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On Sunday, July 15th, 2012 starting around 7pm Eastern (4pm Pacific), I intend on leading another series of Magisterium incarnate trials in the Bulwark neighborhood of Dark Astoria.
The intention will be the acquisition of the badges required to get the Master of Magisterium badge: Ready to Rumble, Triple Threat, Shadow Master, and The Hard Way. As of the writing of this post, I am not going to lead any trials in an attempt to get The Really Hard Way... yet.
League composition
If you want to attend this event with a specific character, please come early and secure your spot. As the league fills up I will have to be particular about additional invites so that the league composition fits my ideal vision.
As the league is limited in size to 24 people, we are going to work with 3 teams of 8 (obviously) 50+3 heroes/villains. Each team will be composed of 1 lead Tank, 2-4 ranged/melee damage dealers, and 3-5 buffer/debuffers.
For the ranged/melee damage dealers, I am looking primarily for Blasters, Scrappers, Stalkers, and some Dominators and Brutes. For buffer/debuffers, I am looking primarily for Defenders, Corruptors, Controllers, and Masterminds (in particular Kinetics, Dark Maisma, and to a lesser extent Radiation).
Ready to Rumble
To acquire the Ready to Rumble badge is acquired by defeating Black Swan sooner than 8 minutes after entering the Magisterium (talking to the Dream Doctor). This requires that the first 3 phases are completed in rapid fashion, especially the first (defeat 250 IDF).
To do this, each team will split up in different directions to cover as much ground as possible. Team one will go left (west), Team 2 will go straight (north), and Team 3 will go right (east), following their lead tanks. The objective is to wipe out the Lieutenants and Minions as quickly as possible and move on to the next spawn. The ranged types (blasters, defenders, controllers, corruptors, dominators) are to use Lore pets during this phase. The lead tanks role is to taunt the bosses into the next group.
The next phase is simpler: Teams 1 and 2 will attempt to defeat both Shadowhunter and Nega-Pendragon (focusing on Shadowhunter first), while the third team attacks Chimera. The objective is to defeat all three of them as quickly as possible. All remaining Lore Pets are to be used here.
The third phase is also simple: Everyone attacks Black Swan. When the portals/rifts open, everyone except the Tankers are to switch targets and destroy the portals/rifts before returning to attack Black Swan.
If all goes according to plan, Black Swan should be defeated inside of 8 minutes.
Triple Threat
The Triple Threat badge is acquired by defeating Nega-Pendragon, Shadowhunter, and Chimera all within 5 seconds of each other. To do this, each team will attack a different AV. Team 1 on Nega-Pendragon, team 2 on Shadowhunter, and team 3 on Chimera. The objective will be to weaken the AVs to approximately 20% health, then 10%, and then 5%, and then defeat them. Use of Lore pets will be on an as needed basis: if a particular AV is taking longer to defeat, some Lore pets for the team taking on that AV will be used.
Chimera will mark and teleport various members and of the league and himself around the map. It is imperative that you find your way to your AV as quickly as possible so that you are in position to defeat the AV when the call is made to take them down. -
Recap: We did quite a few attempts at both badges with full 24 player leagues.
The first attempt at Ready to Rumble and Triple Threat were overwhelming successes.
The second, third, and fourth attempts at Ready to Rumble were not as rewarding. We experienced numerous crashes: it appears that Chimera can still mark Lore pets, which resulting in several deaths from his Rain of Arrows at inopportune times.
We also experience an odd bug that resulted in disappointment: We defeated the first version of Tyrant, but the small version of Tyrant did not spawn, thus we were unable to finish the trial.
The other attempts were also not as successful for a variety of reasons, one of which was the fact that I didn't properly balance the teams on the league. I will not make that mistake again.
I intend on running another series of Magi badge attempts in the near future. stay tuned. -
These attempts are set for tomorrow. To improve the odds of acquiring these badges, please consider acquiring Ultimate inspirations. They can be purchased from Astral Christie in Ouroboros for 2 Astral Merits.
There will be more than one attempt (more than likely in the neighborhood of 3 attempts for each badge), and I believe that I won't be able to get everyone that shows up on the first one.
Showing up later doesn't mean you won't go on any attempts, it just means you won't go on the first one. -
One additional note: I do not intend on going for both the Ready to Rumble and Triple Threat badges during the same trial.
On Saturday, July 7th, 2012 starting around 7pm Eastern (4pm Pacific), I intend on leading a series of Magisterium incarnate trials in the Bullwark neighborhood of Dark Astoria.
The intention will be the acquisition of the badges required to get the Master of Magisterium badge: Ready to Rumble, Triple Threat, Shadow Master, and The Hard Way. As of the writing of this post, I am not going to lead any trials in an attempt to get The Really Hard Way... yet.
We, as a server, have been able to acquire Shadow Master regularly, and the Hard Way by accident on more than one occasion. Now let's see if we have what it takes to get the other two.
The first couple of attempts (2-3) will be the most tightly controlled. Subsequent attempts will be less stringent as I get a feel for what is required to be consistently successful.
League composition
As the league is limited in size to 24 people, we are going to work with 3 teams of 8 (obviously) 50+3 heroes/villains. Each team will be composed of 1 lead Tank, 2-4 ranged/melee damage dealers, and 3-5 buffer/debuffers.
