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  1. [ QUOTE ]

    Great idea though Kronos

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I thought so too!!

    In addition, to stop any nerfments, as it increases the defiance bar, the maximum increase is still the same. i.e. if you get half the defiance bar from low health then you could make up the other half from the 'power up' - but balanced against being rooted for a determined period of time you may not get that shot off in time.
  2. I'm up for this with Sunrod.- lvl 25 sonic/electric blaster.
  3. Kronos_EU

    The Crazy Eight

    Need a new sg why?

    It's not a proper anniversary really. Just a year of knowing each other.
    And i never regret anything!!
  4. Have had another thought on Defiance.
    How about somehow being able to increase the activation time of a power to increase the damage and accuracy, in addition to the current defiance.
    Kind of Dragonball style.
    Defiance still works as is, but being able to click and hold a power to up the animation time and increase the defiance bar also before letting go and unleashing sheer hell.
    This would be a good starting move and might enable blasters to start 1 shotting with a snipe again.
  5. I'm up for one or more TF's at the weekend.
    Sunrod is at 25 and Kronos X at 33. So whichever is in lvl range to get xp.
  6. Kronos_EU

    The Crazy Eight

    Yeah i'm back on track. Had an hour or so on Ms Zero last night and got to level 10.
    Del, what's happened to Sawbone v3.2?
    I reckon lvl 10 for positron should be fine. We don't need travel powers atm, still got the holiday rocket pack.
    I won't be on tonight. Mine and missus 1 year anniversary so we're off to a hotel for some of the good stuff.
  7. Kronos_EU

    The Crazy Eight

    Rightio. think i'm ready to back rocking and rolling.
    Possible cpu overheat methinks with all the fluff i just uncovered!
  8. Kronos_EU

    The Crazy Eight

    Not good at the minute ta pHil. some more tweaks and things but it might be i have to petition to get some help. was fine, now isn't. hows that work!?!?
    Anyhow, sorry for dcs. Don't wait for me. i have another blapper sat at 25 which i could 'swap' if i don't get it sorted soon.
  9. Good stuff Del. I was going to ask the same thing.
    I didn't pay a great deal of attention to the text in my DE arc, nor did i complete it i don't think down to not particularly liking DE. Anyways, point us in the right direction once you get a link.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    Use time travel to get back to the point where Hami first began. Maybe take him on in human form. Bowl would form the portal itself.??

    The mental wanderings of somone who will never have a 50 to try it out himself

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I was thinking along the same lines, maybe take him down just as he turned into a blob. I doubt it'd need 27 or more if he was a 'human'.
  11. Kronos_EU

    The Crazy Eight

    It's always handy to read the post you're replying too!!

    8 would be good also cos if we are all on it's a full team meaning more xp and quicker levelling!
  12. I'm up for scouting. Not a particularly scouting build but i'm all firepower for helping take down GM's if it comes to that.
  13. Kronos_EU

    The Crazy Eight

    I was classing them as different at's too. so only 2 team members would be of the same type. i.e. 2 defenders, or 2 blasters.
  14. When developing hami, and the story line that accompanied it, did they just plonk hamidon at the end and leave it, or did they think of how he could be beaten.
    When the current clear/hold/damage tactic was shown to work, this was the norm and pretty much no-one else thought of another way to take him down until now.
    Did the 27 devs take him down post ED. If so,there must be an alternative tactic. A story or set of predesigned tasks to do in the hive before attempting hami. (3 teams of 8 plus 3 extra - could the other 3 been the 'tank' group - 1 tank and 2 empaths alternatively spamming heals...Q: is that enough to keep alive the hami-tank?)
    Why are cryptic so tight lipped when asked. Is that they haven't thought of a proper strategy when designing and are keeping stumm, or is there are proper designed strategy that just hasn't been discovered by the player base yet.
    How long has hami been around? A year or more? It's quite shocking that however many players there are around the world haven't discovered this strategy.
    When designing originally did they think about how many heroes the player base could get grouped together and what the minimum number of players are needed to complete this.
    27 seems remarkably small, but also remarkably high considering even in one sg, 27 online at the same time is not that frequent.Was it originally designed for 1 sg of mixed at's to take down.
    Think of the infinity gauntlet. How many heroes were involved in that battle.
    Brute force was always going to work, i'm sure Cryptic knew that, but i'm fairly sure there is a 'designed' way of doing it too.
    Also the biology analagy is quite interesting. They do just describe what each does cell does and might just be a by-product of the story of hami. i.e. something to call them related to proper biological terms. But there could be something further in it.
    Ok, i'm rambling now.
    Suffice to say, i'm sufficiently interested to help out discovering an alternative way of taking down hami.
  15. Kronos_EU

