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  1. I... just don't know what to say. I mean... wow... just... wow.
  2. LunaShadow

    Forum Card Game

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    Oh no, now Taser is going to be completely, totally, and unequivically unbearable in coalition chat all night, even more so than usual. Sigh.

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    And this is noteworthy why now?

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    My bad, I fixed it so now it looks right.
  3. LunaShadow

    Forum Card Game

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    Oh no, now Taser is going to be unbearable in coalition chat all night. Sigh.
  4. LunaShadow

    Naruto, again!

    I'm half expecting Tsunade to go a bender of epic proportions and totally destroy her office and building. And she's starting to run out of people to send Naruto with to keep him out of her hair.

    As for the conversation between Naruto and Fuzzy Eyebrows... let's just say I almost accidently snorted the root beer I was drinking at the time.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    Heh. We saved the hero in the food court who apparently was Captain Noob. He wanted to be in the Vindicators and we let him, only because he had a car.

    Ms. Liberty like to yell "VINDICATORS ASSEMBLE!" a lot too...

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    Guh... Captain Noob. Infernal had to restrain me from clawing his eyes out... repeatedly. I tried to argue that I was just making the world a better place, but for some reason he kept holding me. Stupid demon.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
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    :Anyway from the looks of the character sheet, you're still getting powers exactly like you would in the CoH MMORPG by security level. You had 4 main Stats, Strength, Dexterity, and 2 others I don't recall off the top of my head alas. I believe these were rated 1-5.

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    Presuming they're using the same stats as the Buffy RPG, I'd expect the last two are Constitution and Willpower (Psychic stuff, dontcha know). I'm surprised thneey ditched Intelligence and Perception... possibly moved these things to Qualities.

    So, if you started at Security 2, does that mean no one had movement powers? I have to say that I find the level/power mechanic to make a lot of sense in an online, 100K player MMOG... and not a lot of sense in a tabletop game. I'm quite disappointed to hear that; I hope that you guys just got a heavily streamlined version to play at the con.

    Everything else sounds like standard Unisystem rules (I like how they adapted Inspirations to the system), which are great for fast, "wing the details" gameplay. I'll still buy it since I do collect RPGs, but if I ever run it I may have to mesh the core Unisystem with the power setup of Mutants and Masterminds.

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    Actually the other two Stats were Perception and Intelligence, thanks. (I think the effects of Constitution and Willpower are rolled into Powers/AT choices since your Hit Points are decided by AT and there are powers to resist the Psychic stuff per se.) And yes that was the system that it was based off, Unisystem.

    And yes we had no travel powers, we had the... Mynxmobile. Please don't ask, I was trying not to fall over laughing the whole time (the GM had never played the actual CoH online game.) I think they streamlined the whole rules set period. I'm hoping they do another rule revision, cause honestly you really don't start with enough powers to feel like a super hero.

    Another funny thing was that he had a sheet which listed the costs of all the Inspirations, so I started color coding the sheet with crayons I smuggled out of a Toon game.
  7. Possibly, but they only had 6 characters for the demo and we have 9 trainers, so 3 had to be left out, and I guess they really, really wanted Ms. Liberty.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    Wow. We must have been playing an uber-simplified version then.

    For us, we didn't even keep track of endurance, and we didn't use round penalties.

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    Lucky... most of us ran out of endurance during the final fight, and I was popping yellows like no one's business trying to get as much -def stacked on that damn demon...
  9. :raises hand:

    I played in a demo at Origins. The GM had a photocopied set of the current rules. Apparently they've completely revised the rules 3 times.

    I won't go into the actual Demo Adventure, but they had you playing our good 'ole trainers at Security Level 2. I got to play Mynx. Felt bad for the poor sob who had to play that fop Malaise.

    Anyway from the looks of the character sheet, you're still getting powers exactly like you would in the CoH MMORPG by security level. You had 4 main Stats, Strength, Dexterity, and 2 others I don't recall off the top of my head alas. I believe these were rated 1-5.

    There were also a number of skills you could have which I also believe were rated 1-5. A skill check involved Stat+Skill+1d10 to make a check with a 9 being average difficulty.

    Combat worked mostly the same way. At the beginning everyone rolled initative which was your character's initiative score + 1d10. Everyone keeps their initaitve score for the whole combat. Also each character has a specific number of actions they can do each round. I think this was dependent on your AT selection, but I'm unsure. But Basically every action you took in a round was harder. Your first action was at a normal die roll, your next action was at -2, your third action was at -4, etc... For the purpose of this demo, Mynx had 3 actions.

    You could only use a given power once a combat round, but you could use multiple powers in a round (apparently they originally tried to have activation times and such, but decided that was just way too complicated and through that out.) So no rooting as you turned on your toggles! Anyway everyone had Hit Points and Endurance Points (interesting note, you are not limited to 100 Endurance in the RPG). You had to keep track of endurance as you used attack powers (and each combat round of those dang toggles.) And no you didn't regenerate x number of endurance each combat round.

    As for actual combat, any attack powers had an accuracy number. Your attack value would be your accuracy + 1d10 - modifiers depending what action it was (like -2 for your second action.) The other person could then roll dodge which was their defense value + 1d10. Interesting note is that you keep that dodge roll until the next time you act. Everyone time someone attacks you and exceeds your base defendse and you need to dodge 2 is subtracted from your dodge value. If you succeeded in hitting someone, you did the damage of your power (which was determined by some archaic formula depending on your security level) - any resistance you might have.

    One last thing I'll mention is inspirations. You have a stat called inspiration points. As a single action you may spend 1-3 inspiration points and activate an inspiration ability (i'll leave it to your imaginations to figure what these inspiration abilities could possibly be... and what costs 1, 2, or 3 points.) Anytime you "arrest" someone you roll a d10. If you get a 10 you get an inspiration point.

    That's about what I remember from the system. I might remember more later, but I need some sleep now.