1185 -
On the topic of smarter mobs: I'd prefer interesting and diverse AI over what most people would consider to be "smarter" AI. Nobody is going to want to play a Defender or a Tanker if the mobs ignore the Tanker and go after the Defender anyway. That's an overly simplistic example, but it's often the sort of thing people come up with when they want to make smarter AI. Yeah, it's smarter. But this is why our Defender wasn't having any fun in my SG's first couple of attempts at team PvP.
As for runners, if runners could actually get away, and their defeat weren't a requirement of completing the mission (like in comics where the hero stops the villain's plan, but he manages to get away, or the villain succeeds in his plan, but the heroes escape to try to thwart the villain later), I think people wouldn't hate runners so much.
It's not runners that are bad, it's having to chase them all over the map as a success condition that is bad. Having Romulus freak out and run all over the map with no goal and no consequence aside from annoying the players does absolutely nothing to make the final battle of the ITF more interesting. Being able to stop his plans to take over Cimerora, but with a significant chance of him getting away to try again, could make it more interesting, if executed well. -
Quote:You know, now that you say this, I'm wondering if I did the same thing on the paper survey at the first Summit as well.Count me among the ones who did that as well. I took the survey at the Summit, and I think I ranked the choices with 1 as "want least" and 15 as "want most". If that's backwards of the way it was supposed to work, I think the survey is going to wind up providing lots of mixed and unintentional responses.
Edit: I also want to thank the developers for letting people who couldn't make the summit take the survey online. -
Quote:Wow, that's the first I've heard of that. Thanks for the clarification!Hi all,
The 50% XP Booster, as I understand it, gives you a temporary power that you can cast on another player after activation. Hence the "Shared XP" icon. That being said, this is, in fact, an older icon, and I'll update it in a few moments, but I wanted to clear this up before speculation about Nemesis plots gets out of hand ;-).
~Freitag -
I'm realizing now that I should have made this suggestion:
Zwillinger, for future surveys, you may get less mistakes if questions are always oriented so that the "good" rating is always on the same side.
I realize that this was my mistake for not reading directions, but if you want the most accurate feedback possible, I think this would help.
I'm still kicking myself for delivering the opposite of what I intended. Anyone actually reading my survey would figure it out easily, but I have the feeling the results are just going to be aggregated. Oh well. -
My fiancee is filling out her survey, and I just realized that I think I did question number 4 backwards, and gave the thing I hated a 1 and the thing I was most interested in a 15. I think I did this because for question 3, "good" was on the right, and I just kept doing it that way.
I wish I could go back and see for sure, and fix it if I did mess it up. -
Unless they've fixed Nemesis LT stacking Vengeance, I predict that this will be the first invasion event to cause zone wipes.
Quote:That's cool, but would you consider making another account that is for announcements and notifications only (like ZM suggested)? That's why I started following you guys, too. It was extremely valuable to me.Our approach to Twitter is not to use it as a means of notifying of emergency or immediate issues, but rather as another way to engage our Community. This means we'll be having conversations with people who reply to our Tweets, finding people talking about City of Heroes on Twitter and talking with them and otherwise finding fun ways to utilize it to make COH a fun experience even when you're not in game.
I'm sincerely hopeful you, and many others, will choose to join us in this conversation, however if this isn't what you're looking for, I understand. -
Quote:Possibly. Back before that change and before we knew about the impacts of Arcanatime, people used Shadow Punch in "buzz saw" builds that added lots of procs to SP. Then the activation time changed, and everyone that did that was sad about how it affected the performance on paper. Then we found out about Arcanatime, and found out that the buzz saw builds weren't as good in practice as they looked on paper.
Even if you weren't doing a buzz saw build, the change wasn't as bad as it looked on paper, but it did worsen an already poor power.
I wanted to continue this conversation, but we're off topic, so I just sent you a PM. -
Quote:I think the main reason it didn't affect people as much, though, is that they had better attack chains than Caulderone and I do. When SP's animation time was changed, there suddenly was a very noticeable pause before another power could be activated.If I recall correctly, it wasn't a balance-driven change. It was about BaB normalizing/correcting the animation and activation times.
As an aside, and if I recall even more minutia about that particular change, I don't think it affected people as much as we all thought it did, because I think that all happened before the general populace knew about Arcanatime.
I could be wrong, and the calculations determining the impact may have involved attack chains like ours, but I don't think they did.
