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    Fix PvP

    Mezzes in PVP zones? unresistable mez in PVP zones!..whats that about? why do we have toggles vs holds and stuns etc...arcobatics may aswel not be a power O.o Break free's may aswel not have been invented... and tbh... since i13 (the best players imo) have all left, leaving the game un challenging and dull if this doesnt get fixed there not going to be a load of people playing this. me included. Sort it out!
  2. i got a cold defender, emp isnt really my style, i prefer to kick out some dmg, but plant is definatly seeming to stand out abit, i have earth/ta so maybe a plant/rad would be nice! Thank for all the reply's

    Union "Legends"

    My list..PVP only.
    IF ONLY PVP WASNT Poop now! you would find the following skilled PVPers!
    -Spag Bol
    -Mad Darkness
    -Free Spirit
    -Flaming Rag
    -Jackal Ripper
    -Shadow Crown
    -Knight Stalker
    -and ME!!! =]
  4. i need a toon that will be useful for Every TF, bare in mind ill be teamed with an ill/rad troller and an invun/ss tank. Personally i was thinking a mind/... plant/... troller or BS/... DB/... scrapper or Psi/... sonic/... but would appreciate any suggestions to mix with the above or anything else u have in mind, MUST be useful for ALL Task Forces!
  5. [50] Mutant Instinct spines/regen (scrapper) [50] Thermal Imp Fire/kin (controller) [50] Mutant Xtreme EM/ninjitsu (stalker) [50] PSYCL0NE Storm/psy (defender) [50] Nezorf ice/em (tank) [50] TB-0023 Fire/Devices (blaster) [50] D0DGE BS/SR (scrapper) [50] Atomic Gloom rad/dark (Defender) [50] Mini Freeza ice/em (blaster) [50] MASSIVE MUSCLE MK2 fire/em (Tank) [50] Xtreme Carnage fire/psi (Dominator) [50] Hypnotic X ill/rad (Controller) [50] MASSIVE TORCH fire/fire (Blaster) [50] MASSIVE'S CREW thugs/traps (Mastermind) [50] Thermal 2 fire/kin (Controller) [50] Blazin Arrow Archary/Fire (Blaster) [50] Thermal fire/kin (controller) [50] MASSIVE MUSCLE MK3 willpower/ss (Tank) [50] Liquid Fusion cold/sonic (defender) [46] Umbral Entity (Warshade) [50] Thermal (Reborn) fire/emp (controller) [50] Goosebumps Necro/Poison (Mastermind) [34]D0DGE (Reborn) MA/SR (Scrapper) [50] MASSIVE MUSCLE. ss/fire(brute][36] Seismic Disruption Earth/TA (Controller)
  6. thanx for all the reply's, as just trying to see what could happen =]
  7. Aye Donna, give it a try by all means. i think it is impossable tbh. but i jst wanted to see how close it could be
  8. iv had 1 attempt to get as close to perma unstoppable as i can invun/ss tanker that is.Duration lasts 180 secs and i can only get it down to 264.6? can any1 do any better?

    Mids numbers

    u should check FLurry, apparently dealing some nice dmg also