For the first attempt, I have already contacted several people and designated the lead tanks (the reason for this will become apparent shortly). For the ranged/melee damage dealers, I am looking primarily for Blasters, Scrappers, Stalkers, and some Dominators and Brutes. For buffer/debuffers, I am looking primarily for Defenders, Corruptors, Controllers, and Masterminds (in particular Kinetics, Dark Maisma, and to a lesser extent Radiation).
I will give preference to toons that complement my ideal version of league composition.
Ready to Rumble
To acquire the Ready to Rumble badge is acquired by defeating Black Swan sooner than 8 minutes after entering the Magisterium. This requires that the first 3 phases are completed in rapid fashion, especially the first (defeat 250 IDF).
To do this, each team will split up in different directions to cover as much ground as possible. Team one will go left (west), Team 2 will go straight (north), and Team 3 will go right (east), following their lead tanks. The objective is to wipe out the Lieutenants and Minions as quickly as possible and move on to the next spawn. The ranged types are to use Lore pets during this phase. The lead tanks role is to taunt the bosses into the next group. For this reason, I have already contacted players with tankers that I trust and briefed them on the execution of this plan.
The next phase is simpler: Teams 1 and 2 will attempt to defeat both Shadowhunter and Nega-Pendragon (focusing on Shadowhunter first), while the third team attacks Chimera. The objective is to defeat all three of them as quickly as possible.
The third phase is also simple: Everyone attacks Black Swan. All remaining Lore pets are to be used and set to exclusively attack Black Swan. When the portals/rifts open, everyone except the Tankers are to switch targets and destroy the portals/rifts before returning to attack Black Swan.
If all goes according to plan, Black Swan should be defeated inside of 8 minutes.
Triple Threat
The Triple Threat badge is acquired by defeating Nega-Pendragon, Shadowhunter, and Chimera all within 5 seconds of each other. To do this, each team will attack a different AV. Team 1 on Nega-Pendragon, team 2 on Shadowhunter, and team 3 on Chimera. The objective will be to weaken the AVs to approximately 20% health, then 10%, and then 5%, and then defeat them. Lore pets will not be used during this phase.
Chimera will mark and teleport various members and of the league and himself around the map. It is imperative that you find your way to your AV as quickly as possible so that you are in position to defeat the AV when the call is made to take them down. -
We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight! We're going to live on! We're going to survive!
Today we celebrate our Independence Day! -
If you're on a level 20 Preatorian, head over to the entrance to First Ward (Underground Imperial). You should be able to speak to the Doorman and start the arcs over there.
"I see!" said the blind man.
I misread your initial post. Let me rephrase it and you let me know if I got it right or wrong.
So the power Chimera uses is Surveillance. It recharges in 15 seconds, hits 3 people, and has a duration of 60 seconds. Surveilance also tags you as MarkedForDeath.
Additionally, every 20 seconds Chimera can use Rain of Arrows. It is an autohit 25 foot radius AoE attack. It hits every meta that is MarkedForDeath and every target within the radius... and it can stack.
Is the above right?
One more thing, it's about Shadowhunter's banishing (I'm pretty sure it's single target, but I'm looking for confirmation): Is it single target or is it an AoE like the Sequester field of Siege and Nightstar? -
I think I dodged it... what did it look like?
Thanks for checking in, at least we know you haven't hung up the tights.
We'll leave a light on for you. -
Yes, I did. I read it yesterday soon after I started this thread.
Magisterium Post-mortem
First off, I'd like to thank everyone that came out to Dark Astoria for the Master of Magisterium trial attempt tonight. I was inundated with tells and with an overabundance of players that made it impossible to respond to every tell, much less invite everyone to join on the attempt.
Please refer to the Magisterium Trial overview page if you're not familiar with the trial.
We attempted to get all 4 badges (and The Really Hard Way) in one run, and complete the trial. We were only able to acquire Shadow Master on this attempt, but I now have a better idea what needs to be done (as a Trial leader) to get the rest of the badges.
It looks like we missed the Triple Threat badge by a second or two. However going for that badge (and the associated coordination) probably cost us the Ready to Rumble badge, which by my timer we missed by about 30 seconds.
We were able to get the Shadow Master badge, which many of us have acquired by accident.
As for The Hard Way and The Really Hard Way, we were able to get his HP down to about 50% in about 1/3rd (6:00) of the time (18:00). However we seemed to stall out around 40-45% at the 9:00 mark. I didn't want this attempt to end in a complete failure, so I made the decision to start using the temp powers to take down the Lights of the Well, which ended out chances of getting those two badges.
It was a good attempt and I plan on organizing more attempts in the coming weeks.
Thanks for your support! -
We've been toying with the Magisterium trial for a few days, and now I think it's time to see where we are (and how much further we have to go) to get the badges.
I will organize and lead a Magisterium trial tonight (to start around 9:30 pm Eastern in Dark Astoria near the hospital - The Bulwark neighborhood) in an effort to get the badges (including the "Really Hard Way").
Since we will be fighting against 54+3 and 54+5 AVs in the trial all participants must be 50+3. Although it is not required that Hybrid is unlocked and slotted, having it and using it will be most helpful. -
To each and every person above, I say thank you.
Try doing Archmage Hellewise's missions first.
If that doesn't allow you to do Mistress Maria's arc, you may have to do all of the preceding First Ward arcs (starting with Nadia)... seeing as the Night Ward arcs stem from those. -