(And yeah, I remember BAB's reasoning now, too--lots of people thought it was to reel in "buzzsaw" builds). -
Quote:It sounds like my main is set up like yours (SP-Smite-SP-Shadow Maul). I, too have a Hecatomb proc in Shadow Punch, and this is going to affect me the same way.I understand the oddness you perceive. I built the character into it's theme, and then eked every ounce of performance I could out of it. So, the theme came first, then I maxed it out.
It still falls well short, damage-wise, of what the powerset is capable of. And, now, it will fall further or abandon theme.
When they increased the activation time on Shadow Punch, it had a very large impact on my DPS. When they improved Midnight Grasp, it did nothing for me, because I don't have it for the same reason you don't.
It's a price we're paying for sticking to concept instead of min-maxing. I wish individual powers were balanced better within the set, so that we had more freedom to choose powers based on aesthetics without worrying about performance. I don't recall the exact reason for the change in animation time to Shadow Punch, but if it had to do with abusing procs, maybe they'll revisit it now that procs won't be able to be abused in that manner.
I still support this set of changes to procs because I think it's more balanced, overall, but it would be nice if they'd examine some of the fast recharging powers and figure out how they can still be valuable in a game where good attack chains don't use them at all. Lowering their animation time would be a good option, where possible. -
Quote:Yeah, "odd" was poor word choice there. I considered "disappointing", but felt that would imply that I was disappointed in his decision. I tried to think of a better word and gave up and went with "odd".Not really all that odd. Two really good reasons for that distinction:
1. ED and invention designs limit the amount of recharge you can slot in the first place, so no matter *why* you do it, the range of values you have to balance for is much lower.
2. Slotting is something you do. You have theoretically full control over it. And its *likely* someone isn't going to *slot* for far more recharge than they need for any particular power, separate from the actual slotting limits that exist. But global recharge is something you build for all your powers, even ones that don't need it, and recharge buffs are ally buffs that should, in the general case, not reduce your performance in noticeable ways. From a balance-perspective, ally buffs have always had a larger discretionary range of performance than self buffing and enhancement have.
My feeling is that, in an ideal world, you'd be able to separate out ally granted recharge buffs, and not apply recharge buffs that weren't needed (for example, the DB/Regen Uberguy brings up). Obviously we aren't in that world, and that means we've got a min/maxable compromise.
Alien51 and Uberguy also bring up the Alpha slot as something that blurs the line (the DB/Regen doesn't need that bonus in its attacks, either).
Anyway, I still think it's a good compromise for the reasons you state. -
This looks good in my opinion, Synapse.
It's odd, balance-wise, that it takes into account enhancement recharge and not global recharge (creating situations where people can improve proc rate for the same actual recharge by maximizing global and minimizing enhancement recharge), but I understand the compromise since external recharge buffs are always global, and I find it acceptable.
Thanks again for addressing our concerns. -
Thanks for taking our feedback into consideration, Synapse!
That's actually the goal of that formula. The minimum proc chance for purples would be higher using a formula like that, because they have higher PPM values.
Quote:Something like that sounds good to me. Whether that actual value is desirable depends on your goals for minimum performance, and how much you are raising the PPMs of the procs as mentioned in the OP. For example-- is one of your goals to reduce the output we're getting from the 33% in-game Purple procs on fast powers like Neutrino Bolt and Shadow Punch? If so, then those values sound fine to me. If not, then the constant or per PPM values need to raise.This is an interesting idea. Something like 10 + ~2 per PPM for example maybe?
But yeah, I agree with the basic idea there. -
I'd like to suggest making the minimum be based on the PPM value, so that higher PPM procs have a higher minimum, to prevent situations where a Purple proc has no better chance to activate than an Orange proc.
Thanks, Synapse, this sounds very close to what I was hoping you would do about the SBE procs (I'm ambivalent about the 90% cap, though).
I agree with UberGuy that the functionality should probably change based on whether they are in clicks vs autos/toggles.
Please set a minimum proc rate as well. There is a point at which adding more global recharge would be a penalty, lowering proc chance without actually increasing the frequency of use of the power due to attack chains and animation times. -
As a tier 9 VIP that will get these through the tree anyway, I wanted to say that I'm glad to hear this. I think everyone should have the opportunity to unlock or give you money for these.
Quote:There should be a "some" in there-- "some PvPers drive away". I imagine you meant that, but I wanted to point it out before I made my next comment.Truly an interesting conundrum: PVPers drive away the people that they would PVP with.
I've got the answer to that conundrum for you: for some people, driving someone out of the zone is far, far more satisfying than actually defeating them in combat. It is a form of PvP in itself, and the more they upset their target, the more they feel like they won. There's even a figure of speech for it: "delicious tears". -
Wow. That would be so awesome to have.