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  1. Name: Devil’s Night Syndicate Updated

    Currently Recruiting: We have a base of 6 dedicated players and are looking to expand. This VG was a closed work in progress that is now opened to the server.

    RP Level: Medium to heavy RP. SG chat is IC. Coalition chat is also IC.

    PvP Level: Individually driven.

    Theme/Concept: The DNS has two sides to its coin; one is the side it shows to the public. This is the DNS of old. The one that has earned it the respect and fear it has on the street level; The Devil’s Night Crime Syndicate. This gang of thugs, pushers, bank robbers and arsonists, is well known for its attacks on order as well as its parties. The Devils seem to have one goal. Dragging the city that they are in at the time into an abyss of crime and mayhem.

    The other side of the coin is the corporate side, known as DNS Holdings. It is from here that most of the money and political power flow into the organization. DNS Holdings has its hands in a few small companies and minor political endeavors. Just like the street level of the organization, this half also seeks to sow discord.

    Activity: High.

    Requirements for Membership: Role-players only. Mature and intelligent players very welcome. No level Req. Should be legal adult in your state.

    Leadership: The Carnal Lords; A shadowed group of 4 that are the true power behind this criminal empire.

    Dollar, Street Prince and crime lord if the Devil’s Night Syndicate.

    In-Game Contact(s): Global @Kinetic Rush; @SoulMaster any member can be contacted for invitation.

    Out-of-Game Contact(s): Lordsunburst

    URL: We are searching for a person to build our website, we do however have a Virtueverse page for DNS.


    Coalition(s): None at the moment

    Other Details: Our base is a great rp location setup as a dark and grimy dance club with a fetish tilt. We are always looking to RP as much as we look to tear the world to shreds in missions. While not an ERP VG we are prone to do any and everything that would upset fragile children’s minds. So really kids need not apply. While we do deal in edgy subjects involvement is left to the character’s level of choice. No RP Nazis and no desire to see you on a soapbox. (Unless you are naked and doing the Macarena.)
  2. I've been wanting this for years, but never got around to asking for it, but I am now.

    I want there to be an option in claws for it just to be your bare hands.

    Like the monster costume option should be all I need for a claw attack I really don't need something to pop out of my arms. After all, super strenght don't have hands appear when you punch, why must the claw power have to have something pop out? If a person has the monster costume option picked then the option to not have to pick a claw look should be available.

    Not sure if I am make sense hope you get what I am trying to say. LOL
  3. Name: Devil’s Night Syndicate

    Currently Recruiting: We have a base of 6 dedicated players and are looking to expand. This VG is a closed work in progress that is now opened to the server.

    RP Level: Medium to heavy RP. SG chat is IC. Coalition chat is also IC.

    PvP Level: Individually driven.

    Theme/Concept: The DNS has to sides to it coin, one is the side it shows to the public. This is the DNS of old. The one that has earned it the respect and fear it has on the street level The Devil’s Night Crime Syndicate. This gang of thugs, pushers, bank robbers and arsonists, is well known for its attacks on order as well as its parties. The Devils seems to have one goal. Dragging the city that they are in at the time into an abyss of crime and mayhem.

    The other side of the coin is the corporate side, known as DNS Holdings. It is from here that most of the money and political power flows into the organization. DNS Holdings has its hands in a few small companies and minor political endeavors. Just like the street level of the organization, this half also seeks to sow discord.

    Activity: Medium, pushing for high.

    Requirements for Membership: Role-players only. Mature and intelligent players very welcome. No level Req. Should be legal adult in your state.

    Leadership: The Carnal Lords; A shadowed group of 4 that are the true power behind this criminal empire.

    Dollar; Street Prince and crime lord if the Devil’s Night Syndicate.

    In-Game Contact(s): Global @Kinetic Rush; @SoulMaster any member can be contacted for invitation.

    Out-of-Game Contact(s): Lordsunburst

    URL: We are searching for a person to build our website, we do however have a Virtueverse page for DNS.


    Coalition(s): The Leather and Lace Detective Agency

    Other Details: Our base is a great rp location setup as a dark grimy dance club with a fetish tilt. We are always looking to RP as much as tearing the world to shreds in missions. While not an ERP VG we are prone to do any and everything that would upset fragile children’s minds. So really kids need not apply. While we do deal in edgy subjects involvement is left to the character’s level of choice. No RP Nazis and no desire to see you on a soapbox. (Unless you are naked and doing the Macarena.)