395 -
I want to say something, but the words won't come.
I never knew him very well, teamed or chatted with him very much, but I knew he was a fun guy.
I'm really sad to hear he's gone. -
If you don't see a moderator on in Justice For All, just send a tell to @Maribelle and I will take care of it.
I will be unable to lead the Friday night raid on the 24th.
If anyone wants to step up and lead that night, by all means go for it, but after that last raid I'm not going to try to press anyone into doing it. -
Thanks again to everyone who stayed with us for the entire 2 hours this raid lasted.
We faced a few problems.
Biggest issue was just how few people we had. We proved that we had enough to finish, but everything would have been much easier with more everything (including and especially cowbell.)
We had a few first timers on the Yellow Aggro team. This normally wouldn't have been an issue, but without an extra tank or two to catch lose mitos on the occasional mix up we had to pull out to regroup a lot.
Our Green team had a few issues in addition to getting shot at more than normal. I think it was a combination of poor direction on my part, and confusion and fatigue on the part of the Green targeter. -
I lost interest in my plant dominator fairly quickly, but my plant/rad controller is one of my top 3 favorite characters.
Enough on Talos 1 that it filled.
I also never actually saw Mako, and have not yet seen else anyone say they did. -
Spent most of my time running missions around PI with an SG mate.
I was on a 50, hoping to get purples and inf for a new build.
I got one purple and not as much inf as I had hoped.
My SK got 6 purples and I don't even know how many levels. -
Thanks again to everyone who made the double midnight ship raid a big success last week. We had RWZ 1 and 2 filled and raiding simultaneously in back to back ship raids!
This I'll be running the usual Blue side Hamidon raid, Friday August 17th at 11:58 EDT, or 10:58pm CDT, or 9:58pm MDT, 8:58pm PDT
RWZ Ship raid to follow. All levels welcome to the ship raid. If you don't make it to the Hami raid, or just don't feel like Hami, keep an eye on "Justice For All" or "Justice United" for the announcement that we've finished Hami and have started the ship raid. The raid *might* get mentioned on other channels or LFG, but I can make no guarantees.
Hami Fine Print
*All players level 45+ are welcome to join the Hami raid, assuming you're willing to at least pretend to look like you're helping. If you leech we'll probably make fun of you while you ignore us or something.
*A quick overview of the Justice raid tactic is traditionally provided by the raid leader right before we start, and new raiders (that can follow simple instructions) are always welcome.
*Space in the zone is limited; plan to arrive early if possible to make sure you get a seat.
I'm sure I'm forgetting something.... -
I'll be running another Ha... wait...
Oh yeah! Double XP starts Friday!
...I will NOT be running the usual Two Minutes To Midnight Hamidon raid this Friday, August 10th 2012.
This Friday, August 10th 2012 at 11:58 EDT, or 10:58pm CDT, or 9:58pm MDT, 8:58pm PDT, I will be running back to back Rikti Mother Ship raids instead of the normal Hami then ship raid.
I've been told that these things can be a lot of xp, and Hami is not so much, so I figure I'm far more likely to not be soloing this thing than Hami during the double XP.
*All players at ANY LEVEL are welcome to join the ship raid, assuming you're willing to at least pretend to look like you're helping. If you leech we'll probably make fun of you while you ignore us or something.
*I try to balance the teams on the league for fair merit/xp distribution, but can make no guarantees that your team will not be awful while the other teams are super-terrific-awesome-sauce.
*Remember to run the first mission of the Welcome To The Vanguard arc from Levantera if you are level 35+ and wish to earn a huge pile of merits.
*To earn Vanguard Merits you must complete the mission I just mentioned and be a VIP or Paragon Rewards Tier 4 or higher.
*If you have never done a ship raid before, please read up on the basics. The wiki page is a bit dated, and we usually do a different pylon order than what they have listed there, but it's better than flying blind. I usually assume everyone knows what they're doing at ship raids, so if you have any questions after your homework be sure to ask.
*Space in the zone is limited; plan to arrive early if possible to make sure you get a seat.
I'm sure I'm forgetting something.... -
Happy birthday!
Quote:Yeah, that's what I meant, mostly.even if you dropped VIP status you could still lead Ship and Hami Raids. about the only thing that a T8 or 9 VIP will lose is SSA's, FW, NW, and Incarnate stuff.
I didn't like the FW or NW story arcs, the first set of signature arcs were real downers, and mostly run itrials when friends are trying for badges.
So, I'm mostly paying $15 a month for about $6.80 worth of Paragon Points, and to keep my incarnate powers. -
I mentioned in another discussion that I was thinking of taking some time off, saying that the VIP game isn't really offering enough to justify....
Then about 5 hours after my account auto-renewed for another 6 months I remembered that I was thinking of changing that... So, yeah, Yer stuck with me a bit longer.
I'll be running another Hamidon raid, Friday August 3rd at 11:58 EDT, or 10:58pm CDT, or 9:58pm MDT, 8:58pm PDT
RWZ Ship raid to follow. All levels welcome to the ship raid. If you don't make it to the Hami raid, or just don't feel like Hami, keep an eye on "Justice For All" or "Justice United" for the announcement that we've finished Hami and have started the ship raid.
Hami Fine Print
*All players level 45+ are welcome to join the Hami raid, assuming you're willing to at least pretend to look like you're helping. If you leech we'll probably make fun of you while you ignore us or something.
*A quick overview of the Justice raid tactic is traditionally provided by the raid leader right before we start, and new raiders (that can follow simple instructions) are always welcome.
