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  1. Well i found out that if you scroll the mission list down until the part one of Means and Ends is right at the top, you can easily click on it. looks like a graphics glitch like the ones that used to plague all the zone entrances to the hollows and all the other hazard zones.
  2. DOH! Just reread the message.. WELL Dependin on what you wanna run will depend on what I can bring .. BUT I am definitely in for a Run of MoCuda or MoLRSF..I will just have to check toons and such.. Will be there if you will have meh.
  3. Well Ariel sorry to hear the last one didn't go well..

    IM in for Sat the 30th. I will be bringin a Dark Dark def or a Plant thorn Dom...

    WIll see you then
  4. Dang it! Since its Sat..and THIS particular Sat.. *grumbles* HUBBY set up Dinner wiff the Inlaws on Sat so as MUCH as I really wanna make it.. I am gonna have to bow out.. I Need this one so Ariel' Please run another and have me in... I will keep an eye out..
    If it was Sun I would be fine.. but np Im just gonna have to miss the Sat run..
    GL and I Hope to catch another one.
  5. AnneMarie

    Blue COP 10/17

    Hey Vixie.. IM In!! Should be a Rad Rad Corr.. I MIGHT be bringin a Fire/Fire Blaster though.. Or something else.. Mains are a Rad Rad Corr and Fire Fire blaster though. Can mabye work out others though. THanks hun..
  6. AnneMarie

    Call for Models

    This is Blazing Bethia.. Not sure how she will stack up but got a few compliments so I thought what the heck..
    She is a lvl 15 Fire Blaster on Guardian..

    Here is the link
    Blazing Bethia

    Didn't have much time to do a "fancy setup" so its just a simple screen shot.. Good Luck to all ..
