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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Is that confirmed for thursday?

    I'll pop to Bloody Bay beforehand and get the temp stealth power and aid in any Ghosting that has to be done. I recommend you do the same Knightly, to speed things up.

    Looking forward to it

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    i'll get a sixpack

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    I already have a sixpack
  2. No need for messing in Bloody Bay as I already like my bubblers to be ghosters as well and doing that on a second build won't harm him too much. Also I did check ghoster build on Mids and only thing change is his travel power: Teleport instead of Flight.

    For Thursday I think other than Butik others are okay with that day so we can run it on Thursday. For Butik and others who can't make it on that day, I can arrange another run on another day.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    I'm preferring the ones Psygon has done myself

    [/ QUOTE ]


    Also if I had to choose one from the top 3 I say winner is the best one (even with non accurate BAB picture on it... hmmm I hope the one on the right is his picture).
  4. I think about Posi run a bit and I decided it will be better if we can start a bit earlier, like 19:00 or 19:30 BST.

    In other idea we can start at 20:00 BST and I can use second build of Companion which I will do for ghosting. That means he won't have a travel power tho'.

    It is your pick, just let me know which one you prefer so I can arrange new build before Thursday.

    For the ones who can't be able to join us on Thursday but wants to do Positron: Tell another time of week other than Monday, Wednesday and Saturday nights and we can try to form another team.
  5. Thanks for advices Ghost. I will chip in some insight about them.

    For tail: Yeah I know both tail and that fluffy stuff on the styche need shadows but I've never tried hairy thing coloring on photoshop before so instead of risking it I left them both without shadow. I will try to give more detail to them tho'. Also this is the reason why I didn't color Erik's Easter picture and Mrs. Mereman's Purple Alice Cat picture. Even thinking about coloring an animal on Photoshop enough to give me headaches. I am thinking about coloring both with hand which I think I am better at and in more control. (I have some earlier pictures posted on Y!Gallery made by hand coloring but I don't want to link it on here. If you want to check them I PM me so I can send you a link.)

    For Wings: They also need some shadow/highlights. I think turning them to black & white is bit risky as I didn't go too much indetail with them. Original wings of neko has white bones and black web/curtain whatever you call that leather parts in between. I am thinking about adding those colors without harming picture too much.

    For Gargoyle shadows: They are nice... maybe I better say they were nice if I did what I had in mind while inking picture. Instead of that spiral with cracks there should be a serpent body raising under them, with scales. So that shadow supposed to blend in with that scales and their shadows. Also there would be some shading on stones to make picture more gloomy. Nevermind the wrong color choice. Too bright to match with the idea of demon gate and such.

    Meh! I am really became so absent minded nowadays. I gave up all those ideas because on my current working system more details means more weird resulsts while coloring as my scanner ain't a good one.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    I probably can't make it tonight - lots of uni work to do.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Awww! See you on Posi then FF, it will help you to catch up with others.

    Good luck with your Uni work.
  7. Well the original idea was either on Wednesdays or Thursdays but as I will be with IJ on Wednesdays I said Thursdays.

    I better post the days we can do this so all TFers can decide a day for to start it. I have 3 ongoing teams atm so Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays is no go.

    Tuesday, Thursday, Friday or Sunday (you can also add Saturday before 19:00 BST).
  8. Yeah it can be done, still 80% completed and changing colors not a big deal... Uhm... I hope.
  9. Wow! Now I know where you look in pictures first. I didn't realize it was there.
  10. Heh I love Positron. But then again, I'm "weird"
  11. Heh I guess Neko seeing illusions now.

    Also I might add modesty to your personal traits. If you don't believe you are talented, check how I ruined Neko's UP picture with photoshop. (God! I am working as a graphic designer.. Shame, shame! )
  12. Well you asked for it. Still it is not complete, need some more shadows here and highlights there. Also I am not satisfied with the background.

    Anyway here is Neko finally in colors.

    Gatekeeper Sapphic Neko
  13. I've done 2nd and 4th SSTF so far and I can say 4th one ain't all that good. Repeatative like Citadel and has same mentality as Synapse (repeat same mission over and over and get shinny new place on last mission).
  14. We can do them on two weeks if everyone agrees. I've never done those two so I am up for it.
  15. Heh no worries mate, great to have you back. Team is around level 14 atm. My new toon is level 6 (That stupid layer cake map still couldn't complete it and one of the mobs keep missing ). I am hoping to getting him higher tonight as I can finally drop that mission. I will probably get Atlas bank mission and Kings bank mission both. If I can do that before Saturday we can do it together after or before Circus teaming.

    Next Monday we will continue Hollows arc from where we left.

    Next Thursday we will try our first TF together: Positron TF. So far we have Me, Xem and TRT for this run which is enough to start it.

    Also if everyone okay with it and willing to join, we can run a TF each Thurday every week. If you need any TF on one of your other heroes let me know so we can try to run that between our Eternal Court team runs.
  16. After learning your working system I must say you are both very talented and very very paitent.
  17. Knightly

    Pure Control

    Even I love my mind controllers to the death, I think Earth is better for team controller. Mind's best powers become a handicap in group play: sleeps.

    Earth's other sweet spot is -def it provides so your team will hit easy/clear maps faster. With earth you will get : Mass Immobilize, Mass Hold, ST Hold and Immob, fun to watch KD power (Earthquake), Mass Stun and a good Pet. Even if you don't want to light up Oil Slick it works similar to EQ so you will be popping up all mobs on the area while your team heroicly slaughter them.

    You can use Tech or Magic inherent powers (App.Charm and Teazer Dart iirc names correctly)

    If you don't like Earth, you can pick Ice with secondary slow effects or Plant with too early AoE confuse. Ice lacks AoE stun and Plant has worst pet in the game from what i heard.
  18. Heh I deleted my tank after that terrible handling of AVs on last Friday. You must settle with Araf or my next closest hero level 29 scrapper Stay-Cat.

    And this is why I want to roll a new hero as i am sensing Mind/Storm will be too much chaotic with all that KBs.

    I am not sure about Wednesdays tho' as I am planning to run Eternal Court TFs either on Wednesdays or Thursdays.

    Also you all welcome to join us if you feel like rolling a Medieval concept hero. Only thing I can offer is bunch of crazy people having fun with a bit of RP and lots of action. We run our team on Monday evenings between 20:00 - 22:30. Currently have 12 members running two teams.
  19. Ah that remind me that Sarg told me to send you a PM for forum account.

    Better re-roll Abyssal Storm as I am not really satisfied with his current cossie and sets. Maybe will try fire/ta or TA/Archery.
  20. Yeah I made a cossie that I am happy with and created a better character than Tender Ming, avatar of Tu Er Shen.

    Say welcome to the Last Companion. Protector of his people and defender of harmony.
  21. Oh this is nice. So this is our new b-day celebration temple, eh?

    Happy birthday Mongoose and Rooks
  22. Happy Birthday, mate. Wish you all the best.
  23. Wow! That will be great. I can cover lower part with valkyrie and later with roman costume options but sandals really needed for this one at the beginning. He he thinking about using samurai boots... the ones with socks
  24. I know this wasn't neccessary but I wanted you to see last time before I ruin Neko's picture while coloring.

    Finally finished up inks and started coloring.

    You can see final inks on the following link. Neko in her glory