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  1. Magic_Healing

    Get interviewed!

    All superheroes of Paragon City have their own pros and cons about the game. What do they like best and what could be improved? What do they do in real life? And how do they think about the social aspect of the game?

    Thats what I'm going to ask you about. Every week I will be interviewing an hero in Paragon City about his opinion of the game.
    If you want to get interviewed, then reply to this thread or send an tell to me ingame (@Magic Healing)

    Have a great day,
  2. Magic_Healing


    Application submitted
  3. Magic_Healing


    Sign up now! Just post your name and the events you want to participate in!
    Grand opening in 1 hour
  4. Magic_Healing


    Ok events are in the following order: [*] Relay[*] Save me!![*] To the top![*] Bridge race[*] Costume contest
  5. Magic_Healing



    You can signup now by making a reply with your name and the events you want to participate in Or use this template:

    [ QUOTE ]

    Ingame name:
    Which event(s) do you want to participate in?

    [/ QUOTE ]
  6. Magic_Healing


    Not really jakku, take a look at this:

    [ QUOTE ]
    To the top! [*] Levels allowed: 1-5

    [*]Levels allowed: 1-5
    Save me!! [*] Any levels allowed, but you need to have recall friend
    Bridge race [*] Levels allowed: 1-5

    [/ QUOTE ]
  7. Magic_Healing


    Thank you TG, your application has been submitted in our brackets
  8. Magic_Healing


    Here I am and here is the big update

    You can see who you have to play against and who is on to the next round here:
    note: Your position will be randomly selected

    The Herolympics are on Saturday April 15, from 17:00 till 20:00 GMT in Atlas Park.

    Events information:
    [ QUOTE ]
    To the top!
    This is a race on a building and you have to work up your way to the top, by jumping on windows and ledges.
    You will race against one other hero and you will have to give an inspiration to the one(an Herolympics helper) who's standing on top of the building. The first one who gives the inspiration, wins!
    <ul type="square"> [*] Levels allowed: 1-5[*] NO powers allowed except sprint/prestige slide[*] Maximum players: 16 [*] This is a 1 vs 1 race [/list]Prizes: [*] 1st prize: 3 million influence[*] 2nd prize: 2 million influence

    [/ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    This is a race through a tunnel in Atlas Park where you have to give an inspiration to an other hero(your teammate) and that hero needs to give it to an Herolympics Helper at the end of the tunnel.
    <ul type="square"> [*]Maximum teams: 8 (So 16 players) [*]Levels allowed: 1-5 [*]You cannot use any powers except sprint/prestige slide [*]This is a 2 vs 2 race [/list]Prizes: [*]1st prize: 2 million influence [*]2nd prize: 1 million influence

    note: you have to share your prize with your teammate.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    Save me!!
    One of the Herolympics helpers jumps down and you have to teleport him back up as soon as possible. This is a No-Win event, so there is no real winner. Prizes are based on the number of saves. <ul type="square"> [*] Any levels allowed, but you need to have recall friend [*]Maximum players: 8 [/list]Prizes:[*]You save me once, you get 100k influence [*]You save me two times, you get 250k influence [*]You save me three times, you get 500k influence [*]You save me four times, you get 750k influence [*]You save me five times, you get 1 million influence

    [/ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    Bridge race
    Race over an bridge, and in the end of the bridge one of our Herolympics helpers will be waiting for you to give him an inspiration The first one who succeeds to give an inspiration to him, wins.

    <ul type="square"> [*] Maximum players: 16[*] Levels allowed: 1-5 [*] You CANNOT use ANY powers.[*] This is a 2 vs 2 race[/list]
    Prizes: [*]1st prize: 1 million influence [*]2nd prize: 500k influence

    [/ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Costume contest:
    Best Heroic costume: 500k influence
    Best Olympic costume: 1 million influence
    Best Overall costume: 1 million influence

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You can now signup for all events using this template:
    [ QUOTE ]

    Ingame name:

    Which event(s) do you want to participate in?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Practice makes perfect and see you there!
  9. Magic_Healing


    Heya! Thank you for reading my 4th event update!

    Update #4
    Bridge Race

    This event sounds real simple, and it is really simple Just an race over an bridge, and one of the Herolympics helpers is standing at the end of the bridge and you have to give an object to him. The first one who gives an object to him, wins. (ofcourse)
    You have to be level 1 - 5 to enter. You cannot use ANY powers.
    Maximum of 16 players allowed

    I will announce the prizes + quick facts tomorrow!
  10. Magic_Healing


    Ok time for another event

    Update #3
    Save me!!

    This event is a little hard to explain, but it is based on Lodestar's idea:

    [ QUOTE ]
    Lodestar: TP bugee. Someone jumps off a building and gets TPed before they hit the ground. Number of successful saves is the winner. Or best of so many

    [/ QUOTE ]

    So one of the Herolympics managers jumps down and you have to teleport him back up as soon as possible. This is a No-Win event, so there is no real winner. Prizes are based on the number of saves.
    I will announce all prizes tomorrow, in update #5, along with some quick facts about the Herolympics.
    And I will give you information about our 4th and last event in a few hours.
  11. Magic_Healing


    Please if you signup here, post the events you want to participate in
  12. Magic_Healing


    'Ello and thank you for reading my 2nd update.
    Remember you can already signup for the Herolympics!


    This is a race through a tunnel in Atlas Park where you have to give an object(no I'm not telling you yet) to an other hero and that hero needs to give it to an Herolympics Helper. This means that you AND your other teammate need to be fast and work together
    You cannot use any powers except sprint/prestige slide. If you do so, you WILL be disqualified.
    There will be 8 spots(teams, 16 players) available, but you can already reserve a place by posting your ingame-name, global handle and the event you want to signup for.
    I will reveal new event information soon

    [ QUOTE ]

    Ingame name:
    Global handle:
    Which event(s) do you want to participate in?
    [*]To the top!

    [*]Relay [*] [*]

    [/ QUOTE ]
  13. Magic_Healing


    Heya and thank you for reading our first event update!
    The first event I'm about to give you information about is.. To the top!

    To the top!
    This is a race on a building and you have to work up your way to the top, by jumping on windows and ledges.
    You will race against one other hero and you will have to give an inspiration to the one who's standing on top of the building. The first one who gives the inspiration, wins!
    You cannot use any powers except sprint/prestige slide. If you do so, you WILL be disqualified.
    There will be 16 spots available, but you can already reserve a place by posting your ingame-name, global handle and the event you want to signup for. You can also wait a few more days until we revealed all information about the events so you can signup for more.

    You can use this template for signing up for the Herolympics!
    [ QUOTE ]

    Ingame name:

    Global handle:

    Which event(s) do you want to participate in?

    [*]To the top! [*] [*] [*]

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Information about our 2nd event will be revealed tomorrow
  14. Magic_Healing


    Yup we're having the Herolimpics on

    April 15, 17:00 GMT till 20:00 GMT

    More information will follow about the events and more!
    If you have any question, want to help us or if you have any suggestions, don't hesitate to contact me or jakku!
    @Magic Healing or @albino pyro
  15. Magic_Healing


    Not sure what you mean with the first one, but the other 2 are great, but it would be better to do it in an other zone so low levels can enter too without being killed in 2 seconds when entering PI
  16. Magic_Healing


    Sent you a PM jakku