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  1. Major_T

    iXP Underground

    Since there is interest, I would like to run one of these iXP Underground trials this week.

    Are there any suggestions/preferences for the day/night/time?
  2. Heather (Ouroboros): Common
    Heather (Ouroboros): Astrals
  3. Sister Solaris (first time): Rare
  4. Major_T

    iXP Underground

    Originally Posted by Major_T View Post
    I kicked around the idea of running this trial with 50s and 51s with the express idea of getting massive amounts of iXP -- not even attempting to defeat the Avatar of Hamidon.
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    A group of flat 50's/50+1's? You'll fail at the Avatar. Period.
    You won't survive the confuse spam. (Unless those +1's are all getting their +1 from rocking T3/4 Clarions.
  5. Heather (Ouroboros): Uncommon
    Dream Doctor (Part II - teammates mission - first time): Astrals
  6. Heather (Ouroboros): Common
    Duncan (first time): Common
    Heather (Ouroboros): Empyrean
  7. Major_T

    iXP Underground

    In another thread, the observation was made that the Underground iTrial was a rich source of iXP for fledgeling incarnates. I kicked around the idea of running this trial with 50s and 51s with the express idea of getting massive amounts of iXP -- not even attempting to defeat the Avatar of Hamidon.

    I discussed the idea with a couple of people, and now I wanted to ask the rest of the forum going population...

    What do you think of this idea? Would you participate if it was run at a convenient time?
  8. Dream Doctor (Part II - teammates mission - first time): Common
    Heather (Ouroboros): Common
  9. Mu'Vorkan (first time): Common
    Heather (flashback): Common
    Heather (flashback): Astrals
  10. Dream Doctor, Part 1 (Ouroboros): Common
    Dream Doctor, Part 2 (Ouroboros): Astrals
  11. Happy Birthday!

    Is Nylonus bringing the cake?
  12. Sister Solaris (Ouroboros): Uncommon
    Heather (Ouroboros): Astrals
  13. Praetor Duncan (Ouroboros): Common
    Heather (Ouroboros): Empyrean
  14. Sister Solaris (via Ouroboros): Common
  15. Heather (via Ouroboros): very rare
  16. I believe it is a game play problem. It's evidence that there are many players who are dissatisfied with the reward percentages of the solo path and we're acquiring data to support that assertion.
  17. Just to be clear, no one has said that 50s can't go on iTrials. To reiterate, *I* have a very strong preference to see toons with at least one level shift on the easier trials (BAF & Lambda) for reasons that can be found throughout this thread. I have yet to see anyone barred from them for playing a flat 50 (on a BAF or Lambda).

    Although the easier of the trials (BAF & Lambda) can probably be accomplished by flat 50s, the amount of effort and the potential for failure would be substantially higher than one featuring toons with additional level shifts. Assuming adequate skill levels and team composition equal on both comparative leagues, the group more level shifts will have a significantly easier time (fewer death, quicker time to completion, etc). As has been mentioned by others earlier in the thread, although it is doable, why would a league subject itself to that trouble by bringing all flat 50s?

    But none of this addresses your question: "How am I supposed to improve the rest of my roster<snip>?"

    My response to that is: use the non-incarnate path to get that first level shift. Currently, the weekly strike target (Sutter and Kal) are being run by both 50s looking for the Notice of the Well, and by sub-50s seeking the bonus XP. This should be one of the easier TFs to recruit for: players with toons from 20 right on up to 50+ should be interested for various reasons; and the larger the level range of the TF/SF, the more toons people can choose from, the more that should choose to attend.

    I want to make one additional point about the "grind": If you've played the game long enough, you've probably done nearly all (if not absolutely all) of the content at least once (probably with different toons). At the point you've done any mission/task once, every time afterward could be considered a grind. This includes iTrials and any other set of missions.

    I suspect that my understanding of "grind" is different from other people's definitions. What is yours?
  18. I understand what you're talking about: the discovery and exploratory portion of the iTrial experience has concluded, all that's left to do is to do it.

    There isn't need for too much discussion of strategy, there is only the need to define who's doing what and when. There is only chatter when things go wrong. The iTrials, due to being timed, don't allow for much idle chatter as there isn't much idle time. So the chatter must take place before or after the trial, rarely during.

    However, did you notice that the problem you're describing has nothing to do with bringing a level shifted toon to an iTrial (which is an decision event that takes place before the trial begins)? The problem you're describing is the mindset that takes effect as soon as an iTrial is advertised and during it's execution.

    That very mindset, however, is the problem...

    (I'm going to use myself and Sooner as the subject in the following internal monologue)

    Sooner is advertising for a Lambda, she knows how to lead the Lambda, so I'll go with her.

    Hmm, which toon to play? I'll bring this flat 50, it can use the iXP.

    I'll be able to contribute to the trial because I know what my toon can do for the league. Sooner and the rest of the people on the league know what they're doing, and I know what I'm doing, so there won't be a problem. With all of the buff/debuffs flying around we'll just stomp right through this thing like we always do.

    Here are the problems with this line of thinking:
    1. My choice to bring the flat 50, knowing that the toon is going to be at a significant numerical disadvantage (at -4, the baseline is just less than 50% effective).
    2. My assumption that the league leader, and the rest of the league are going to bring capable and complimentary toons.
    3. My assumption that the league is going to know the iTrial (and what needs to be done to succeed), and we won't run into any problems.

    However, the biggest mistake with that line of thinking is the incorrect belief that my choice at the character select screen has little to no bearing on the outcome of the trial: we're going to win like we always do. And that just isn't true. Failure is always a possibility. And the fact that I've brought a toon that is at a significant numerical disadvantage puts the entire league at that much more of a disadvantage and makes failure that much more of a possibility.
  19. Boomer!

    **waits for reply**