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  1. Make a 2fort arena map
  2. [ QUOTE ]
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    No we treat him like the kid with special needs.

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    Oh you mean like I treat your mom, she has "special needs"

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    Hey Rogue how are the Gamecocks doing? kk? Don't knows? Here is the news
  3. No we treat him like the kid with special needs.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    Welcome to the ladder!

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    lol Lighthouse is gonna get mad and make u change ur name

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    Naw stuff like that takes atleast 3 years before they pull the name.
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    @Demonic Obliteration

    @Cinder Viper
    @Gramma Mim
    @[/color]J[/color]imm[/color]ay Dean1
    @Mr. Shocker - Leader
    @Mr. Minmax - Leader


    @mm3 squints
    @Strike Flame - Leader
    @Strike Flame2 - Leader

    @Plutonic Flame
    @Sonic Story (shocker = red, story = pink)
    @jewel of oa
    @Sexeh Toons

    @grampa pip1
    @Flaming Forester
    @Soul Inerneo
    @avid ready to play on 01-20-08
    @avid2 ready to play on 01-20-08

    @rogueknight ready to play on 01-28-08
    @rogueknight2 ready to play on 01-28-08

    @-fates ready to play on 01-28-08
    @killer phantom ready to play on 01-28-08
    @divine majestic ready to play on 01-28-08
    @motorboat ready to play on 01-28-08
    @felonious2 ready to play on 01-21-08
    @shipwreck ready to play on 01-21-08

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    updated to show new members

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    I want one too...
    White = Caucasian
    Yellow = Asian
    Brown = Latino
    Black = African-American
    Purple = Emo
    Pink = Hawt
    Red = Hick
    Rainbow = [censored]

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    Why aren't you purple Cindar

    ..and I notice you didn't use any brown. Discriminate much!?

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    OS is the most culturally diversed PvP SG. we are so diverse we collect grants from the goverment.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
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    Everyone's making a move back to OS I'd imagine, I wonder why, the more the merrier though.

    [/ QUOTE ] It's because I joined them. Rogue has some serious yellow fever

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    Yee Haw ching chang?

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  7. [ QUOTE ]
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    surprise buttsecks?

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    Is it ever really a surprise?

    [/ QUOTE ]Squints will disagree with that

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    Its as much as a suprise when devo makes a people cry.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
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    I strongly agree

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  9. [ QUOTE ]
    u guys need to stop making up stories about me. they make me sound mean and angry. we all know that's squints not me

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    I'm not angry, I'm just an [censored]. You on the other hand is a very angry and mean azn that make people cry.
  10. OS has a match this Tuesday? Damn I didn't know you can start listing matches for other teams without their knowledge.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
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    I bet he has really enjoyed the [censored] storm he stirred up here.

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    Pfft, it was clearly my [censored] storm.

    Also, there were people who didn't enjoy this? Forum PvP ftw. This thread was golden.

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    So full of win

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    If you can't pvp while at work, forum pvp is just as fun.

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  12. [ QUOTE ]
    Break Frees are easily available and significantly affect the performance of our primary sets. There is no counter-inspiration for a Break Free.

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    Bf shouldn't be an issue when pvping. Sure its a minor anoyance, but a dom can easily run someone out of 20 bf within the 1st 6 minutes if not sooner.
  13. out of curiosity is there a good time to try pickung up duels? When I go on test around afternoon-evening people are usally not on until sgs start up practices.