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  1. Luptonius

    100 in 100

    Already commented on your site, but nice detail work...
  2. not a ba char design but it doesn't make me think Deadpool and I am a deadpool fanatic.... then again that is a good thing.
  3. I use a tasty tablesnack....
  4. Luptonius

    100 in 100

    It's interesting seeing how everyone looks as Justice League Members/ Batman villains.
  5. Question, the renewable temp powers, does this include hardcase's demon box?
  6. Luptonius

    100 in 100

    Yeah, Like DE above me, after mine is done I may end up getting a real commission later myself.... Love the whole concept and willprobly follow these even after mine is complete.
  7. I think thats the best work on your site, really really good.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    No, but I found this

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    Unless, of course, some art Dev who knows about such things decided to purposefully drop little faces here and there for us to find so we think we're going crazy. They are a tricky lot, those devs!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    wouldn't put it past them.
  9. hmmm.. A lot of the refrence was based on things I liked on certain artists... I wanted him to be a skinny shirtless rocker... Like Tommy Lee without the tats (although his stage outfit has an anarchy tattoo). And the face was meant to be like a younger version of an older Keith Richards if that makes any sence. I wanted to give the feeling that this was still a fairly young man, but looking at his thin face you would feel as though ou were staring into the face of death. The Top hat reminded me of slash.

    But then again, I really like the wa the game engine makes him look and I think it's a great refrence for how the character is supposed to I literally created him from the ground up in the editor.
  10. Well actually the character creator did him right, butr I've seen many many times where a person will have a skinn character and for some reason artists want to add bulk.... My point was he is meant to be skinny, not bulky
  11. Better?

    I kept the story but I got a bot more in depth with te screenshots. Also covered the details a but more.
  12. Luptonius

    100 in 100

    Sent money, and pdated refrence pics for myself and my girlfriend.
  13. Rock God Luptonius would Probably hatch a scheme where he uses his agency contacts to get her to play a cliffside arena and then bomb the cliff.

    Luptonius is a musician who doesn't "play well" with others.
  14. I was going to start getting commissions of my main Luptonius.

    I just want to know how this would do for an artists guide.

    Theres a few people I'm planning on getting stuff from, I just want an opinion on the guide, and any changes I could make to make it better.
  15. Luptonius

    100 in 100

    Once I verify My bank account I'll see about getting my character on that list...

    Nice work, as per usual.
  16. What happened to the classified section?
  17. Luptonius

    100 in 100

    I just hope thew queue doesn't fill by Wednesday, there are 2 that I'm planning on getting.