Mistress Maria - Means And Ends
Try doing Archmage Hellewise's missions first.
If that doesn't allow you to do Mistress Maria's arc, you may have to do all of the preceding First Ward arcs (starting with Nadia)... seeing as the Night Ward arcs stem from those.
"Goodbye, Jean-Luc. I'm gonna miss you... you had such potential. But then again, all good things must come to an end..." -- Q
I was able to access it now but it seems that it was just where on the mission arc title I was clicking. I had to click around about 20 times before I hit just the right spot that expanded the mission text. After it expanded, I was able to start this arc. Not sure why this arc is like that...
BIG BROTHER MIDAS, Ice/Ice Dominator, 1314 Badges
* Any toon you see with Midas in the name is probably me

Well i found out that if you scroll the mission list down until the part one of Means and Ends is right at the top, you can easily click on it. looks like a graphics glitch like the ones that used to plague all the zone entrances to the hollows and all the other hazard zones.
Does anyone know how to unlock this contact via Ouroboros? I am on my level 50 and I can click on the other 4 Night Ward contact arcs but just not the arc from Mistress Maria. The entry wont even expand to see the mission text when I'm looking at it in the Aspect of the Pillar, clicking on it does nothing. Can someone give me some insight into how to access her arc so I can make my way to the One of the Eight badge?
BIG BROTHER MIDAS, Ice/Ice Dominator, 1314 Badges
* Any toon you see with Midas in the name is probably me