Acc/EndRdx/Heal/HP/Regen(19)
Level 1: Dark Blast -- Decim-Acc/Dmg(A), Decim-Dmg/EndRdx(3), Decim-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(7), Decim-Dmg/Rchg(17), Decim-Acc/EndRdx/Rchg(19)
Level 2: Tar Patch -- CtlSpd-Acc/Slow(A), CtlSpd-Acc/EndRdx(5), CtlSpd-Dmg/Slow(7), CtlSpd-EndRdx/Rchg/Slow(11)
Level 4: Darkest Night -- DarkWD-ToHitDeb(A), DarkWD-ToHitDeb/Rchg(11), DarkWD-Slow%(13), DarkWD-ToHitdeb/Rchg/EndRdx(15), DarkWD-Rchg/EndRdx(17)
Level 6: Hurdle -- HO:Micro(A)
Level 8: Shadow Fall -- LkGmblr-Rchg+(A), LkGmblr-Def(9), LkGmblr-Def/EndRdx(9), GA-3defTpProc(15)
Level 10: Combat Jumping -- Zephyr-ResKB(A)
Level 12: Hasten -- RechRdx-I(A), RechRdx-I(13), RechRdx-I(45)
Level 14: Fearsome Stare -- DarkWD-ToHitDeb(A), DarkWD-ToHitDeb/Rchg(34), Abys-Acc/Rchg(37), Abys-Acc/Fear/Rchg(40), Abys-Dam%(43)
Level 16: Super Jump -- HO:Micro(A), Zephyr-ResKB(21)
Level 18: Health -- Numna-Regen/Rcvry+(A), Numna-Heal/EndRdx(21), Numna-Heal(37)
Level 20: Acrobatics -- HO:Membr(A)
Level 22: Stamina -- Efficacy-EndMod(A), Efficacy-EndMod/Rchg(23), Efficacy-EndMod/EndRdx(23)
Level 24: Petrifying Gaze -- GladNet-EndRdx/Rchg/Hold(A), GladNet-Dam%(25), GladNet-Acc/EndRdx/Rchg/Hold(25), GladNet-Acc/Rchg(27), GladNet-Acc/Hold(34)
Level 26: Maneuvers -- LkGmblr-Rchg+(A), LkGmblr-Def/EndRdx(27), LkGmblr-Def/EndRdx/Rchg(40)
Level 28: Tactics -- GSFC-ToHit(A), GSFC-ToHit/Rchg(29), GSFC-ToHit/EndRdx(29), GSFC-Rchg/EndRdx(31), GSFC-Build%(43)
Level 30: Gloom -- Dev'n-Acc/Dmg(A), Dev'n-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(31), Apoc-Dmg(31), Apoc-Acc/Rchg(34), Apoc-Dmg/EndRdx(37), Dev'n-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(40)
Level 32: Dark Servant -- G'Wdw-Acc/Hold/Rchg(A), G'Wdw-Hold/Rng(33), G'Wdw-Acc/Rchg(33), Nictus-Acc/EndRdx/Rchg(33), Nictus-Heal/HP/Regen/Rchg(46)
Level 35: Life Drain -- Apoc-Dmg/Rchg(A), Apoc-Dam%(36), Apoc-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(36), Dev'n-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(36), Dev'n-Acc/Dmg(39), Dev'n-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(39)
Level 38: Assault -- EndRdx-I(A), EndRdx-I(39)
Level 41: Power Build Up -- GSFC-ToHit(A), GSFC-ToHit/Rchg(42), GSFC-ToHit/Rchg/EndRdx(42), GSFC-Rchg/EndRdx(42), GSFC-ToHit/EndRdx(43)
Level 44: Temp Invulnerability -- S'fstPrt-ResDam/EndRdx(A), S'fstPrt-ResDam/Def+(45), S'fstPrt-ResKB(45), GA-ResDam(46), GA-End/Res(46)
Level 47: Dark Pit -- Amaze-Stun(A), Amaze-Stun/Rchg(48), Amaze-Acc/Stun/Rchg(48), Amaze-Acc/Rchg(48), Amaze-EndRdx/Stun(50)
Level 49: Force of Nature -- TtmC'tng-ResDam/EndRdx(A), TtmC'tng-ResDam/Rchg(50), TtmC'tng-ResDam/EndRdx/Rchg(50)
Level 1: Brawl -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Sprint -- Empty(A)
Level 2: Rest -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Vigilance
Level 2: Ninja Run
Code:| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |MxDz;1420;721;1442;HEX;| |78DA9D935B4F134114C767B75B4A4BE9FD46B9168102A5DBD6278507150A894A49E| |5A6C60B59618186DA366D0DEA931F001F7CF28A31114143E2A34AF802FA1934D16F| |52CF65DA17DFDCB4FFDFCC9C33E732BB937B98750AF1E482505C3345A3565BCB9A9| |B6669C3AC5A73C65661DD9735AA3B25B3561B9833768B8F93F9D5BC4D08D1D5F45A| |9B7EB0B9A9A3D35AAE60D4EE1BD19665D1286D991B6C9B86D075EFE5D2B659354B7| |5BD3970E6CBE5A23E57A863069ECC9B46A550DA72D064A9629A1BEEE63A04AD6D17| |2ABED94A615DCF977721470EC29AD5471128690CFE4B2A88027FD1B0889845888C5| |0FB095A90E00B110ED08F9E86269E037A85FA82D0F61A10179E9734F3BD222CAB32| |2A8455DE28B8A4BD25B4ED131CEF082BE067E1F49AE58B8A991C5F09CE5382EB1BC| |17342688393B4B2BBB04E01348BB80E169BECC01654D0AD3DC0F0105C672D982A04| |7BED72AFFD17851B84A50EAE52ED48084ACB9860DC00B74ED975279717E3F2867E5| |2ECF86FC2F81F4218E2B9D95D71CBF2029CCA06262F6757BDABE41DB846185A2144| |C0C12FCBF34FF2DE76580BCA4DC13D8A137ACA7846B8091A96F58567E8454566195| |942F412217691E085785D325E171F5594CF28EE27F8C1A15BBE8EEE034AD1F381F1| |91D0774418FF4440532FA7B7F6BEA713EB3B644CF061A5F8B0D284F811D96EC1A45| |F16DD5FA4BC033B8C6D4698AA4D0608C7E03E28930C2629D0990C436770CA112E60| |8493F8A09361EE44198EB185F11DA28ECA1E47B9C731EE71EC90217BE48E7F807B4| |2BA2742F4D14E8419114232C5D56608B85797CDE9572842EA2A639E91236416089F| |E1EB4ACB37921EA7EE33094692D0A3B5EE1DFCE011F3FFACE4B5D665130AAD2C68A| |D5BDDB07B5AD6FF7D4E9CCD70F64507E8324A1E4459C5D16D943B38BD8B230347F7| |50D671DA3875360B769FC3BACEA34CA24CA104A13EB1879E36BC8B1D284E944E141| |78A1BC583E24789A2ECA334FE028F58FB4A| |-------------------------------------------------------------------|