1267 -
I agree with you, grinding has a negative connotation.
However, I want to clearly understand why you chose to join the term to the iTrials. Is it because you associate grinding with the desire of the leaders and potentially many of the participants (myself included) to complete the trial with a minimum of difficulty and time? Is it because they are usually played through in a specific sequence, just about nightly?
Please explain. -
I never asked for people to feel sorry for me, I want people to support the league leader. I've tried quietly being an example before this thread. This thread is my choice to publicly call attention to the situation.
Quote:There are a set of players that more regularly lead iTrials than I do, and when I see them leading a trial when I'm open to doing one, I join and try to bring a toon to help the league succeed because I don't want the leader to fail.It sounds like some of you guys are really resentful at being "forced" to bring the same guys because nobody else will step up...
So why do you continue to enable the attitude? If it's such a problem for you, bring what you want to bring, or take a break from the grind. Don't bend over backwards for them, and then complain about it.
The server won't grind to a halt because some of the normal people are playing other characters. Other people will see a need that has to be filled, and will step in--or it just won't happen. Either way, you no longer have a reason to complain.
We've all heard the joke before: if the MoSTF fails, it's Imp's fault. However, I'm sure that the reason it failed is not because Imp made a mistake while playing his toon - it's his fault because he organized it. He's the leader. So when the TF/trial/whatever fails, the leader takes the responsibility. I don't want that to happen to those players that I regularly go on trials with (Impyre, Huron, Richter, etc) when they step up to lead a trial.
Failure to complete an iTrials leaves me feeling unsuccessful. It leaves me feeling like the league wasted it's time running the trial. Worse yet, I feel that it tarnishes the reputation of the player that organized the trial. I know I don't feel comfortable going on an iTrial that's led by someone that fails (or has no history to speak of), I want to go with someone that I think can lead the league to victory.
To that end, I bring a toon that I believe can help the league leader succeed. And that is why I continue to do what i do (usually bring a 50+3), and that is why I "complain", because I had seen other players repeatedly abusing the opportunity that the league leader provides and not showing their appreciation (by bringing level shifted toons). -
Quote:I've been on leagues that employ that strategy and I've been on that team. Even on a 50+3 level shifted stalker (and we both know that I can make that toon crank out massive single target damage) the effect of [Pacify] are noticeable.My role was simple.
Kill the psychics.
I did this with Blasters, Scrappers and Brutes.
I set them on fire, shot them, stabbed them and otherwise injured them.
I was able to do my job rather well.
But, your experiences and your comments relate to mine only in that they speak to the same iTrial. Your experiences and your comments do not correspond to the strategy, build, nor role that I spoke of.
Quote:I was playing on a different strategy, nothing more. I know the strategy you're dealing with, and I don't like it.
The alternative has been used successfully, but more explanation, coordination and time (either in setup or execution) is required to make it work.
NOTE: It has to be experienced first hand. It's hard to describe to stress of trying to coordinate the effort of 11-23 other people (and countless others via tells, etc). This, more than most other things, is the reason why league leaders will opt for using simplified strategies (such as the one described for the TPN). -
Quote:I was able to do my part -taunt the IDF away from the terminals so the technicians could be taken downQuote:I've brought non-shifted characters to the TPN and never had the issues you're describing.
1. you've brought a non-shifted tank/brute/scrapper to a TPN
2. played the role to taunt IDF away from teminal B so that another toon/group can take out the technician
3. successfully moved the IDF away quickly
4. and survived all of the retaliatory attacks from that spawn and any attacks aimed at you from other mobs
Is this what you're saying? -
I have been taking note (literally) of the iTrials that I have participated in and I have noticed that the number of flat 50s has been significantly lower than my initial reaction suggested.
I have also seen that those that bring flat 50s will often stick with that toon through several iTrials over several days, gain level shifts, and continue to bring that toon level shifted toon. For that I am appreciative.
As a test, I brought a 50+1 IO'd Electric Armor Brute to a TPN the other day and I was shocked by how much the Telepathists stacked Pacify power significantly reduced his survivability. Each [Pacify] by itself is insignificant, however when stacked 4-6 times (and taking the level difference into account) the effect is substantial. I was able to do my part -taunt the IDF away from the terminals so the technicians could be taken down- however I wasn't able to truly manage the aggro as effectively as I normally would (I face-planted more often than I care to admit).
Was I actively contributing to the success of the league? Yes: I was able to quickly move the IDF away from the terminal. Was my toon effective at doing his job? No, not really: a dead brute meant that my teammates had to manage the aggro that I generated while I hid from the IDF, scraped myself up off of the floor, or waited for the door of the hospital to open.
I brought a toon that was not truly capable of carrying his own weight and for that I feel a sense of shame. -
I thought about that TF, but it has a couple of negatives:
1. it's against Clockwork and very few melee types resist energy damage well.
2. Clockwork are resistant to most damage types, but are susceptible to psionics which most toons won't be using.
3. At the lower levels the players won't have access to all of their attacks (AoEs especially), many armors won't be available to melee types, and enhancements and slots will be on the low end of the spectrum. Also buff and debuff powers either won't be as effective or won't be available at all.
The end result is that the battles will last longer and hurt more. This net effect lowers the efficiency of the XP gain. -
Quote:My guess would be Citadel: you have many of your good powers available and it's against Council... what more could you ask for?Btw, what's the best TF bang for the buck - the most XP task force when you factor in mobs and XP? I'm curious.
