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  1. Koralith

    i cant publish

    i /ved a LOT of text >.>
  2. Koralith

    i cant publish

    every time i try to get my arc published it get this error Unable to publish arc.: The field Description begins with whitespace. but when i open the AE windo it shows the NO ERRORS [!] box,

    any ideas oh what i need to do to fix this because I checked all my text stuff
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    Positrons epic post

    [/ QUOTE ]

    omg can i haves you're manbabys?
  4. SmokeSignal came into my yard and Kicked my dog
  5. PhantomEnigma is the reason god kills puppies
  6. lost 3 slots on justice > i wanted to make a new MA scrapper

    also the buy more slot option is gone too
  7. i wonder if i have ever influenced someone here