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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ynaught View Post

    I'd just like to say "Hi" to all the people on Protector, since I think I have a toon or two I'll be moving to Protector from Freedom.

    Free transfers, right in my price range.
    Welcome! *claps and spins in a circle*

  2. Yeah who's bailing from protector now? ;P

    (please note this is not directed at anyone for anything - its just me and my sassmouf)

    If only we could use this to our advantage to get a few bodies here.

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kelenar View Post
    Come to Virtue, we have lots of parentheses!
    Nuuu come to Protector! :P

  4. I have to say thurday night rawked. I think its the first time in awhile i was happy to have lag! LOL just to me meant a lot of people came out for it and the runs were very solid !
    Thanks again to Blue for running and I hope all our new friends had fun!

  5. I'll come if I remembers (or Im sure someone in JS can poke at me) and maybe drag along a Meanie or 2.

  6. zomg I missed kyo's bday!

    sorry *offers late cuppycake*

    hope it was fantastimcalistic !

  7. Grats !

    Now - time for him to get an account and kill skuls ! We need more Protectorites!
  8. awww *frowns* bye and take care! hopefully you'll get the itch and come back someday
  9. *gives bday cuppy cake* happy day!
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Stalemate View Post
    Thought this was funny - got some negative rep again for the Protector Vigilance channel with the mention "channel will fail".
    Heh I just noticed I got negative and the mention was "not funny" which IS funny, since I wasn't trying to be funny in the first place LOL

  11. Arc Name: To Wish Impossible Things
    Arc ID: 189184
    Morality: Herioc
    Faction: Skulls, Family, Custom
    Creator Global/Forum Name: @Kult666
    Difficulty Level: Hard
    Synopsis: Zelerin of the Mean Girls has gone missing. Trying to find her may have larger repercussions for Paragon City than expected.
  12. Is completely Rawktastic and always reminds me of bubbles!
  13. I did great in the leveling... got no great rolls.

    I dinged 50 THREE TIMES !

    Spooky X - 48-->50
    Scalar Field 45-->50
    Cop Tart 45-->50

    I got a random level for a couple others that were close to dinging anyway, but nothing more than 5 bars

    I also got to run a couple TFs with some ppls from JS which is always good !

  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sillver View Post
    Alternatives are good. The JS channel's adult content is not everyone's cup of tea. Having choices makes everyone's gaming experience better.
    I've been thinking about an alternative to JS also. If Stale's new channel is PG ..and JS is R ..I'm totally going NC-17!

    AnniesInsanity will be just everyone _______ while ______ing the ______ and putting ______ in _________ with _________ !

    Ok probably not. I'll stick with JS but will poke my head into to see Stale from time to time. Choices are always good. there were a couple specific incidents that led to really enforcing the Mean Girls is 18 and up SG. But I know there are good players that don't fit the criteria so I point them to some of out great coalies. Now I have another resource to point these players to!
  15. Quick MoITF last night (9/29)

    Thanks again for that TF! it was a lot of fun! Sorry if I sucked a bit. I was a little distracted and on the last mission I realized that I was toggled on my IOset build. (which I have like 2 sets complete on, most everything is empty) *smacks self*

    anyone up for the other new Mo TF this weekend?

  16. this thread makes me realise I dont team as much as I should LOL. for so long I had a good core of other Mean Girls to team with that we just ran most things together

    Zelerin, Jenni Sparks, Aryna, Last Resort, Midori Matrix, Vulcana V, Fragdoll just to name a few (that line up + me on our mains = EPIC)

    I suppose since half that team doesn't play anymore and the other half doesn't with any sort of consistency i need to change all my rude 'not looking for a team' tags and branch out LOL .

    then I can make a JS related dream team

    -Kult (misses her meanies)
  17. Kult666

    A Fond Farewell

    Two moaR meanies gone =( I'll miss ya much! and you are always welcome back!

  18. *cries* i know =( i soo wnna get some double xp! I dont really have characters on other servers. I'm playing my bros old charter ..about just go watch a movie =(
  19. i have limitid availablilty but if Im around Id like in
  20. Yeah I feel bad life always sprouts up and keeps me from helping out on NPWN stuff I really want to be more active in the future and help out.

    funny enough I never got my 2 pvp lessons and Kult sketch from DirtyPants (i miss her) but *shrug* it was only 26 mil and for a worthy cause.

    thats a lot of drops stale! as much as I play kult ive only ever gotten TWO...and all my other characters have gotten me a total of ONE more.

  21. Kult666

    13 Questions

    1. What's your favorite color?


    2. What is your very favorite song of all time?

    Wow hard question.. I'll go with my theme song - "Living Dead Girl" - Rob Zombie =)

    3. What is your very favorite movie of all time?

    Dawn of the Dead! (original - Romero style - tho Argento style has a better soundtrack) =)

    4. If you were stranded on a deserted island, what THREE things would you take with you?

    Hmm well others have counted people so
    1- Sammi (Mean Girls co-founder)
    2 - iPod
    3 - cargo container of unread comicbooks

    5. If you could own any kind of car, what would it be?

    I 'm not big into cars..something fast...and in red or black.

    6. If you were in prison and were about to be executed, what would your final meal be?

    chocholate chip pancakes. lots of syrup. double bacon (hey its my last!) 2 "buckeye" mochas from starbucks

    7. If you could have dinner with three people, living or dead, who would they be?

    My Dad, Warren Ellis, Cristina Scabbia

    8. If you could do any profession, what would it be?

    comic book writer

    9. If you could change ONE thing about yourself, what would it be?

    hmm better butt..not bad but could be better lol

    10. Cats or dogs?

    dogs! *holds up yappy chihuahua* say hi!

    11. What is your favorite sport and why?

    Sammi and Zelerin totally converted me into a basketball fan. Go Cavs!

    12. If you had your choice between staying home watching TV, going to the movies or going to a professional sporting event, which would you choose?


    13. If you could be ANYBODY in the world, who would you be and why?

    hmm I like me =)
  22. Arc Name: To Wish Impossible Things
    Arc ID: 189184
    Morality: Herioc
    Faction: Skulls, Family, Custom
    Creator Global/Forum Name: @Kult666
    Difficulty Level: Hard
    Synopsis: Zelerin of the Mean Girls has gone missing. Trying to find her may have larger repercussions for Paragon City than expected.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    June 5 at 7 pm EST? Guys? Hallo? *waves flag*

    [/ QUOTE ]

    works for me!!!
  24. I think its more important now. When someone is that PLed they are just slapping powers in place and I'm sure theres some bad builds/slots happening because of it.
    I should know I totally started out as a Winter Lordzzzz baby. I played very infrequently from the start but didnt get into it really til the end of the Halloween event. My first really big play time hit during the winter event. In one day I went from 10-22 and I just threw powers on.
    I was a hot mess for a while after that. Luckily I was teaming with some great people and they helped me iron out my powers with a respec and how to "properly" play the game. yeah properly is in quotes cause theres no real right way to play the game, but still theres some concepts you should know. Like the controller should not charge in first ... LOL (i still do it a lot tho) :P
    I would PUG and people would get angry at someone on the team for doing something crazy and it would be because they had just been PL off Winter Lordz ...but I never got that
    So yeah long story short (too late) NPWN is more important now to show them what they CAN do w/o the PLs

    (sorry its early and Im still sleepy)
