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  1. They're the only 2 pools i'm going to use.
    Getting knocked on ur back is not problem as a pb as you have the shields to minimise the damage taken whilst your on the floor.
  2. Kronos_EU

    The Crazy Eight

    Heh. i noticed...then someone posted the comicon pics!
  3. Stamina is a must in a human pb - forgot to post that but i assume most people take it nowadays anyway.
  4. I'll be up for this with Kronos X. Lvl 35 Pb - pure human.
  5. Kronos_EU

    The Crazy Eight

    I'm sure it was 15 last time i did it with Kronos X. In fact, yeah it was. Made 3.5 lvls last time.

    p.s. Del, have you seen the 'what do yo u look like thread' on General. I'm surprised with your ego you haven't posted!! Aero has!
  6. Kronos_EU

    The Crazy Eight

    Is synapse 16 then? For some reason i thought it was 15. In which case i need 2 levels tonight. Should be easily done i know. Just cuts down on Sunrod time.
  7. Kronos_EU

    The Crazy Eight

    8.30pm is on problem for me either.
  8. Star, i don't have a hero planner handy, but will point out a few things i found on my current journey to 35.

    Gleaming Bolt - some will argue that this is good to have as it cycles quickly. For me, it does no-where near enough damage, although it is handy for keeping your attack chain going.
    Gleaming Blast - Must have. Ok damage, cycles relatively quickly - better damage than Bolt.
    Eye Beams (can't remember what it's called off the top of my head.) - Not as much damage as Gleaming Blast but cycles quickly.
    Proton Scatter + other AOE (Luminous Blast??) - i haven't used these yet, preferring to be single target. I will get Proton Scatter eventually. For me this is like energy torrent, handy, but if you PvP, not so great. But it's handy for keeping the attack chaing going.
    Radiant Strike + Incandescent Strike - Both must haves. Quite slow recharges. IS is Total Focus at lvl 18!!
    Shields - Thermal shield is not necessary so early on, but mid 30s i'm finding i'm missing it after i respecced out - lots more fire and cold from Crey and CoT.
    Other 2 are more important. All will need at least 1 end redx - i'm gonna slot 2.
    Essence Boost. - What a power. Slot it for recharge. It's a heal, a hp increase and hp regen all in one.
    Restore Essence - basic self heal. I've done without it up until lvl 35 - although i might respec it in earlier instead of quantum flight.
    Quantum Flight - get out of jail card. Instaphase. Great, but mostly situational. i.e. try before you die.
    I haven't got light form yet, which for a human build is the icing on the cake.
    One thing i have noticed is that you NEED hasten or slot for recharge. However, if you slot for recharge, running shields all the time is a big end drain. Conserve Power helps with this, but again, hasten is handy for having this up more often.
    Also, whilst flight is good, and i do use it. I went for SS. Combined with flight to get you up and over objects you can't hurdle, it's great.
    One thing in human form is you get knocked back/down alot!!!
    I know alot of people go for cj,sj, acrobatics. Helps with mezz...which i don't think is as prevalent as being a blaster without, but teaming with a couple of trolls certainly cuts it down.

    Hope that helps.
  9. Kronos_EU

    The Crazy Eight

    And Ms Zero is still only lvl 14.
    However, i'll be on tonight to get that extra level needed for Thursday.
  10. Kronos_EU

    Just Want One

    Voids aren't a problem. Go melee. Stand toe to toe with them. Build Up, IS, RS, dead void.

    A base damage increase would be nice though.
  11. Kronos_EU

    The Crazy Eight

    Thursday sounds good then. Will give me some time to get to lvl 15.
  12. Kronos_EU

    Just Want One

    Love 'em or hate 'em they could do with some I7 loving!
  13. Kronos_EU

    1at teleporters

    [ QUOTE ]
    Just don't use that bugged DA tp, unless you like dropping from large heights

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Been there and done it!
  14. Kronos_EU

    1at teleporters

    [ QUOTE ]
    So together we have all 7 available zones covered: Hollows, Perez, Boomtown, Faultline, Striga, Dark Astoria and Crey's

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Are Eden, Boomtown and the Rikti Crash site not hazard zones too?
  15. Kronos_EU

    1at teleporters

    To the 1at.
    Can each of the sg's post where there teleporters go too.

    I know the precision raiders is Creys; Hollows; Perez; Striga

    This is so when Cosmic Justice gets enough cash to build one, we can diversify and go to any unteleported zones.
  16. Kronos_EU

    The Crazy Eight

    Ms Zero is lvl 14 atm. Won't take long to get to 15 for synapse.
  17. @team i was in - Really sorry about having to leave last night. Hope you managed to finish Manticore!
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    ill join in but if it will be on test then i wont be able to join, a few technical difficulties which somehow cant be fixed.

    i know exactly what i shall role out...

    oh and, to make it fair, why dont we have it on union, then all go to defiant to do it again with a different character? number 1, it would be fair to anyone on defiant who think they might get attacked if they come over here () and 2, it would be fair to anyone of union who hasnt got any room to make a new character.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I like your thinking Beet!
  19. Don't mind forming a team D before hand, to get you to 30 so that you can do it.
    Just be at manticore for 10 if you can.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    Will everyone roll a Technology hero for this thing due to the ranged hold? =\

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Nope, mutie - toxic damage ftw!!
  21. Is Manticore at 6pm? If so,i'll be there for that with Kronos X.
    And i'll also be around for 10pm. A whole days gaming ahead of me...w00t!
  22. Kronos_EU

    The Crazy Eight

    Bit more info Del. What is it i should say in my petition?
  23. Bah!!!
    That does mean however, i can do Manticore then. lvl range of 30-35 with Kronos X - we need 7 peeps tho for this.
    I'll log in later, meet at Brickstown station at 10. If not enough turn up then i'll do some missions with Sunrod to work towards Hess.