    The Crazy Eight

    I managed to get on for all of a combined half an hour last night. Pc keeps freezing mid game. This is with a full hdd flatten, reinstalling of xp and Co* and the patch from 22nd December downloaded. Which is when this problem started for me.
    Also realised Ms Zero is only lvl 8. Pants.
    Will be around tonight though, but you'll have to put up with me dc'ing every half an hour.
    And Del, a team of 8 is 1 of each AT with 2 of the same counting pb's and warshades as different ats.
    1 of the above
  16. Scourge would be too powerful.
    Now a lower chance initially than a scrapper, but A chance to critical hit, that increases as health decreases would be nice.
    Or as i mentioned earlier. Just a slightly better scaling of Defiance.
  17. Kronos_EU

    The Crazy Eight

    [ QUOTE ]
    Okay rolecall time.

    Deluge - Defender > Empathy/Sonic
    Catherine Wheel - Ivory Breeze > Ice Control/Storm Summoning
    KronosX - Blaster > Ice Blast/Energy Melee
    aDk - Tank > Stone/??

    That leaves Mister J, Phil, Rock Eagle and vDs. Mister J, may as well keep your PB that you made, everyone else fight

    [/ QUOTE ]

    If we get 8 of us that isn't a bad thing. Ok, we'll have 2 of the same at's, but we'll have a full diverse team!
  18. Kronos_EU

    The Crazy Eight

    [ QUOTE ]
    Tell you what guys, if we get ourselves to level 10 and then we can start the TF's etc. I'd love to play my Defender a little now, and aDk's tank is level 8 or something so, we'd have to wait for him as well. So i'm off to level

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Positron here we come then!!
  19. Kronos_EU

    The Crazy Eight

    I'll stick with Ms Zero. Ice/Energy blaster. Shouldn't take you lot too long to get to lvl 10.
  20. Kronos_EU

    The Crazy Eight

    [ QUOTE ]
    Yeah I am back an ready to go, although I see Kronosky wont be back till the weekend.
    Couple of things
    1: Is this still going to be on dedicated nights of the week thing.If so which nights I think we thought tuesday and thursday (and others if we where all on)
    2: Shall I keep the bikini clad PB or roll something else, of so what AT will try my hand at anything.


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    My pc keeps freezing about 20 mins in game. However, i have a plan which should be realised by the weekend or if i get my [censored] into gear tonight i could be on tomorrow...but Thursday i class as the start of the weekend anyhow!!
  21. Damn, harsh. Hope everythings ok bud and you still have a great christmas.
    See ya back in game in the new year hopefully.
  22. Sonics have notoriously bad accuracy too. Or more like a -5% than others, but it's enough sometimes.
  23. Another alternative is to have 3, 2end red and 1 acc then use aim and build up as often as possible. Alternatively stick a tohitbuff or 2 aswell as 3 recharge in aim and build up, use with hasten and have 4 damage and 2 end red in attacks....or 3 damage 2 end red and 1 rech. The tohitbuffs from aim and build up will give you the accuracy, but you need them available as much as possible. Combined with powerboost its quite deadly.
    I'm thinking of going down this route.
  24. I concur with Shny. Boost range and power push are great. Missing power push after a respec. Roll on recurring respec tfs or the next issue and a possible free one.
    As for stamina. Its certainly viable to build without as Shynet is good proof of.