The ITF would be next on my list: a slightly higher level range but you're fighting against an enemy group that likes to be in to melee. -
Quote:DA content.Yes, I meant shards. Let's say you managed to scrape up 20 of them via tf's and such (not quite enough to tier 3 it, in other words), but you really wanted to start working on judgement/interface rather than sitting on your hands until your ITF cooldown timer or other such tf began forming. What would you do?
Quote:If that's the case, use the classic old-school method and play the non-incarnate content that was used to get to 50 in the first place (but first unlock the Alpha slot), acquire components and shards and notices (from the WST), and create the tier 3 Alpha ability.Here's a question to everyone:
What if you just like to use your Astral merits to cash in for vendor stuff (recipes, costume pieces, etc)? And the people that think the Astral exchange rate is just bad for shards?
Quote:Or don't want to waste the shards that they've already started stockpiling?
If you meant shards, I have to ask: why would anyone stockpile shards on a non-shifted toon? -
I can't speak for anyone else (like you, Stone Daemon) who brings a 50+3, I can only declare how I feel on the subject.
Quote:The second is worse, assuming that the person in option #1 has no other incarnates. As I mentioned earlier (and as you mentioned in your post) there is more than one way to get that first Alpha shift and I see no reason why not to take advantage of those options. That one level difference increases the effectiveness by 17 percentage points across the board (if you want to get into the numbers side of the game as Trickshooter posted earlier). A flat 50 toon goes from having it's base values being slightly less than 50% effective, to a substantial amount more than 60% at 50+1 against level 54 enemies (a 17 percentage point or 35% increase in effectiveness fro 48% to 65%). For comparison, a 50+3 is operating at 90% (a 42 percentage point or 87% increase versus a flat 50) effectiveness against 54 enemies.Which of these is the bigger 'bad thing' in your eyes:
1) Someone bringing their main character who hasn't been incarnated at all and is a flat 50 (but has alpha unlocked)
2) Someone who has several incarnated 50+ characters but brings a flat 50 instead to work on that toon
To provide a little more perspective, a level 50+3 Defender would be able to do damage to a level 54 enemy at a rate only slightly lower (6 percentage points) than that of a flat 50 Blaster (and the Defender would still bring all of the benefits that their primary).
Trick, please check my math on the above statement. -
You're right. Nothing will get proven. Nothing will change.
The players with level shifted toons but choose to bring flat 50s will keep doing so. And I will continue to bring my +1 or more level shifted toons and allow them to ride on my coattails.
Such is life. -
Quote:Here's a challenge for those who took issue with my comment on flat 50s on BAF/Lambda, put together a league of pure flat 50s and see how the experience differs from a league that is a mixed bag of 50+1s to 50+3s.
Scratch that, I'll do it.
I'll organize a league to run Lambda and BAF on Thursday @ 8 EST (7 Central, 6 Mountain, 5 Pacific) in Dark Astoria. Unslot all of your incarnate powers and let's see how it goes.Quote:I've put forward the challenge and I expect everyone here who disagrees with me to show up and see for themselves.
I'm willing to "eat" my words if I'm wrong, so prove me wrong.
How many people will step up and show me how useful their flat 50 can be? How many will step up and prove to me that their flat 50 can contribute as significantly as one with level shifts? How many will step up and prove to me that their toons don't need to be "carried" by someone with level shifts? How many will step up and make me eat my words?
We shall see. -
But a */Rad Controller can drop rad toggles and has crowd control power (like a Dom), that would fill both of those roles with one toon.
Thank you for posting this.
Quote:I agree that there were problem learning the trials, and I have seen failures and near failures due to incompetence. However, I also believe that the difference between failures and a smooth and successful trial can be traced to the increased effectiveness of level shifts and the incarnate powers associated with them.Lessons? I imagine most of the problems people had in those days were learning how to play the content. Even today those trials can fail on mostly shifted leagues due to a lack of listening, or poor league composition.
That's why I want to test the theory that flat 50s doing a BAF/Lambda are at a serious disadvantage by arbitrarily taking away that advantage from all participants. Each participant will have to stand on their own without having the support of a level shifted league-mate to carry them.
I've put forward the challenge and I expect everyone here who disagrees with me to show up and see for themselves.
I'm willing to "eat" my words if I'm wrong, so prove me wrong. -
Ticked and irritation are not the same thing to me.
Irritation is the initial sentiment, ticked is the end result.
When I'm irritated, I take mental note of something (I might even say something via a tell) and move on.
When I'm ticked I start kicking people. -
Here's a challenge for those who took issue with my comment on flat 50s on BAF/Lambda, put together a league of pure flat 50s and see how the experience differs from a league that is a mixed bag of 50+1s to 50+3s.
Scratch that, I'll do it.
I'll organize a league to run Lambda and BAF on Thursday @ 8 EST (7 Central, 6 Mountain, 5 Pacific) in Dark Astoria. Unslot all of your incarnate powers and let's see how it goes. -
This is what I originally said...
Quote:I then clarified my statement with this...The other night I participated in a discussion in Jello Shooters about the utility of level shifts in iTrials. I stated that I felt some irritation when I see players bring flat 50s (non-level shifted toons) on BAF and Lambda.
Quote:My biggest gripe with flat 50s are those players that do have the time and resources to have multiple level shifted toons, actually have multiple level shifted toons, and still choose to bring a flat 50 on advanced iTrials.
Quote:I can't really agree that flat 50s shouldn't be allowed to join Lambda/BAF/Keyes.Quote:By telling people they can't bring a straight 50 to a BAF or Lambda you are alienating a lot of players, thus completely circumventing the entire point of trials.
Quote:Getting ticked at someone for bringing a flat 50 to a BAF/Lambda?
If you're going to react and respond to something you think I said, please make sure I said it.