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  1. Attention Everyone! I've made a brand new Music Video using the City of Heroes Pics.

    You're all going to Laugh your heads off. Here's the link below...
  2. Attention Everyone! The Atlas Park Charity Service weekly handout this Saturday, will be handing out 1 Million Influence this week.

    Keep your toons in play this Saturday for the free influence, my friends.
  3. My Apologize to everyone. The past 3 weeks that I haven't Holding my weekly charity service was because my computer is having problems. Chances are I'll most likely have to get a new one before I can play again.

    Again, my greatest Apologizes to you all.
  4. No, that's the name of my the toon used for the service.

    My global name is: @Justicebreak
  5. Once every Saturday, I hold a charity service in Atlas Park. If anyone is interested in making donation, send an email to "Paragon Hero Neos" with an influence offering. The more influence I hold, the more influence will be given away to each person.

    If you're ever interested in wanting to retrieve any influence on Saturday for free, meet "Paragon Hero Neos" under the Atlas Park Statue.
  6. It can cover other servers, if you guys want it to.
  7. Depends on how much I currently have on me. Usually it's about 200,000 a person. But if I enough on me, i'll give away close to 1,000,000 a person.

    And my Charity Service is only open from 10:00 - 3:00pm. (Unless something comes up which forces me to leave early.)
  8. Hey everyone. I'm just here to inform everyone who isn't familiar with my arrivals on CoH. Every Saturday and sunday, I hold a charity service to the people who come to Atlas Park.

    So if anyone is ever interested in wanting free influence in Atlas Park, come see me under the Atlas Park Statue.
  9. I just had a couple of ideas for the game. I just thought of these recently, so don't be surprised if they aren't that good;

    (Glowy Gifts & Traps)

    Glowy Buffs and Glowy Traps are Glowies that would appear in random areas of any missions (And possibly the zones.) After being clicked on by someone, they either would temporarily either give them Buff on 1 random part of that character and his team, or give them a Debuff.

    Naturally of course, depending on what Buff or Debuff they recieve, it would only last for as long as minute.

    Glowy Gifts - Glowies that would give the character a temporary enhancement in power.

    Some Possible Buffs are;

    Massive Force - Receive an increase in Damage to your attacks
    Swift Strike - Receive an increase in Accuracy to your attacks
    Quick Attack - Receive an increase in Recharge Time to your powers
    Royal Block - Receive an increase in Defense to your opponents attacks
    Refresh Body - Regain all lost hit points and Endurance Points
    Instant Reformating - All powers become instantly recharged (This effect disappears immediately once received.)

    Glowy Traps - Glowies that would give the character a temporary debuff in power.

    Some Possible Debuffs are;

    Muscle Pain - Receive a Decrease in Damage to your attacks
    Sloppy Footwork - Receive a Decrease in Accuracy to your attacks
    Slowness - Receive a Decrease in Recharge Time to your powers
    Distraction - Receive a Decrease in Defense to your opponents attacks
    Poison Needle - Receive a Decrease in Regeneration and Recovery, and lose some Hit Points and Endurance Points after Clicked on.

    These are only some of the possible Gifts and Traps you would find. There could potentially be others. Since it's random on what you'll receive, you won't be able to tell if it's a Gift or a Trap that you're clicking on. So think before you act.

    Once you click on enough Gifts and Traps, you would receive the following Badges;

    Gifting Badge - Receive this badge by collecting 100 Gift Glowies.

    Let off Traps Badge - Receive this badge by collecting 100 Trap Glowies.

    Risk Taker Badge - Receive this badge by Collecting 400 Gift and/or Trap Glowies.

    How's this for an idea? What do you guys think?
  10. Basicly, here's the story;

    I tried going to the "Forgot the Password?" Link below. After I enter my Account name, my next requirement is to enter my Birthday, and the 4 Numbers/Letters in the image. But when I place the information in there, it just goes back to typing in my Account Name, and then back over to typing in my Birthday again afterwards. I don't even get an email on changing my password or anything.

    At first, I thought it was some kind of test, but after running it what seemed to be 100 times over, i'm starting to think there's some kind of glitch in that part of the website.

    (PS: I apologize for double posting.)
  11. The support link doesn't exactly help me much, because i'm unable to send an email to NCsoft on some important imformation.

    I can answer the first 4 questions;

    NCsoft Master Account Name
    First and Last Name
    Date of Birth

    But I can't put down the last 2;

    Serial Codes/Access Keys
    Unique Account ID's

    Since I deleted that information soon after I got the email and threw away the Card on accident.

    I just don't know what to do.
  12. I've been trying to access my Master Account on NCsoft, but i've completely forgotten my Password. Everytime I go to access the "Forgot your Password?" link, and finish up the 2 requirements, it just goes back to the previous question over and over again.

