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  1. Has anybody else found themselves stuck with a dark coloured wedding veil (inside only) after today's patch? It reminds me of the problem when trench coats first came out-- wrong colours for the inside of the 'tail,' except this one can't seem to be changed. I really like the translucense, but there's a bigger problem now.
  2. This is a late post regarding an old bug, but since the bug has existed since the release of CoV... the hairline at the back of the head is irregular with the top hat option. Ends up looking like a chunk of hair has been ripped out on the bottom right of the head.

    When will the system stop messing with internal cape colours at Icon? That has been quite annoying for a long time... as is the SG mode bug that resets all kinds of options.
  3. I haven't played this set... just been reading this thread and have a suggestion for the devs with respect to sound fx.

    Make the sounds gender neutral, both low and high sounds, and stick to harmonics (like psychic scream) that have a voice-like quality. Lots of reverb.

    I don't want to play a sonic-based hero that howls and makes shotgun sounds.