Midnight Hamidon Raid, Friday June 15th

Callie Sunshine



Last week's Friday night raid apparently did not get enough publicity as we had a grand turn out of 7 people.

We're going to give it another shot this week.
Friday June 15th at midnight EDT, or 11pm CDT, or 10pm MDT, 9pm PDT

All players level 45+ are welcome to join, assuming you're willing to at least pretend to look like you're helping. If you leech we'll probably make fun of you while you ignore us or something.

A quick overview of the Justice raid tactic is traditionally provided by the raid leader right before we start, and new raiders (that can follow simple instructions) are always welcome.

Space in the zone is limited; plan to arrive early if possible to make sure you get a seat.

I'm sure I'm forgetting something....



Hey! We won!



As if there were any doubts