    I thought that I kept doing the same thing over and over again it would do something else, but 10 runs through it, it's become clear to me that it doesn't do anything.

    Is there an alternative solution to accessing my Master account, or atleast resetting the password?
  13. LunarDivine

    Fan Videos

    I can't remember if I posted a link to this music video or not on this website, but just to be on the safe side, here it is. This is a music video i made last year on City of Heroes, using the song "Men in Tights.";

    Please let me know what you guys think of it.
  14. Hmmm....Good point. I suppose some pictures would be better that way.

    If you believe pictures would be better that way, then go ahead.
  15. Well in that case, let's try to stay on topic on this thread.

    At any rate, i've already started putting together the cards. I've currently got room for 9 more characters. Is there anyone else interested?
  16. Oh. Well, that's not what i'm doing. I'm only doing this for fun, asking if anyone would like to have one of their City of Heroes Characters Made into a Yugioh Trading Card.

    Besides, it goes against what I believe in to intentionally to take people off topic. I would sooner smack myself in the face.
  17. sometime last year, I joined a Yugioh Card Designing website. I figured I'd go ahead and build some cards based around the City of Heroes online game. But it's not exactly fun building cards based on my own characters.

    Therefore, I came to ask if anyone here would be interested in me building a card based around one of their characters.

    If anyone is interested, post a message on this topic saying so, and leave behind a decent picture of the character you'd like me to make a card based around.

    The picture you leave must be a picture of only your character, and no one else. (Including enemies) The Picture must be effectively close to your character, so it atleast shows the entire body, from head to toes. It can be in any area of the game, and you can have any powers active.

    Also, put down the following information about your character;

    Primary Power Set
    Secondary Power Set
    Pool Power Set(s)

    (Please Note: The cards we build are not real, nor do they get printed or shipped out into the world. We make them just for the fun of it. Of course, if you don't believe me, go to the website below and see for yourself.)
  18. Eastern Coast. Sorry for not describing that information before.

    At any rate, it doesn't matter right now. I wasn't able to find enough people to help me. I'm gonna keep checking back every now and again to find more and more people who could help me.
  19. I need atleast 1 female. There can be more than one, of course.

    There's no specific architype or origin requirement, and it doesn't matter if you make a new character or not. All you need to do is show up, and that's it.

    And the place we'll meet at is underneath the Atlas Statue.

    Anymore questions...?
  20. Hey everyone. I'm working on a new music Video using City of Heroes Pics. However, I can't complete without your help. Without help from other players, it will be impossible to make this video.

    I require atleast 13 different characters, atleast 1 of them being female. I will of course, reward you for your help and support, but if you leave before i'm finished taking the pics, you won't recieve any reward.

    If anyone is interested in helping me make this video, log on to City of Heroes around 1:00pm, and meet Paragon Hero Neos in Atlas on the Infinity Server. I will explain more to you there.

    If you have any questions, ask them now while there is still time.
  21. Hey there everyone. I'm sorry for being away for so long, and not being able to hold my Weekly charity Service. I've been trying to support my family at home with all the stuff that's been going on. Especially since we just moved away recently, and you know how much stress that can put on a person just move things around the house.

    Anyways, i'm gonna try and get back into the habit of starting my charity service. Thank you all for not giving me any negative impacts.
  22. LunarDivine

    AE Anonymous!

    You might know him as "Paragon Hero Neos."
  23. LunarDivine

    Infinity SGs

    SG Name: Paragon Heroes of Neo Space

    SG Invite Phrase: Attention Everyone! The Heroes of Neo Space are looking for members to join the SG. We have portals to every area, and plenty of Salvage Compartments. If anyone is interested in joining, or has any questions, send me a tell.

    SG Description: My Honored Brotheren, we come together to unite as one. Against those that damned, we show no mercy, for we have none. Our Enemies shall fall as we uprise to claim our fate. Now and forever, we'll be together through love and hate. They will see. We'll fight for eternity. Come with me, we'll stand and fight together. Through our Strengths, we'll make a better Tomorrow. We shall never Surrender.

    The Purpose of our SG is to help Newcomers and Low Levels on this game reach level 20.

    We have only 4 rules;

    1. Be kind to the other members of the group.
    2. You're allowed to quit the Super Group at anytime, just please leave a message for the Leader of the Group before doing so.
    3. If you're character is offline for 180 days (1/2 year) or more, you'll be removed from the SG without question.
    4. Have fun

    Everyone who joins the group has the option of building their own personal room in the base. There are no limits to what you can put in.

    Also, once every Saturday, unless the Leader is offline and busy that day, we hold a Charity Service in Atlas Park and give away influence to everyone. Depending on what kind of day it is, and how much influence we have, the amount of Influence we give away is different each time.
  24. LunarDivine

    AE Anonymous!

    Looks like Justicebreak Quit the Group.