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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    Do you have SuperGroup colors on in SG mode?
    First, thanks Oathbound I will try that. Zombie Man, no, sg mode not an issue. I have tried it with five different toons old and new. Even in creation it doesn't let me choose a color.

    Thank you for your helps

    edit- It did not work so I sent a bug report. Thanks again
  2. I can't find any other discussions about this subject so I thought I would ask my question on this thread. When I try to make a new character or change costumes of an old one the resistance armor, shoulder armor, and chest armor does not give the option to add a second color to them. ie. make them glow. I can choose a prime color to the pieces but the secondary options are grey'ed out and can not be clicked or scrolled for choices. Did they discontinue the glowing effect? I've never made the glowing effect and saw it in the forums and wanted to try. Thank you.
  3. I decided to make one of each lol.
  4. Thanks everyone. I like these suggestions. I have a Crab Spider already never thought of it as an area effect type but your right, with some minor tweaking it could be. For the new character I think I'm going to go with a blaster Rad/Fire. It looks like it has fun area effects and with the right color combo is going to be visually fun as well. Thank you again.
  5. Hello everyone. I'm trying to branch out and play something for the shear fun of it. No farms, no PVP, just a fun and awesome pve aoe character. I don't care what archetype just as long as it is the king of area effects. I have about 100 mill to spend right now. I am willing to travel to to get things I need. This will be fun for TFs and solo/team missions. Thank you for your input.
  6. sadly I checked the "Bork Emblems" and they are all working like they should. Meaning the ones marked as invisible by the bug are now showing. I did find a way around it however by changing colors to all black and using the smallest icon. It seems to be working and not showing an icon.