*Space in the zone is limited; plan to arrive early if possible to make sure you get a seat.
I'm sure I'm forgetting something.... -
I'm certainly interested.
I'll be sure to post the schedule in the JFA MoTD when it's available! -
Actually, considering following that lead.
This game filled 2 needs for me.
First, an escape, a fantasy to pretend that I could make a difference and get away from feeling small and useless.
Well, long drawn out wars that I have minimal impact on, and signature story arcs that go "You win, no, wait just kidding, she/he's dead, really you might as well have stayed in bed" do not fill that need. So I've mostly ignored the "story" since Issue 20, doing some of the new stuff on occasion, saying "Yup, still the exact opposite of what I need.
Second need was social time with people that enjoy the same game I do and do something besides single player stuff. As mentioned, my friends list is kind of depressing. -
Hami took a bit to get going, but the ship raid was insane.
I received about 700 vanguard merits, and saw reports of people getting over 1000! -
I should probably start including that in the announcement, yes.
I'll be running another Hamidon raid, Friday July 13th at 11:58 EDT, or 10:58pm CDT, or 9:58pm MDT, 8:58pm PDT
FRIDAY THE 13TH!!!!DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOm or something, I dunno, I'm tired.
Fine Print
*All players level 45+ are welcome to join, assuming you're willing to at least pretend to look like you're helping. If you leech we'll probably make fun of you while you ignore us or something.
*A quick overview of the Justice raid tactic is traditionally provided by the raid leader right before we start, and new raiders (that can follow simple instructions) are always welcome.
*Space in the zone is limited; plan to arrive early if possible to make sure you get a seat.
I'm sure I'm forgetting something.... -
We had very good turn out tonight, and this was one of the smoothest midnight raids we've had in awhile.
Thanks everyone! -
Last week, Hami could not kill the metal!
I'll be running another Hamidon raid, Friday July 6th at 11:58 EDT, or 10:58pm CDT, or 9:58pm MDT, 8:58pm PDT
I plan to make extensive use of my fire works emotes for a slightly late display for the Friday after the 4th of July.
Also, we need more particle effects in the Hive during raids. Seriously, I can still occasionally see things that aren't explosions.
Fine Print
*All players level 45+ are welcome to join, assuming you're willing to at least pretend to look like you're helping. If you leech we'll probably make fun of you while you ignore us or something.
*A quick overview of the Justice raid tactic is traditionally provided by the raid leader right before we start, and new raiders (that can follow simple instructions) are always welcome.
*Space in the zone is limited; plan to arrive early if possible to make sure you get a seat.
I'm sure I'm forgetting something.... -
We had a little kerfluffle with last Friday's raid regarding what day it actually was...
I'll be running another Hamidon raid, Friday June 29th at 11:58 EDT, or 10:58pm CDT, or 9:58pm MDT, 8:58pm PDT
So, there we go, one form of confusion replaced by another! WHEEEEEEEE!!
I was going to make all kinds of Iron Maiden references here to go with the "Two Minutes To Midnight" theme, something like:
If you're new to Hami and feel like "A Stranger In a Strange Land" have no "Fear Of The Dark" and don't be "Afraid To Shoot Strangers" (like Hamidon) but be ready to "Run For The Hills" if something goes wrong before you "Die With Your Boots On"
... but that's really kind of cheesy, and this is Justice, where I can always play with madness without asking.
Fine Print
*All players level 45+ are welcome to join, assuming you're willing to at least pretend to look like you're helping. If you leech we'll probably make fun of you while you ignore us or something.
*A quick overview of the Justice raid tactic is traditionally provided by the raid leader right before we start, and new raiders (that can follow simple instructions) are always welcome.
*Space in the zone is limited; plan to arrive early if possible to make sure you get a seat.
I'm sure I'm forgetting something.... -
Last week's Hami went well!
We're going to see if we can repeat last week's success!
Friday June 22nd at midnight EDT, or 11pm CDT, or 10pm MDT, 9pm PDT
We were a bit short on controllers and dominators at first, so this week's theme is gonna be "ALL THE PETS EVER" to encourage people to bring out their pet loving mezzers, and if people just want to bring another AT that is known for pets, well, sounds fine to me.
I fully expect the side of the Hive to be covered with summons and leprechauns because why not?
(Interesting note, I had the wrong spelling for "leprechauns" at first and my spell checker recommended "republicans")
All players level 45+ are welcome to join, assuming you're willing to at least pretend to look like you're helping. If you leech we'll probably make fun of you while you ignore us or something.
A quick overview of the Justice raid tactic is traditionally provided by the raid leader right before we start, and new raiders (that can follow simple instructions) are always welcome.
Space in the zone is limited; plan to arrive early if possible to make sure you get a seat.
I'm sure I'm forgetting something.... -
Last week's Friday night raid apparently did not get enough publicity as we had a grand turn out of 7 people.
We're going to give it another shot this week.
Friday June 15th at midnight EDT, or 11pm CDT, or 10pm MDT, 9pm PDT
All players level 45+ are welcome to join, assuming you're willing to at least pretend to look like you're helping. If you leech we'll probably make fun of you while you ignore us or something.
A quick overview of the Justice raid tactic is traditionally provided by the raid leader right before we start, and new raiders (that can follow simple instructions) are always welcome.
Space in the zone is limited; plan to arrive early if possible to make sure you get a seat.
I'm sure I'm forgetting something....